Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wiþ
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- prep. (ad). I. with gen. (1) determining the direction of motion or action, (a) marking an object towards which motion is directed, towards, to, in the direction of :-- Wende hé hine west wið Exanceastres, Chr. 894; Erl. 91, 10. Rád út wið Lygtúnes, 917; Erl. 102, 16. Hé áfaren wæs wiþ þara scipa, Ors. 6, 36; Swt. 292, 30. On ðone ealdan weg wið huítan stanes, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 29, 5. Fleógan wið ðæs holtes, Byrht. Th. 131, 14; By. 8. Wið ðæs fæstengeates folc onette, Judth. Thw. 23, 38; Jud. 162: 25, 7; Jud. 248. Hé irneþ wið his eardes, Met. 5, 15. Heó stígþ wiþ hire uprynæs, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 27. Hé him bebeád, swá hié feohtan angunnen, ðæt hié wið his flugen, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 116, 28. Hé wið ðæs beornes stóp, Byrht. Th. 135, 41 ; By. 131. Líget fleáh wið ðæs hǽðenan folces, Homl. Th. i. 504, 29. Ðæt wolcn leát wið his and hine genam fram heora gesihðum, 296, 2. Ðá se hálga wer ne com, ðá cómon hí eft wið his (they made their way to him), ii. 172, 22. Sum fǽmne ásende wið his, 506, 6. Hí ásendan twégen weras wið his (tó him, v. l. ), Homl. Skt. i. 10, 61. Ne gemét hé hine, ne rihtne weg wiþ his ne áredaþ, Bt. 33, 3; Fox 128, 2. (b) marking an object towards which an action is directed, towards, to, at :-- Hé hnáh ILLEGIBLE tó eorðan, áleát wið ðæs engles (he bowed to the angel), Num. 22, 31; Homl. Th. i. 120, 2. Hí luton wið heora, 38, 21. Gríp wið ðæs grundes clutch at the bottom, Cd. Th. 308, 31 ; Sat. 701. Se lég lǽhte wið ðes láþan, 309, 25 ; Sat. 716. Beseah hé hine underbæc wiþ ðæs wífes, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 14: Cd. Th. 154, 29; Gen. 2563. (c) marking the object of an operation, purpose, aim, feeling, with, towards, to, at, against :-- Gif gebyrige ðæt heora hwilc wið úre bige habban wille (wants to come to us to buy), oþþe wé wið heora, L. A. G. 5 ; Th. i. 156, 3. Hé beseah wið mín respexit me, Ps. Th. 39, 1. Hé wrigaþ wiþ his gecyndes, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 24, 28 : Met. 13, 67. Wiþ ðæs, ic wát, ðú wilt higian, Bt. 11, 2; Fox 34, 7. Mé wǽre liófre ðæt ic onette wiþ ðæs, ðæt ic ðé móste gelǽstan ðæt ic ðé ǽr gehét festino debitum promissionis absolvere, 40, 5 ; Fox 240, 16. Hwí murcnast ðú wið mín ? 7, 3; Fox 20, 3. Deófles anda bið ástyred wið ðín, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 115. (2) marking position, over against, opposite to :-- Sætt se Hǽlend wið (contra) ðæs dores, Mk. Skt. Lind. 12, 41. (3) marking an object against which there is protection, against, from :-- Hé hié wið ðæs héhstan brógan gefriðode, Judth. Thw. 21, 3; Jud. 4. Wið hungres hleó, Elen. Kmbl. 1228; El. 616. Wið yfela gefreó ús feónda gehwylces, Hy. 6, 31. II. with dat. (1) marking local relations, (a) proximity, by, near, against, beside :-- Æt Alre, and ðæt is wiþ Æþelingga eige, Chr. 878 ; Erl. 80, 22. Hire líchama resteþ wið Rómebirig on ðam wege ðe man nemneþ Latina, Shrn. 31, 28. Sǽweall uplang gestód wið Israhélum, Cd. Th. 197, 8; Exod. 303. (b) extension, unto : --Wið wolcnum usque ad