Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wiht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
, e ;
- wiht
- f.: es; a. I. a wight, creature, being, created thing :-- Nis nān wuht (cf. nān gesceaft, 22) de mæge odde wille swā heágum Gode wiþcweþan . . . Ne wēne ic dæt ǣnig wuht (cf. gesceaft, 24) sié de wiþwinne non est aliquid, quod summo huic bono vel velit, vel possit obsistere. Non . . . arbitror. Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 29. Manig wyht is mistlīce fērende geond corþan quam variis terras animalia permeant figuris, 41, 6; Fox 254, 23. Æle uht, dæs de hió (an asp) ābítt, scel his līf on slǣpe geendian, Ors. 5, 13 ; Swt. 246, 27. Ic (a leather bottle) eom wunderlīcu wiht, Exon. Th. 399, 16 ; Rä. 19, l (the word occurs often in the riddles). Ūr . . . is mōdig wuht, Runic pm. Kmbl. 339, 12 ; Rūn. 2. Nānre wuhte līchoma ne beod tēderra donne dæs monnes, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 8. Se hrycg færd æfter ǣlcre wuhte, Past. I ; Swt. 29, 14. Wiþerweardnes wuhte gehwelcre, Met. II, 78. Ðære wihte, Exon. Th. 438, 9; Rä. 57, 5. Ne mæg ic nāne cwica wuht (animalia) ongitan, dara de wite hwæt hit wille, odde hwæt hit nylle, de ungenēd lyste for-weorþan, for dam ǣlc wuht (animal] wolde bión hāl and libban, dara de mē cwica dincd būte ic nāt be swylcum gesceaftum swylce nāne sāwle nabbaþ, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 13-17. Sód is ǣghwylc dara de ymb dās wiht wordum bécneþ ne hafaþ heó ǣnig lim, leofaþ se þeáh. Exon. Th. 421, 30 ; Rä. 40, 26. Hí geségon syllicran wiht, wyrm on wonge, Beo. Th. 6069 ; B. 3038. Ic da wihte geseah . . . heó wæs wundrum gegier-wed. Exon. Th. 483, 5; Rä. 68, Hwylce wihta beód ōd-bar;re tīd wīfcynnes, and ōdre tīd wǣpnedcynnes ? Salm. Kmbl. p. 202, 12. Ic geseah da anlīcnessa ealra creópendra wuhta (reptilium). . . Ða creó-pendan wuhta getācniaþ . . . , Past. 21; Swt. 155, 14. Swilca wuhta (fleógan, gnættas, loppe) him deriaþ. Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 14. Manega wuhta (animalia), Met. 31, 2. Ðe sculon moldwyrmas ceówan, slītan swearte wihta (wihte, Exon. Th. 371, 10), Soul Kmbl. 146; Seel. 72. Ðine wihte animalia tua, Ps. Th. 67, Ða wihte twā, Exon. Th. 429, 38; Rā. 43, 16. Flǣsc lytelra wuhta, smælra fugla, Lchdm. ii. 180, 13. Wihta Wealdend, Cd. Th. 272, 25; Sat. 125. Ne meahte dǣr drincan wihta ǣnig, Ps. Th. 77, 44. Ealra wihta gehwam omne animal, 144, 17. Wuhta gehwylc, Met. ll, 52. Earmost ealra wihta, dara de cenned wǣre. Exon. Th. 421, 7; Rä 40, 14. Wihta gehwylce, deóra and fugla, 61, 10; Cri. 982. Cynna gehwylc cucra wuhta, dara de lyft and flōd fēdaþ, feoh and fuglas, Cd. Th. 78, 23; Gen. 1297. Dreám cwicra wihta, Exon. Th. 411, 5 ; Rä. 29, 8. Ðeós lyfte byreþ lytle wihte, 438, 26; Rä. 58, l. Ia. of evil beings :-- Yfel wiht phantasma, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 14, 26 : Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 6, 49. Wiht unhǣlo (Grendel), Beo. Th. 241; B. 120. Werge wihta (devils'), Exon. Th. 455, 29; Hy. 4, 57. Unfǣle men, wudewāsan, unfǣle wihtu satiri vel fauni, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 20. Ðas fūlan wuhta (wizards) dú sceoldest āwurpan of dīnum