
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - will

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

, well, wyll, es;

m, A well, spring, fountain (lit, and fig. ) :-- Well fons. Wrt. Voc. i. 54, 29. Ān wyll (fons) āsprang of dære cordan, Gen. 2, 6. Ðǣr wæs Iacōbes wyl (wyll, ). Se Hǣlend sæt æt dam wylle, Jn. Skt. 4, 6. Bid on him will (wyll, v. l.) fordrǣsendes wætres, 4, 14. Wyl, Bd. I. 7 ; S. 478, 27. Hió āweóll of ānum wille (welle, Cott. MSS. ) non a diverso fonte emanavit, Past. 7 ; Swt. 49, LI. Lǣt ford dine willas (wyllas, Cote. MSS. ) . . . Ðæt is dætte se lāreów ǣrest sceal self drincan of dam wille his āgenre lāre deriventur fontes tui foras . . . Rectum est, ut ipse prius bibat, 48 ; Swt. 373, 14. Of dam geate tō wille; fram dan wille, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 172, 37. Āþweah da eágan on clǣnum wylle, Lchdm. ii. 32, 16. Hwīlum gehātaþ hȳ ælmessan tō wylle (wille, welle, v. ll. ), Wulfst. 12, 3. Gif hwylc man his ælmessan gehāte odde bringe tō hwylcon wylle (ad fontem aliquem), . . .fæste . iii. geár on hlāfe and on wætere, L. Ecg. P. ii. 22; Th. ii. 190, 24. Gif hwā his wæccan æt ǣnigum wylle hæbbe, iv. 19; Th. ii. 210, 12. Hlūt-erra wella wæter hi druncon potum dabat lubricus amnis. Bt. 15 ; Fox 48, 12. Wylla, Cd. Th. 240, 13; Dan. 386. Willas fontes. Ps. Spl. 103, II. Wyllas, 73, 16. Ne weordian gē wyllas, Wulfst. 40, 15. [Cnihtes þane wel dutte, Laym. 19812 (and MS.).] v. waeter-will; willa, wille. will

Verwandte Wörter: l.