nubes, Ps. Th. 56, 12. (c) contact, at, against :-- Heald wiþ wǽtan (or acc.?), Lchdm. ii. 150, 7. Him on hreþre langað beorn wið blóde (burnt against the blood, heated his blood ?), Beo. Th. 3764; B. 1880. (d) collision or impact, with, against, on: -- Scearp cymeþ sceó wiþ óþrum, ecg wið ecge, Exon. Th. 385, 8 ; Rä. 4, 41. Ic hnítan sceal hearde wið heardum, 497, 23; Rä. 87, 5. Streámas wundon sund wið sande, Beo. Th. 431 ; B. 213. Hé wið áttorsceaðan oreðe gerǽsde (rushed and met the breath), 5670; B. 2839: Cd. Th. 126, 14; Gen. 2095. Hire wið halse heard grápode, Beo. Th. 3136; B. 1566. Mid grápe fón wið feónde to lay hands on the foe, 882 ; B. 439. Ne sceal mon nó mid openlíce edwíte him wið sleán non aperta exprobratione sunt feriendi, Past. 40; Swt. 295, 11. (e) confronting, over against, opposite :-- Ongan ic steppan forð ána wið englum I stepped forth and alone confronted the angels, Cd. Th. 280, 1 ; Sat. 249. Be norðan is se sǽ, ðe ǽgþer is ge nearo ge hreóh wið Italia ðam lande (opposite Italy), Ors. 1, 1 ; Swt. 28, 12. (f) obstruction, against, in the way of :-- Bordrand onswáf wið ðam gryregieste, Beo. Th. 5113 ; B. 2560. (2) marking association, combination, with. v. III. 2 :-- Gesweotula ðín sylfes weorc, and forlǽt weall wið wealle (let wall join with wall), Exon. Th. 1, 20; Cri. 11. Hé teofanade ǽghwylc wiþ óþrum, 349, 10; Sch. 44. Sand is geblonden, grund wið greóte, Andr. Kmbl. 849 ; An. 425. Mengan lyge wið sóðe, leóht wið þýstrum, Elen. Kmbl. 613; El. 307. Hí wið mánfullum mengdan þeóde commisti sunt inter gentes, Ps. Th. 105, 26. Swá gǽð þeóstru wið leóhte sicut tenebrae ejus, ita et lumen ejus, 138, 11. Ðá bæd heó hire wer ðæt hé wið hire wylne týman sceolde, Boutr. Scrd. 22, 23. (3) marking separation, with (as in part with), from. v.III. 3 ; and see wiþ-faran, -ferian, -lǽdan :-- Tósceádene mid Tréntan streáme wiþ Norþ-Myrcum discreti fluvio Treanta ab Aquilonalibus Mercis, Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 37. Hé gesundrode leóht wið þeóstrum, sceade wið scíman, Cd. Th. 8, 21; Gen. 127: 10, 27; Gen. 163. Hwonne se dæg cume ðe hé sceole wið ðæm líchomon hine gedǽlon, Blickl. Homl. 97, 20. Gedǽlan líf wið líce, Beo. Th. 4837; B. 2423: Apstls. Kmbl. 73 ; Ap. 37. Nó hé hine wið monna miltse gedǽlde, Exon. Th. 122, 7; Gú. 302: 146, 18; Gú. 711. Swá nó man scyle his gástes lufan wið Gode dǽlan, Cd. Th. 217, 12; Dan. 21. Ðam ðe his gást wile meltan wið morðre, mergan of sorge, ásceádan of scyldum, Salm. Kmbl. 111 ; Sal. 55. (4) marking exchange or return, (a) buying (lit. or fig.), marking the object for which a price is paid, for, in return for, as payment for :-- Abraham sealde feówer hund scillinga seolfres wið ðæm æcere and wið ðam scræfe, Gen. 23, 16: Chart. Th. 232, 13. Twá and twéntig þúsend punda goldes and seolfres mon gesealde ðam here of Ængla-lande wið friðe, L. Eth. ii. 7; Th. i. 288, 12. Cantware him feoh gehéton wiþ ðam friþe, Chr. 865 ; Erl. 70, 33. Sendan beágas wið gebeorge, Byrht. Th. 132, 44; By. 31. Ðá beád hé ealle his ǽhta wiþ his feore, Bt. 29, 2 ; Fox 104, 21. Ðæt mihte beón geboden wið clǽnum legere, Chart. Th. 208, 30. Hé sealde ǽlcon ǽnne penig wið hys dæges worce, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 