Willa, an

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - willa, an

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willa, an
m. I. will, the faculty of willing :-- Gē hwæthwega godcundlīces on eówerre sāule habbaþ, dæt is andgit and gemynd and se gesceádwīslíca willa, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 46, 26. Sāwul is voluntas, dæt is wylla, donne heó hwæt wyle, Homl. Skt. i. I. 187. Ðæs mannes sāwl hæfd on hire . . . gemynd and andgit and willa . . . . Of dam willan. cumaþ geþō htas and word and weorc, ǣgder ge yfele ge gōde . . . þurh done willan heó wile swā hwæt swā hire līcaþ, Homl. Th. i. 288, 18-30. Se willa sceal beón ǣfre frig, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Zup. 200; 2. Mid dīnum āgenum willan and mid dīnum āgenum anwealde dū ealle ding ge-worhtest, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 12. II. in case of one who has authority, will, purpose, design, command :-- Gewurde d īn willa fiat voluntas tua. Mt. Kmbl. 6, 10. Hē eall gedēd, swā his willa bydom nia, quaecumque voluit, fecit, Ps. Th. 113, II. Bid dām ōþrum ungelīce willa geworden God's will will turn out very differently for the others, Exon. Th. 77, 29; Cri. 1264, Hæfde se heorde, se de of heofomum cworn, feóndas āfyrde. Hwylc wæs fægerra willa geworden? what fairer instance of God's will taikng effect has there been? 147, 3 ; Gū. 721. Gebēte hit God elmihtiga, donne his willa sȳ. Chr. 1085 ; Erl. 219, 24. Gecyrron wē tō Drihtnes willan, Blickl. Homl. 101, 35, Hwyder magon gyt gangan from mīnum willan? 187, 25. Him eal worold wendeþ on willan, Beo. Th. 3482 ; B. 1739. Ðās fīf andgitu gewisseþ seó sāwul tō hire wyllan, Homl. Skt. i. I. 201. Willan nulum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 26: 61, 5. Ic þurh his willan hider āsend wæs Dei voluntate huc missus sum, Gen. 45, 8. Ðæne þeów de his hlāfordes willan (voluntatem) wiste, and ne dyde æfter his hlāfordes willan, Lk. Skt. 12, 47. Hē Drihtnes willan sōhte, Blickl. Homl. 225, 30. Ic dō willan mīnes Drihtnes, 243, 22 : Cd. Th. 9, 15 ; Gen. 142. Hī his willan wyrcean dui facitis voluntatem ejus, Ps. Th. 102, 20. Heó Alwaldan bræc word and willan, Cd. Th. 38, I; Gen. 600. Mid gebedum ealue deófles willan oferswīþan, Blickl. Homl. 61, 20. Ic tō him gebeáh and his willan geceás I submitted to him and swore allegiance to him, L. O. I; Th. i. 178, 9. Wid dam det heó his willan geceóse on condition of her becoming his wife, L. Edm. B. 3 ; Th. i. 254, 12. Syndon dīne willan tihte. Cd. Th. 234, 10; Dan. 290. II a. with reference to the disposition of property :-- Ic Abba cȳde and wrītan nāte hū mīn willa is dæt mon ymb mín ærfe gedōe æfter mīnum dæge. Ǽrest ymb mīn lond . . . is mīn willa, gif mē God bearnes unnan wille, dæt hit fōe tō londe æfter mē, Chart. Th. 469, 27 : 470, 3. III. will, determination, resolution :--Hwilc anwilnys and