
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wine

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A friend. (1) applied to an equal :-- Wine mín, Húnferð, Beo. Th. 1065; B. 530. Hé ongan winas manian, frýnd and geféran, Byrht. Th. 138, 31 ; By. 228. (2) applied to one who can help or protect, a friendly lord, a (powerful) friend :-- Wine fród . . . Geared lǽfde land and leódweard (cf. Geared gold brittade . . . , his freómágum leóf, 72, 8 ; Gen. 1183), Cd. Th. 72, 29; Gen. 1194. Ne þurfon mé hæleð ætwítan, nú mín wine (Byrhtnoth) gecranc, ðæt ic hláfordleás hám síðie, Byrht. Th. 139, 7; By. 250. Wine Scyldinga, leóf landfruma, Beo. Th. 60; B. 30 : 298 ; B. 148. Wine Scyldinga, ríces hyrde, 4057 ; B. 2026. Meaht ðú, mín wine (my lord), méce gecnáwan, 4100 ; B. 2047. Wine Ebréa (Abraham), Cd. Th. 170, 20; Gen. 2816. Æfter wines (cf. freán úserne, leófne mannan (Beowulf), 6206; B. 3107) dǽdum, Beo. Th. 6184; B. 3096. Hé sóhte holdne wine (Hrothgar), 758; B. 376. Wine Deniga, freán Scyldinga, 706; B. 350. Ne sint mé winas (friends who will protect) cúðe eorlas elþeódige, Andr. Kmbl. 396; An. 198. Ðǽr him folcweras fremde wǽron, wine uncúðe, Cd. Th. 110, 32; Gen. 1847. Ic fela folca gesóhte, wina uncúðra, 163, 14 ; Gen. 2698. Hé (Pharaoh) héht him (Abraham) wine (or sing.?) ceósan, ellor æðelingas, óðre dugeðe, 112, 8; Gen. 1867. Ne ceara incit duguða ellor sécan, winas uncúðe, ac wuniaþ hér, 165, 19; Gen. 2734. (3) used of a husband or lover :-- Mín freónd siteþ, wine wérigmód . . . Dreógeþ se mín wine micle mód-ceare, Exon. Th. 444, 15-22; Kl. 47-51. Ðú meaht hit mé (Eve) wítan, wine mín, Adam, Cd. Th. 51, 10 ; Gen. 824. Wine amatore (the passage is: Ab alio amatore (Christ) praeventa sum, qui me annulo fidei suae subarravit, Ald. 60), Hpt. Gl. 506, 55. (4) applied to an inferior or subordinate, one to whom favour or protection may be shewn :-- Hróðgár maþelode: "Wine mín, Beówulf. . . , " Beo. Th. 919; B. 457: 3413; B. 1704. Se eádga wer (Guthlac) ágeaf andsware : "Hwæt, ðú (the disciple) mé, mín wine, frignest, " Exon. Th. 175, 25; Gú. 1200. Ða gástas ðus ðone líchoman grétaþ : " Wine leófesta, " Soul Kmbl. 266; Seel. 137: Andr. Kmbl. 614; An. 307: 2862; An. 1433. Dryhten wine sínne (St. Andrew) grétte, 2926; An. 1466. Wine leófestan ( Guthlac's disciple), Exon. Th. 166, 1; Gú. 1036. Winiga (wunga, MS.) hleó (Guthlac), 184, 4; Gú. 1339. Winia bealdor (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 5127 ; B. 2567. Winigea (or under I?) leásum, 3332; B. 1664. [Brutus þe wes mi deore wine, mi drihliche lauerd (mi louerd deore, 2nd MS.), Laym. 2289. Og eurilc wurðen stedefæst his wine, Misc. 12, 374. O. Sax. wini: O. H. Ger. wini amicus, sodalis, dilectus: Icel. vinr.]

Verwandte Wörter: freá-, freó-, gold-, gúð-, iu-, mǽg-, sundor-, un-wine. wine