2. Hé bæd ðæt hé him ðǽs siiþfætes látteów wǽre, and him mycel feoh wið ðon gebeád, Bd. 4, 5 ; S. 571, 35. (b) selling (lit. or fig.), marking the payment which is received, for, in consideration of: -- Hwí ne sealde heó ðás sealfe wiþ þrím hundred penegon? quare hoc ungentum non uenit trecentis denariis? Jn. Skt. 12, 5. Hí him ðæt land sealdon wiþ .iii. pundon, Chart. Erl. 235, 27. Hégesealde wiþ feó heofones Hláford, Blickl. Homl. 69, 13: Chr. 1036 ; Erl. 164, 34. Ðæt nán preóst ne dó his hálgan þénunge wiþ sceattum, L. Ælfc. C. 27 ; Th. ii. 352, 18: Cd. Th. 262, 14; Dan. 744. Wið ðam golde grið fæstnian, Byrht. Th. 132, 52; By. 35. Gé ne réccaþ þeáh hweþer gé áuht tó gode dón wiþ ǽnegum óþrum þingum búton wið ðam lytlan lofe ðæs folces and wiþ ðam scortan hlísan, Bt. 18, 4; Fox 66, 21. Ðý læs men wénan ðæt ðú náne treówe næbbe búton wið hlísan (unless you can get reputation for it), Prov. Kmbl. 76. (c) exchanging (lit. or fig.), for, in exchange for: -- Ðes landes boec ðet Eðelbearht cyning sealde his ðegne wið óðrum sué miclum lande, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 66, 17. Se ðe ealle his ǽhta behwyrfde wið ánum gyldenum wecge, Homl. Th. i. 394, 12. (d) redemption, for: -- Beád Darius healf his ríce wiþ ðǽm wífmonnum, Ors. 3, 9 ; Swt. 126, 7. (e) reward or requital, for, in reward of, in return for :-- Ic sylle Wulfsige wið his holdum mægene and eádmódre hérnesse ánes hídes lond, Cod. Dip. B. ii. 268, 8. Forþ gewát ðurh martyrdóm Laurentius; hæfþ nú líf wiþ ðan mid Wuldorfæder weorca tó leáne, Menol. Fox 290; Men. 146. Hí mé yfel settan á wið goode posuerunt adversum me mala pro bonis, Ps: Th. 108, 4. (f) reply, in answer to :-- Suwade Crist wið ðæs wífes clypunge, Homl. Th. ii. 182, 7. (g) compensation, for, as compensation for. v. III. 4 :-- Sylle líf wið (pro) lífe, tóð wið téð, hand wið handa, fót wið fét . . . lǽl wið lǽle, Ex. 21, 23-25. Gif hwá forstele óðres sceáp . . . selle feówer sceáp wið ánum. Gif hé næbbe hwæt hé selle, sié hé self beboht wið ðam fió, L. Alf. 24; Th. i. 50, 15. (h) where the condition, in consideration of which something takes place, is given, in consideration of, in return for, on condition of :-- Hit Scipia nolde him áliéfan wið nánum óþrum þinge bútan hié him ealle hiera wǽpeno ágeáfen Scipio would not grant it them on any other condition than that of giving up all their weapons to him, Ors. 4, 13; Swt. 210, 20. Ǽlces mannes þeówetlingas ða ðrý dagas weorces beón gefreóde wið cyricsócne, and wið ðam ðe hý ðæt fæsten ðe lustlícor gefæsten, Wulfst. 171, 20: 181, 19. ¶ wiþ ðam ðe or ðæt, introducing a clause that contains the condition or consideration :-- Sende hé ǽrendracan tó him and mycel feoh wiþ ðon ðe hé hine ofslóge misit nuncios, qui Redualdo pecuniam multam pro nece ejus offerrent, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 513, 9. Se cásere UNCERTAIN him beád gold and seolfor wið ðon ðe hý forléton Cristes geleáfan, Shrn. 134, 5. Hé cwæð ðæt hé heom hold hláford beón wolde, . . . wið ðam ðe hí ealle tó him gecyrdon, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 12: L. O. 1; Th. i. 178, 7. Nolde hé syllan ealle his ǽhta, wið ðan ðe hé libban móste? Homl. Skt. i. 12, 118. Hé forlǽt manigne