geortrūwad wylla, þurh da deós fægre geógad nū forwurdan sceall, Homl. Skt. i. 4, 310. IV. will in contrast with power or performance, intention, purpose, desire to act :-- Twā ding sindon de ǣlces monnes ingeþanc tō fundaþ, dæt is willa and anweald duo sunt, quibus omnis humanorum actuum constat effectus; voluntas scilicet, ac potestas, Bt. 36, 3 ; Fox 176, 7. Þán hī dæt weorc ne mægen fulfremman, hī habbaþ, deáh fūlne wilian, and se untweofealda willa bioþ tō tellenne for fullfremod weorc . . . þeáh willaþ da yfelan wyrcan dæt, dæt hī lyst, . . . ne forleósaþ hī eác done willan, ac habbaþ his wīte . . . Se yfla willa hiora welt, 36, 7 ; Fox 184, 23-29. Se yfela willa biþ tōstenced, gif mon dæt weorc þurhtión ne mæg, 38, 2; Fox 196, 31. Ic nǣfre ne teolade sittan on ānum willan mid dām ā rleásum cum impiis non sedebo, Ps. Th. 25, 5. Arn hē inn mid sceandlīcum willan, Homl. Skt. i. 7, 170. Ōderne rǣd wyrsan tō his willan other counsel worse for his purpose, 19, 206. Se Hǣlend hæfde done gódan willan tō dam fōstre, and da mihte tō dære fremminge, Homl. Th. i. 184, 22. Ūs æteówan his mihte and his willan, Blickl. Homl. 67, I. Wē āgyltaþ þurh weorc and þurh willan, 35, 14. Se man se de wylle ōþerne ofsleán, and ne mæg his wyllan þurhteón, L. Eog. P. ii. I; Th. ii. 182, 14: Past. ii ; Swt. 71, 14. V. will, desire, wish :-- Ic læs mǣrdo gefremed hæfde þonne mīn willa wǣre, Nar. 32, 29. Wē witon dæt dæt is dīnes mōdes willa, dæt dū mōte dās world forlǣtan, Blickl. Homl. 225, 19. Ic beó gearo sōna willan dīnes will consent to your wish, Exon. Th. 245, 26; Jul. 50. Hē cwæþ dæt dæt īdel wǣre dæt hī wilnedon, ac æt nýhstan mid ānmōde willan monigra hē wæs oferswīþed, Bd. 5, 6 ; S. 619, 3. Tō willan (ad votum) dæs weres heó eardigendlīc wæs geworden, 4, 28; S. 605, 20. His heorte ongann wendan tō hire willan, Cd. Th. 44, 30 ; Gen. 717. Hié dæs done willan næfdon, dæt hié heora noman hié benāmon, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 94, 7 : Cd. Th. 36, 9; Gen. 569. Hī forlēton done willan tō agenne. Homl. Th. i. 394, 5. Secyning geþafode dam þegne his willan, Homl. Skt. i. 6, 224: Beo. Th. 1274; B. 635. Ðæt mē God gefylle feores ingeþanc, willan minne, Elen. Kmbl. 1359 ; El. 681. Willum ic wilnade desiderio desideraui, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 22, 15. V a. desire in an unfavourable sense :-- Nȳtenu . . . heora willa to nānum ōþrum þingum nis āþenod būton tō gīfernesse and tō wrǣnnesse pecudes . . . quorum omnis ad explendam corporalem lacunam festinat intentio, Bt. 31, l; Fox 112, 7. Weres wylla, Lchdm. i. 358, 18. Sió hātheortness dæt mōd gebringð on dæm weorce de hine ǣr nān willa tō ne spōn mentem impellit furor, quo non trahit desiderium, Past. 33; Swt. 215, lo. Fæste for dam unrihtan wyllan pro illa prava cupidine jejunet, L. Ecg. P. iVI. pleasure, delight :-- Willa uoluptas, Wulck. Gl. 253, 44. Se