rīce, Homl. Th. ii. 488, 12. II. a whit, thing; ǣnig wiht aught, anything, (a) without a negative :-- Ðǣr hī ǣnige wuht āgnes gōdes an heora anwealde hæfden, Bt. 27, 3; Fox 100, 4. Ic eom swīde gefiónde dæt gē ǣfre woldon ǣnige wuht (ǣnig wuht (ǣnig-wuht?), Halt. MS.) eów selfum wītan, ǣr ic hit eów wīte, Past. 31 ; Swt. 206, 19. (b) with a negative, aught. See also III. (l) alone :-- Ne bid him wiht to sorge. Exon. Th. 238, 29 ; Ph. 611. Ne wendaþ hine wyrda, ne hine wiht (or acc. ?) dreceþ, ādl ne yldo, 334, l; Gn. Ex. 9. Nis īæt onginn wiht, 119, 2; Gū. 248. Nō hē him dæs wyrmes wīg for wiht dyde. Beo. Th. 4685 ; B. 2348. (2) with a genitive :-- Ne bid wiht forholen monna gehygda, Exon. Th. 65, 14; Cri. 1054. Ne him wiht gescód dæs de hý him tō teónan þurhtogen hæfdon, 127, 35; Gū. 396. Ne dǣr hleonaþ unsmēdes wiht, 199, 15; Ph. 26. Ne magon wē geleánian him mid lādes wihte, Cd. Th. 25, 15; Gen. 394. Ne dyde ic for feóndscipe, ne for wihte ðæs ic dē weán ūde did it not from enmity, or from aught of ill will, 163, 2 ; Gen. 2692. Hē nele lāþes wiht geæfnan. Exon. Th. 357, 22; Pa. 32: Cd. Th. 16, 13; Gen. 242. Ic dīnra worda ne mæg wuhtoncnáwan, 34, 8; Gen. 534. Wiht, Elen. Kmbl. 1364; El. 684. Wonhȳdig wer dæs wiht ne cunnon vir insipiens non cognoscet, Ps. Th. 91, 5. Hī nāne wuht ongitan ne cunnon dara gǣstlecena beboda. Past. I; Swt. 25, 23. III. cases (with or without preps. ) with adverbial force, (a) without a negative :-- Gif we hit mægen wihte (anyhow) āþencan, Cd. Th. 26, 2 ; Gen. 400. Gif hit eōwer ǣnig mæge gewendan mid wihte, dæt hié word Godes forlǣten, 27, 35 ; Gen. 428. Ne wē wēnaþ, dæt hē wihte mæge dis folc āfēdan, Ps. Th. 77, 22. (b) with a negative :-- Nis mē wihtæ þearf (there is no need at all) hearran tō habbanne, Cd. Th. 18, 25 ; Gen. 278. Hié dæs wīges wihte ne rōhton, 228, 13; Dan. 201. Ic dē bæd dæt dū done wælgæst wihte ne (in no wise) grētte, Beo. Th. 3995 ; B. 1995 : Andr. Kmbl. 3320; An. 1663. Næs word-latu wihte (at all) don mare, 3043; An. 1524. Wuhte, Met. 14, 10 : 16, 14. Næs him wihte de sēl it was not a whit the better for him, Beo. Th. 5368 ; B. 2687. Nāt ic hit be wihte (at all; cf. be dǣle in part), Exon. Th. 468, 7 ; Phar. 4. Ic mid wihte (cf. mid ealle) ne mæg of dissum liodobendum I am utterly unable to escape from these bonds, Cd. Th. 24, 22; Gen. 381. Wit dus baru ne magon wesan tō wuhte (at any rate), 52, 5 ; Gen. 839. Ic ne forhtige wiht (or under II (b) non movebor amplius, Ps. Th. 61, 2 : 113, 13. Him wiht ne speów they did not at all succeed, Judth. Thw. 25, 23; Jud. 274. Him wiht ne sceód grim glēda nid, Cd. Th. 245, 17; Dan. 464. Nō hē wiht fram mē fleótan meahte hraþor on holme, Beo. Th. 1087; B. 541. Ne beód winter dīn wiht de sǣmran anni tui non deficient, Ps. Th. 101, 24. Hwæt wilt dū cweþan, gif hwā wuht nylle wiþwinnan, ac mid fullan willan forlǣt ǣlc gōd and fulgǣþ dam yfele, Bt. 36, 6 ; Fox 182, 6. Hié noldon beón ābisgode nāne wuht oneordlīcum dingum rebus exterioribus nullatenus occupentur, Past. 18; Swt. 137, 1. [Goth. waihts ; f. res; ni waihte nihil: O. Sax. wiht; m. a thing, whit; wihtī, pl. evil spirits: O. H. Ger. wiht; n. substantia, animal, res : Icel. vættr; f. a being; especially a supernatural being.]