woruldlust, wiþ ðam ðe hé ðone welan begite, Bt. 33, 2 ; Fox 124, 2. Hwelc wíte sceal ús tó hefig ðyncan, wið ðæm ðe wé mægen geearnian ðone hefenlícan éðel? Past. 36; Swt. 255, 3. Hú micle suíðor sculon wé beón gehiérsume, wið ðæm ðæt wé móten libban on écnesse, 255, 9. Hé wolde ungerím feós syllan, wið ðam, gif hé hit gebicgan mihte, ðæt hé hér lybban móste, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 102. (5) marking balance, counterpoise, against (as in to set one thing against another), as a set-off. v. III. 5 :-- Swelce hié setten ða synne wið ðære ælmessan, Past. 45; Swt. 341, 20. (6) marking comparison, by the side of, compared with. v. III. 6 :-- Hwæt is ǽnig lác wið ðisum willan ? Homl. Th. i. 584, 10. Nǽre ðeós blis ðe gelícre ðære écean myrhðe, ðonne bið ðam menn ðe sit on cwearterne, wið ðam menn ðe færð frig geond land, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 109. (7) marking contrast, in contrast with :-- Wiþ ðon e contrario, Bd. 5, 13 ; S. 633, 34: 5, 14; S. 634, 42. (8) marking address, with, to. v. III. 7 :-- Drihten wið Abrahame spræc, Cd. Th. 139, 2 ; Gen. 2303. Reordode ríces hyrde wið ðære fǽmnan fæder, Exon. Th. 246, 25 ; Jul. 67. Hyre se wræcmæcga wið þingade, 258, 5 ; Jul. 260. Him Andreas wið mǽlde, Andr. Kmbl. 598 ; An. 299. Wé habbaþ word gearu wið ðam ǽglǽcan, 2717 ; An. 1361. Ne heó wiþ monnum sprǽce hafaþ, Exon. Th. 421, 3 ; Rä. 40, 10. (9) marking dealing, with. v. III. 8 :-- Hǽþen here genámon friþ wiþ Cantwarum, Chr. 865; Erl. 70, 32: Ors. 3, 5; Swt. 106, 22. (10) marking hostility, with, against, to. v. III. 14 :-- He feaht and won wiþ his éþle (contra patriam), Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 28: Exon. Th. 398, 1-2; Rä. 17, 1. Hí gefuhton wiþ hǽþnum herige, Chr. 853 ; Erl. 68, 17. Hié gefuhtun wiþ Walum (Walas, MS. E. ). 495; Erl. 14, 11. Holm won wið winde, Beo. Th. 2268; B. 1132 : Cd. Th. 5, 26 ; Gen. 77. Hilde gefremman wiþ ealdfeóndum, Exon. Th. 35, 32 ; Cri. 567. Wǽpen áhebban wið hetendum, Elen. Kmbl. 35 ; El. 18. Wið firenum in gefeoht gearo, Exon. Th. 298, 24; Crä. 90. Hé honda árǽrde wið ðam herge, Cd. Th. 4, 9; Gen. 51. Hé wið ðam wyrme gewegan sceolde, Beo. Th. 4791 ; B. 2400. Se wið mongum stód, Exon. Th. 121, 26; Gú. 294. Swincan wið synnum, 150, 21; Gú. 782. For ðære synne ðe hé wið Sarran gefremede, Cd. Th. 166, 4; Gen. 2742 : Elen. Kmbl. 831 ; El. 416. Hié wið Godes bearne níð áhófon, 1671; El. 837. Wé wið Gode oft ábylgeaþ, Hy. 6, 21. Hié him ondrǽden wið (for, Cott. MSS.) hiera wordum and dǽdum hiera geférena tǽlinge, Past. 38 ; Swt. 273, 7. Hospcwide fremman wið Godes bearne, Elen. Kmbl. 1048; El. 525: Andr. Kmbl. 1120; An. 560. Wæs yrre fæder wið dehter, Exon. Th. 251, 7 ; Jul. 141. Gód sceal wyð yfele, Menol. Fox 561 ; Gn. C. 50. Hé him ðǽr wiþ gefeaht, Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 8. Ðæt hí him wiþ ne winnan, Bt. 41, 5 ; Fox 254, l. Ðæt migtigra wíte wealdeþ, ðonne hé him wið mæge, Cd. Th. 249, 1; Dan. 523. (11) marking friendly relation, with, for, v. III. 15 :-- Hé forget ðone freóndscipe wið Israhéle, Past. 54; Swt. 423, 17. Hié wið Rómánum (-e, v. l.) sibbe heóldon civitatem amicam populi Romani, Ors. 4, 8 ; Swt. 186, 3. Hwæt is mannes sunu ðæt