willa dæs līchoman voluptas carnis. Bd. l, 27; S. 493, 19, 21. Ðā cwæþ hē: "Mē bid willa gif dū miht' mnllnm delector, si potes, 5, 3; S. 616, 30 note. Se yfela willa unrihthǣmedes voluptas, Bt. 31, 2; Fox 112, 24: Met. 18, 2. Wē sprǣcon ǣr be dam fīf gesēlþum, dæt is . . . willa (cf. fīfte beoþ seó blis, 33, l; Fox 122, 6), Bt. 33, 2 ; Fox 124, 19, 22: Wulfst. II, 7. Hire se willa gelamp, dæt heó on ǣnigne eorl gelȳfde, Beo. Th. 1257 ; B. 626: 1653; B. 824. Hwȳ ne miht dū geþencan gif on ǣnegum dissa eorþlīcena gōda ǣniges willan and ǣniges gōdes wana is, donne is sum gōd full ǣlces willan and nis nānes gōdes wana si est quaedam bonifragilis imperfecta felicitas, esse aliquam solidam, perfectam-que, non potest dubitari, Bt. 34, I ; Fox 134, 24-27. Ðæt wīf onfēhd dæs (from that) willan on dæm hǣmede, Lchdm. i. 350, Ii. Ðū tīres mōst, willan brūcan, Andr. Kmbl. 212; An. 106: Exon. Th. 151, 24; Gfl. 800. Gif dæt mōd dæm willan ne widbrītt dum in cogitatione voluptas non reprimitur, Past. II; Swt. 71, 8. Hē hine on dæm willan gehielt dæt hē mid ealre ēstfulnesse lufaþ dæt ēce līf sub aeterna ejus beatitudine tota devotione continetur, 50; Swt. 389, 15. Se wer de his bebod healdeþ mid willan the man that delighteth in his commandments, Ps. Th. in, 1. Ðeáh de hē lēte wæter on willan, wynnum flōwan, 77, 21. Ne weóx hē him tō willan, ac tō wælfylle and tō deádcwalum, Beo. Th. 3426; B. 1711. Tō willan and to wordmyndum to please and honour him, 2376; B. 1156. Nafast dū tō manna mægene willan non in viribus equi voluntatem habebit, Ps. Th. 146, II. Þurh ungelȳfedre willan per inlicitam voltiplatem, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 548, 29. Forgife dē Dryhten willan on worulde and in wuldre blǣd, Andr. Kmbl. 711 ; An. 356. Heó wide hire willan sōhte, nō hwedere reste fand, Cd. Th. 87, 28; Gen. 1455. Ða willan and da getǣsu de him on disse worulde becumaþ, Past. 50; Swt. 387, 15. Hwǣr cumaþ his willan and his fyrenlustas? Blickl. Homl. 113, I. Ða de disses middangeardes wilna and welena wilniaþ, Past. 50; Swt. 387, 7. Mid walum and willum līfes divitiis et uoluptatibus uitae, Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 14. Willum neótan, Exon. Th. 82, 26; Cri. 1344. Hē brūcan mōt wonges mid willum, 208, l; Ph. 149. Willum biscyrede, 93, 3; Cri. 1520. Tō hira willum ad suos libitos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 10. Willan libitos, luxus, Hpt. Gl. 480, 60. VI a. a pleasant, desirable thing, a good, what gives pleasure, what is desired :-- Ic eom æþelinges ǣht and willa, Exon. Th. 488, 19; Rä. 77 I. Nānes willan wana, nāþer ne weorþscipes, ne anwealdes, ne foremǣrnesse, ne blisse, Bt. 24, 4 ; Fox 86, 30. Gif dē ǣnies willan wana biþ, UNCERTAIN deáh hit lytles hwæt sié, II, I ; Fox 30, 22: 26, 1; Fox 90, 22. Nǣron hī bescyrede sceattes willan non sunt fraudati a desiderio suo, Ps. Th. 77, 29. Siddan