Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wīse
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
an: wīs, e;
- wīse
- f. I. a wise, way, manner, mode, fashion :-- Hit is ǣlces mōdes wīse, dæt sōna swā hit forlǣt sōþcwidas, swā folgaþ hit leásspellunga eam mentium constat esse naturam, ut quoties abjecerint veras falsis opinionibus induantur, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 14, 15. Maniges mannes wīse bid, dæt hē wile tō his nēhstan sprecan da word de hē wēnþ dæt him leófoste sȳn tō gehȳrenne . . . ; deófles wīse bid, dæt hē done unwaran man beswīcan mæge, Blickl. Homl. 55, 19-23 : Exon. Th. 362, 5; Wal. 32: 315, 12; Mōd. 30: 489, 20; Rä. 78, 10: 419, 4; Rä. 37, 14. Seó wīse (that manner of treatment) hine hǣleþ. Lchdm. i. 328, 21. Hié hine līchomīce gesāwon, and him æfter eorþlīcre wīsan hȳrdon, Blickl. Homl. 135, 20. Ðæt Lēden and dæt Englisc nabbaþ nā āne wīsan on dære sprǣce fadunge. Ǣfre se de āwent of Lēdene on Englisc, ǣfre hē sceal gefadian hit swā dæt dæt Englisc hæbbe his āgene wīsan, elles hit biþ swīþe gedwolsum tō rǣdenne dam de dæs Lēdenes wīsan ne can, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 4, 7-11. On da ylcan wīsan (juxta quem ratum) nymaþ ticcenu. Ex. 12, 5 : Ps. Th. 30, arg. Ðū gesettest ǣlcere þeóde þeáw and wīsan, Hy. 7, 22. Ic healde mīne wīsan. Exon. Th. 390, 19 ; Rä. 9, 4: 401, 14; Rä. 21, II; 483, 12; Rä. 69, l. Ðū hafast ofer witena dōm wīsan gefongen thou hast taken a course opposed to the judgment of understanding men, 248, 20; Jul. 98. Biscopum gebiraþ ealdlīce wīsan, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 318, 29. Gif hē ne cunne his dǣda andettan, ācsa hine his wīsena, L. de Cf. 3; Th. ii. 260. 21. Ic dīnra ne mæg worda ne wīsna (words or ways; or III) wuht oncnāwan, sīdes ne sagona, Cd. Th. 34, 7 ; Gen. 534. Is des middangeard missen-līcum wīsum gewlitegad, Exon. Th. 413, 7; Rä. 32, 2. Mīn gebed him on wīsum is wel lȳcendlīce est oratio mea in beneplacitis eorum, Ps. Th. 140, 8. Wīsum clǣne, Exon. Th. 312, 16; Seef. 110. Se his godcundnesse mid sōþum wīsum gerȳmeþ. Blickl. Homl. 179, 24. Sendon hié Amilchor, dæt hē Alexandres wīsan besceáwode (ad perscrutandos Alexandra actus), Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 168, 13. Hē sorgaþ ymb ōderra monna wīsan actiones alienas curans, Past. 53; Swt. 415, 20. Nān nyste ōþres wīsan oþþe dǣda, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 133. Ðæt wē forlǣtan da wīsan de wē langere tīde mid ealle Angeldeóde heóldan, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 10. Hē forlēt da wǣpna and da woruldlīcan wīsan, Shrn. 61, 16. Ealle ūre wīsan rǣdlīce fadian, Wulfst. 143, 2? : L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 318, 12. On feala wīsan (multis modis) ic beswīce fugelas, Coll. Monast. Th. 25, 11. ¶ in adverbial phrases as in other- wise :-- Mid suman gemete l wīsan quodammodo, Hpt. Gl. 435, 59. Ðās cȳþnesse Drihten nam of disse wīsan, Blickl. Homl. 31, 16. Ne dyde hē da wīsan (so) beforan mē, 181, 4. On ǣlce wīsan, 163, 2. On ǣnige wīsan. Wulfst. 158, I: L. C. S. 5; Th. i. 378, 22. On ǣnige ōdre wīsan aliter. Wrt. Voc. ii. 2, 56. On nāne wīsan. Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 54, 5. On dās word ic becom, de læs de o-long;dre wīsan ǣnig man leóge, Blickl. Homl. 177, 33. On ōdre wisan hit ys aliter est, Gen. 42, 12 : Bd. l, 27; S. 492, 3, 6. Hit feor on ōdre wīsan wæs longe aliter erat, 3, 14; 13. 