hit gemet wǽre, ðæt ðú him aht wið hæfdest (that thou shouldst have consideration for him; quoniam reputas eum), Ps. Th. 143, 4. (12) marking protection, defence, salvation, against, from, for. v. III. 16 :-- Ic ðé wið weána gehwam wreó and scylde, Cd. Th. 131, 2; Gen. 2170: Exon. Th. 47, 27 ; Cri. 761. Ðú eart gescyldend wið sceaðan wǽpnum, Andr. Kmbl. 2584; An. 1293. Wið ælfylcum éþelstólas healdan, Beo. Th. 4731 ; B. 2371 : 6000; B. 3004. Ealle ða wócre ðe hé wið wætre beleác, Cd. Th. 85, 4; Gen. 1049. Gefæstnod wið flóde, 80, 3; Gen. 1323. Hǽle and trume wið deófla níþum, Blickl. Homl. 171, 30. Wið fǽrscyte wearde healdan, Exon. Th. 48, 4; Cri. 766. Him holtwudu helpan ne meahte wið líge, Beo. Th. 4671; B. 2341: 358; B. 178: Elen. Kmbl. 369; El. 185. Sang se mæssepreóst orationem ða ðe wiþ ðære ádle áwritene wǽron, and ða ðing dyde ðe hé sélust wiþ ðon cúþe dicebat presbyter exorcismos, et quaeque poterat pro sedando miseri furore agebat, Bd. 3. 11 ; S. 536, 23 -- 24. Wið eágena sáre, Lchdm. i. 2, 7 (and often). Godes módor hí áhredde wið heora feóndum, Chr. 994; Erl. 133, 16. Mé wið blódhreówes weres bealuwe gehǽle de viris sanguinum salva me, Ps. Th. 58, 2. Wið níþum genergan, Exon. Th. 116, 24; Gú. 212 : Cd. Th. 233, 22; Dan. 279. (13) marking contrary motion or action, against, contrary to, in opposition to. v. III. 17 :-- Wiþ winde rówan, Exon. Th. 345, 12 ; Gn. Ex. 187. Se wið ðínum willan wyrceþ, Met. 4, 28: Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 9: Blickl. Homl. 25, 15. Ic sceolde wiþ gesceape mínum on bonan willan búgan, Exon. Th. 486, 2 ; Rä. 72, 6. (14) marking the instrument, with. v. III. 19 :-- Hiora in ánum weóll sefa wið sorgum, Beo. Th. 5193 ; B. 2600. (15) in reference to time, at :-- Wearð gesewen wið sunnan setlunge geond ealne ðone eard yrnende here up on ðam wolcnum, Homl. Th. ii. 302, 2. III. with accusative, (1) marking local relations, (a) where one object is near to or in contact with another, against, beside, by, at :-- Wið ðone weg iuxta uiam, Ælfc. Gr. 47 ; Zup. 269, 15: secus uiam, 271, 2. Wið ðone weall muro tenus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 63. (α) of the position occupied by one body in relation to another at rest :-- Ðá hé wæs wið ða stówe (secus locum), Lk. Skt. 10, 32. Hé stód wið ðone mere (secus stagnum), 5, 1, 2. Hé gestód wið steápne rond, Beo. Th. 5126; B. 2566. Æteówde án engel wið hine (by him) Homl. Skt. i. 5, 88. Se geatweard sceal cytan habban wið ðæt geat (juxta portam), R. Ben. 126, 19. Tó ðam hátum baðum wið ðæt botl Salustii, Homl. Th. i. 428, 10. Sittan lǽte ic hine wið mé sylfne, Cd. Th. 28, 19 ; Gen. 438. Hé mé wið his sylfes sunu setl getǽhte, Beo. Th. 4030; B. 2013. Wið ðæt dómsetl ic sitte pone tribunal sedeo, Ælfc. Gr. 47 ; Zup. 269, 16. Wið (secus) ðone ford hé sit, 271, 2. Sittende wið (juxta) ðone pitt, Gen. 29, 2 : Ex. 2, 15. Heó sæt wið (secus) ðæs Hǽlendes fét, Lk. Skt. 10, 39. Seó bóc líð wiþ (juxta) ðé, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 225, 2. Eal ðæt his (Norway) man áþer oððe ettan oððe erian mæg, ðæt líð wið ða sǽ, Ors. 1, 1 ; Swt. 18, 26. Hé búde on ðæm lande norþweardum wiþ ða westsæ-acute;, 17, 3. Hé is ðǽr byrged wið Cnut cyng, Chr. 1046 ; Erl. 175, 4. Hí wacodon wið ða byrgene, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 120. Hig gewícodon wið ðone munt, Num. 20, 22. Heó wið wágas weaxan wylle, Lchdm. i. 116, 21. Ðeós wyrt bið cænned wið wegas, 224, 14. Hié wið eorðan fæðm þúsend wintra eardodon they had remained on the ground a thousand years, Beo. Th. 6091; B. 3049. (β) of the position which is reached after movement :-- Sume feóllon wið (secus) weg, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 4 : Lk. Skt. 8, 5. Wið ðone weg circa uiam, Mk. Skt. 4, 4. Hí setton scyldas wið ðæs recedes weal, Beo. Th. 658 ; B. 326. Hé heora fela gesette wið ðone sǽ plurimos ad mare habitare praecepit, Ors. 3, 5 ; Swt. 104, 26. Nim sticcan, sete on ðone nægl wið ða wearta . . . Heald wiþ wǽtan, Lchdm. ii. 150, 4-7. (γ) giving the direction of movement by reference to a body at rest :-- Se Hǽlend eode wið (juxta) ða sǽ, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 18. Férde sum man wið hine quidam iter transiens uenit secus eum, Lk. Skt. 10, 33. Sum man férde wið ðone feld (cf. sum mon rád be ðære stówe (juxta locum), Bd. 3, 9 ; S. 533, 30, the incident being the same in both passages), Homl. Skt. ii. 26, 204. Heó wið ða eorðan (along the ground) hyre telgran tóbrǽdeþ, Lchdm. i. 324, 3. (δ) giving the direction of movement by reference to a moving body :-- Wið ðone segn foran manna þengel rád, Cd. Th. 188, 23; Exod. 172. (b) marking position in connection with the parts of an object, by, against, at: -- Gif monnes sconca bið of áslagen wið ðæt cneóu, L. Alf. pol. 72 ; Th. i. 98, 19. Forborn bord wið rond the shield burned against the rim, Beo. Th. 5339; B. 2673. (c) marking extension, unto :-- Wið heofenas usque ad coelos, Ps. Th. 56, 12. (2) marking association, combination, with. v. II. 2 :-- Drihten lét rínan hagol wið fýr gemenged and hig férdon ætgædere pluit Dominus grandinem, et grando et ignis mista pariter ferebantur, Ex. 9, 24 : Lchdm. ii. 30, 2 : Met. 7, 8 : Bt. 12 ; Fox 36, 9. Se yfela willa næfþ nǽnne geférscipe wiþ ða gesǽlþa, 36, 7 ; Fox 184, 32. Ðis leóht wé habbaþ wið nýtenu gemæ-acute;ne, Blickl. Homl. 21, 13. Hú ðone cumbolwigan wiþ ða hálgan mægþ hæfde geworden, Judth. Thw. 25, 14;Jud. 260. Hé wolde dǽlan ríce wið God ælmihtigne, Wulfst. 306, 27 : Homl. Th. i. 172, 1. Ðæt hié healfne geweald wið Eotena bearn ágan móston, Beo. Th. 2180; B. 1088. Hé gemót wið hí habban wolde, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 21: Exon. Th. 334, 20; Gn. Ex. 19. Se hrefn wið wulf (sic MS.) wæl reáfode, Beo. Th. 6046 ; B. 3027. (3) marking separation, from. v. II. 3 :-- Ne mæg mín líchoma wið ðás lǽnan gesceaft deáð gedǽlan (my body cannot separate death from this frail condition in which it is created, i. e. death is a condition inseparable from the frailty of the body), ac hé gedreósan sceal, Exon. Th. 124, 24; Gú. 342. (4) marking compensation, for. v. II. 4g :-- Sylle eáge wið eáge, Ex. 21, 24. (5) marking balance, counterpoise, with, against (as in to weigh one thing with or against another), v. II. 5 :-- Genim ácmistel, gegníd tó meluwe, áweh ðonne wiþ ǽnne pening, Lchdm. ii. 88, 6. Man sett ða synne and ða sáwle on ða wǽge, and hý man wegeþ, swá man déð gold wið penegas, Wulfst. 