hē dæs welan full biþ, donne þincþ him ðæt hé hæbbe ǣlcne willan, gif hē hæbbe anweald, Bt. 33, 2 ; Fox 124, 10. Oft brincd se woruld done willan de bid eft time often brings the unattained desire, Prov. Kmbl. 40. Gif man mægdman nēde genimeþ, dam āgende .UNCERTAIN. scillinga, and æft æt dam āgende sīnne willan (the object he had desired i. e. the maiden) ætgebicge, L. Ethb. 82; Th. i. 24, 4. Losewest willana deceptio divitiarum, Mk. Skt. Rush. 4, 19. Wilna brūcaþ, āra on eordan, Cd. Th. 92, 22; Gen. 1532. Wilna geniht, 113, 21 ; Gen. 1890. Wilna brytta, 97, 29; Gen. 1620. Wilna gehwilces weaxende spēd, 100, 6; Gen. 1660. Wana wilna gehwilces, 137, 12. Gen. 2272. Hié lǣddon eordwelan, wīf and willan and heora woruklgestreón, 112, 31; Gen. 1879. VII. mill, disposition :-- On eówrum fæstendagum bid ongieten eówer willa in diebus jejuniorum vestrorum inveniuntur voluntates vestrae, Past. 43; Swt. 315, 3. 'Sȳ on eordan sibb dām mannum de synd gōdes willan. ' Ne bid nān lāc Gode swā gecwēme swā se gōda willa . . . Hwæt is gōd willa būton gōdnys . , . Hwæt is ǣnig lāc wid disum willan ? Homl. Th. i. 582, 33-584, lo : Hy. 8, 6. Hé (Titus) wæs swā gōdes willan dæt hē sægde dæt hē forlure done dæg de hē nōht on tō gōde ne gedyde, Ors. 6, 8; Swt. 264, 2. Mid gōdum willan fæstan, Blickl. Homl. 37, 27 : 97, 27. Gode underþeódde on gōdum willan, 79, 32. On fæstendagum bid gesȳne hwilcne willan gē habbaþ, L. E. I. 42 ; Th. ii. 438, 35. Nǣnig wæs weord, gif mon his willan begeat yfelne, Met. 8, 37. Gelfcnyssa willena qualitates afectionum, Scint. 28, 18. VIIa, good will, favourable disposition :-- Swā micel beón scyl gebiddendes embe God willa tantus esse debet orantis erga Deum affectus, Scint. 33, 8. Willa belimpd tōblisse simle voluntas ad laetitiam pertinet, Past. 43; Swt. 315, 5. Se Hālga Gāst is willa and sōd lufu dæs Fæder and dæs Suna; sōdlīce willa and lufu getācniaþ ān ding, Homl. Th. i. 282, 2-4: 228, 24. In ārfæst-nesse willan in devotione pietatis, Bd. 4, 22 ; S. 592, 25. Gē earme men willum onfēngun, on mildum sefan. Exon. Th. 83, 5; Cri. 1351. VIII. in reference to voluntary or to permitted action, will, accord, consent, pleasure :-- Gif dam Pāpan dæt līcode and dæt his willa wǣre and his leáf si Papae hoc ut fieret, placeret, Bd. 2, I ; S. 501, 32. Gif beweddod mǣden nele tō dam de heó beweddod bid, and wæs hire willa si puella desponsata cum eo esse nolit, cui voluntate sua desponsata erat, L. Ecg. C. 20; Th. ii. 148, 29. Selflīces willan spontaneae volunlatis, Hpt. Gl. 436, 76. Āgnes willan hē bid gebunden, Homl. Th. i. 212, 16: 224, 23. Ða yfelan nellaþ heora willan gehȳran Godes beboda, L. Ælfc. P. 4; Th. ii. 364, 20. Be willan ultro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 74. Wæs sió fǣmne mid hyre fæder willan biweddad, Exon. Th. 244, 24; Jul. 32 : Met. 24, 54 : Andr. Kmbl. 2802 ; An. 1403. Eallra gesceafta āgnum