539, 45. On ōdre wīsan secus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 74. Wē ongitaþ mop on ōdre wīsan, on ōdre hine God ongit, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 226, 39. Bifariam on twā wīsan, omnifariam on ǣlce wīsan, multifarie on manega wīsan, Ælfc. Gr. 38 ; Zup. 237, 14-17- Meapte on mīne wīsan, tuapte on dīne wīsan, nostrapte on ūre wīsan, 16; Zup. 107, 17. On hire wīsan suatim, suo more, Hpt. Gl. 435, 21. On da betstan wīsan dū dēmest, Blickl. Homl. 189, 35. Ealde wīsan as of old, Beo. Th. 3735 ; B. 1865. I a. the word is found with strong forms :-- Onwendan mīne wīse (wīsan, Th.), Exon. Th. 485, 29 ; Rä. 72, 5. II. state, condition :-- Ðonne hié denceaþ hū hié selfe scylen fullfremodeste weordan, and ne giémaþ tō hwon ōderra monna wīse weorde cum sua et non aliorum lucra cogitant, Past. 5 ; Swt. 41, 24. Ðæt hié oncnāwæn tō hwæm hiera āgen wīse wird ut ad cognitionem sui revocentur, 37. ; Swt. 265, 24. Ne scyle nān wīs monn gnornian tō hwæm his wīse weorþe, odde hwæþer him cume þe rēþu wyrd þe līþu vir sapiens moleste ferre non debet, quoties in fortunae certamen adducitur, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 8. Heora wīse on nǣnne sǣl wel ne gefōr, nāþer ne innan from him selfum, ne ūtane from ōþrum folcum nulla unquam tempora vel foris prospera vel domi quieta duxerunt, Ors. 4, 4; Swt. 164, 13 : L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 28. Ðonne dē dīn wīse līcie cum bene tibi fuerit, Gen. 40, 14. Hǣte hym man bæþswā hraþe swā hys wīse gōdige. Lchdm. iii. 122, 8. Gehȳre hū his wīse gerād sī, L. de Cf. 2 ; Th. ii. 260, 17. III. an arrangement, instruction, a disposition, direction, condition :-- WoUNCERTAINda mē dīnra wīse onleóhteþ declaratio sermonum tuorum illuminat me, Ps. Th. 118, 130. Ðæra manna naman de deosse wīsan (a will) geweotan sindon. Chart. Th. 483, 36. Hebfad hiá dās wīsan dūs fundene, 465, 26: 473, 22. Ðæt is tō þafianne on da wīsan, dæt man gīslas sylle, L. A. G. 5 ; Th. i. 156, 4. Ða wīsan ābeád weoroda ealdor : ' Nū sió geworden gefeá, ' Exon. Th. 14, 34; Cri. 229. Wīsna fela, lāre longsume, wītgena wōdsong, 3, 28 ; Cri. 43. IV. a thing; res, negotium :-- Seó wīse wæs mīne on twā healfa unēþe quae res dupliciter me torsit, Nar. 9, 23: 10, 32 : Blickl. Homl. 33, 5. Ðǣr seó wīse on tweón cyme ubi res perveniret in dubium, Bd. I. I ; S. 474, 21. Gelimp wīsan eventum rei, Hpt. Gl. 457. 45. On dysse wīsan hac in re, Bd. l, 27 ; S. 490. 9. Be dǣre wīsan de mīn mōd gedrēfed hæfþ, Bt. 39, 4 ; Fox 216, H. Ðá hé hæfde da wīsan onfangene suscepto negotio. Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 36. Hwanon hē da wīsan (rem) cūþe, 4, 25 ; S. 600, 39: Exon. Th. 20, 11 ; Cri. 316 : Elen. Kmbl. 1365; El. 684. Ne sette ic mē fore eágum yfele wīsan (rem malam). Ps. Th. 100, 3. Secgan ymb surne wīsan, Salm. Kmbl. 852 ; Sal. 425. Ne syndon tō lufianne da wīsan fore stōwum, ac for gōdum wīsum stōwe syndon tō lutianne non pro locis res, sed pro bonis rebus loca amanda sunt, Bd. l, 27; S. 489, 41. Wīsena Sceppend alra rerum Creator omnium, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 202, 28. Swā on dam ende dara wīsena ætȳwed is sicut rerum exitus probavit, Bd. I. 14; S. 482, 42. Feala dū ætȳwdest folce dīnum heardra wīsan (wīsna?) ostendisti populo tuo dura. Ps. Th. 59, 3. Hū hē his wīsna trūwade on dære dinmian ādle how he expected matters would be with him in his illness, Exon. Th. 171, 30; Gū. 1134. Ðes biscop is swīde mihtig on frēcnum wīsum gescyldnesse tō biddanne, Shrn. 70, 9. Hē ne conn ōdre lǣran da godcundan wīsan de hē lǣran scolde interna, quae alios docere debuerat, ignorent. Past. 18; Swt. 129, 3. Wē oft ymb ungeclafenlīce wīsan smeágeaþ, Swt. 139, 22. Hē hæfde his wīsan beþōht to Seleucuse he bad entrusted his affairs to Seleucus, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 150, 16. IV a. a cause, reason; res :-- For dære wīsan (pro qua re) hē wæs heáfde becorfen, Bd. I. 27; S. 491, 18. For dære wīsan quare, 15; S. 583, 32 : quamobrem, 4, 18; S. 587, 3. For disse wīsan pro hac re, I. 27 ; S. 491, 27. Be disse wīsan hinc, S. 496, 12. Of hwylcere wīsan hit gegange ex qua re accidat, S. 496, 35. For hwylcre wīsan cōme dū tō mē synfulre, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 249. [O. Sax. wīsa (wk. and str.): O. Frs. wīs: O. H. Ger. wīsa (wk. and str.) modus, mos, consuetude, usus, ratio, modulatus : Icel. vīsa a stanza; öðru-vīs (-vīsa (-u, -i)) other-wise.] v. cniht-, cyne-, fyrd-, hring-, hyse-, leóþ-, mann-, munuc-, mynster-, riht- (?), sceáwend-, scip-, tungolcræft-, unriht- (?), weorold-, wilig-wīse. wise