willan (-um, Cott. MS.) God rīcsaþ ofer hī, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 12. Hwæder ǣnig gesceaft seó, de hire willan (-um, Cott. MS.) nylle ealne weg bión, ac wile hire āgnum willan (-um, Cott. MS.) forweorþan, 34, 9; Fox 148, II. Mid fullan willan volens, 36, 6; Fox 182, 7. Nō genēded, ac mid his wyllan, Blickl. Homl. 29, 16. Mid hyra bēgra wyllan cum consensu amborum, L. Ecg. C. 25; Th. ii. 150, 20. His āguum willan (willum, v. l.) hē com tō rōde gealgan, Past. 3; Swt. 33, 19. Un-geniédde, mid eówrum āgenum willan (willum, Cott, MSS.), 18; Swt. 137, 20. Be his āgenum willan. Homl. Th. i. 228, 30. Mid his sylfes willan ultro, Bd. l, 7; S. 477, 22. Mid nænignm nēde gebǣded, ac mid his sylfes willan, Blickl. Homl. 83, 32. Hē genam dæt wīf ofer des cynges willan, Chr. 1015; Erl. 152, 5. Hē ofer willan gióng he went against his will, Beo. Th. 4810; B. 2409: Exon. Th. 412, 6; Rä. 30, 10. Him nānwuht wid his willan ne sié. Bt. II, l ; Fox 30, 25. Hē mid dara wietena willum dæm cynedōme ne mehte tō cuman, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 26. Ic gestāg willum mīnum. Exon. Th. 91, 16; Cri. 1493. Ðæs de dū nǣfre þīnum willum ālǣtan woldest, Bt. II, 2; Fox 34, 13. Ðæt ǣnegu þeód ōþre hiere willum friþes bǣde, Ors. I. lo ; Swt. 48, 29. Gif hié hiera willum ūs tō noldon si uoluntate sua nollent procedere, Nar. 10, 23: L. Wih. i ; Th. i. 36, 16: Bt. II. I; Fox 32, 29 : Ps. Th. 17, 43 : 44, 16. Hannibal his āgnum willum hine selfne mid ātre ācwealde Annibal veneno sese necavit, Ors. 4, ll ; Swt. 206, 30: Bt. 34, II; Fox 150, 30. Hī hiora āgnum willum hī sylfe unþeáwum underþeódaþ, 40, 7; Fox 242, 29: 35, 4; Fox 160, 16. Hī sēcaþ sylfra willum hāmas on heolstrum, Exon. Th. 107, 4; Gū. 53. Ōder hiene his selfes willum gebeád, Past. 7 ; Swt. 49, 3. Mid his sylfes willum ultro, Bd. I. 7; S. 477, 15. IX. sake, account (cf. Ger. meinetwillen) :-- Hē āscade hié for hwȳ hié nolden geþencan ealle da brocu and da geswinc de hē for hira willan and eác for hiera niédþearfe fela wintra dreógende wæs, Ors. 5, 4; Swt. 224, 28. Hē ǣfre wan for willan dæs Ælmihtigan, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 683. X. will, one's own way :-- Saga mē hwæt dam men sī leófust on his līfe and lādost æfter his deáde. Ic dē secge his willa. Salm. Kmbl. p. 204, 44. Ic hī lifian hēt æfter hiora willum ibunt in voluntatibus suis, Ps. Th. 80, 12. [Goth. wilja : O. Sax. willio : O. Frs. willa : O. H. Ger. willo voluntas, voluptas, affectus, affectio, votum, placitum, intentio, nutus, propositum, arbitrium, mens, anima, ratio: Icel. vili.] v. hyht-, im-, weorold-willa; wil[l]. willa,an

Verwandte Wörter: 10; Th. ii. 206, 20. Ic him in onsende in breóstsefan bitre geþoncas þurh misiīce mōdes willan, Exon. Th. 266, 31; Jul. 406. Ða flǣsclīcan willan, da cumaþ þurh deófles" sceónessa tō manna heortan. Blickl. Homl. 19, 6.