240, 2. Hiora birhtu ne bið áuht tó gesettanne wið ðære sunnan leóht, Met. 6, 7. (6) marking comparison, in comparison with. v. II. 6 :-- Heora dýre gold ne bið náhte wurð wið ða foresǽdan máðmas, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 55. (7) marking address, conversation, with, to. v. II. 8 :-- Hé spræc heardlícor wið hig ðonne wið fremde men quasi ad alienos durius loquebatur, Gen. 42, 7: 45, 15. Hú stíðe se landhláford spræc wið hig locutus est nobis dominus terrae dure, 42, 30. Sprǽcan twégen weras wið hyne duo uiri loquebantur cum illo, Lk. Skt. 9, 30. Ongan Waldend wið Abraham sprecan, sægde him unlytel spell, Cd. Th. 145, 13; Gen. 2405. Hé wordum wið his Waldend spræc, 155, 22 ; Gen. 2576. Heó ne mæg wordum wrixlan wið ðone wergan gást, Exon. Th. 373, 30; Seel. 117. Wið ðone rǽdde Chromatius, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 323. (8) marking dealing, arrangement, where terms are come to with a person, with. v. II. 9 :-- Wiþ ðone here se cyning friþ nam, Chr. 876 ; Erl. 78, 9. Swegen griðode wið ðone cyng, 1046 ; Erl. 172, 6. Ða foreword ðe Ælfwerd and se híréd worhtan wið Æðelmǽr, Chart. Erl. 235, 26. Hé sibbe ne wolde wið manna hwone mægenes Deniga feó þingian, Beo. Th. 315 ; B. 155. Tó þingienne þiódum sínum wið ðane Sceppend, Ps. C. 8: Exon. Th. 39, 4 ; Cri. 617: 254, 15; Jul. 197. Þingeras wið ðone ælmihtigan þrym, Wulfst. 240, 10. Búton hé gebéte wið God, 271, 27: Homl. Skt. i. 12, 160. Ðá rǽdde se cyng wið his witan (the king settled with the " witan" UNCERTAIN), ðæt man sceolde mid scipfyrde faran, Chr. 999; Erl. 135, 29. (9) marking action affecting a person, (to deal) with, (act) towards : -- Hé wið monna bearn wyrceþ weldǽdum, Exon. Th. 191, 11; Az. 86. Hwí dést ðú wið mé swá ? Gen. 12, 18. For ðære útdrǽfe ðe hé gedyde wið hí, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 85. Begaa hé ða ryhtwísnesse ðæs láreówes wið ða gyltendan, Past. 17 ; Swt. 123, 23. Ic lufan symle lǽste wið eówic, Exon. Th. 30, 10; Cri. 477. Beó ðú hálig wið ða hálgan, and hwyrf ðé wið ða forhwyrfdan, Ps. Th. 17, 25. Men mihton tócnáwan his mihte wið God, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 114. (10) marking action having reference to a person :-- Hé wolde lícettan wið Dauid he would dissemble with David, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 250. Álýse ic mé sylfne wið God, 17, 75. Ðæt ríce and ðone anwald hé ná ne angeat wið Cornelius (in the case of Cornelius), Past. 17; Swt. 115, 18. Þéh ðe hé hit wið ða senatus hǽle though he concealed it from the senate, Ors. 4, 10; Swt. 196, 16. Hé bedíglode his fær wið ðone wítegan, Homl. Th. i. 400, 22. Nis mín bán wið ðé deópe behýded non est occultatum os meum abs te, Ps. Th. 138, 13. (11) marking action directed to a person :-- His geréfa wearð wið hine forwréged his steward was accused to him, Lk. Skt. 16, 1. (12) marking position or attitude in regard to a person, with, in respect to :-- Ne bið heó ná wið God unscyldig non erit insons coram Deo, L. Ecg. P. ii. 17; Th. ii. 188, 12. Scyldig wið God, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 171 : Cd. Th. 250, 20; Dan. 549. Beó hé útlah wið God and wið ðone cyningc scyldig ealles ðæs, ðe hé áge, Wulfst. 271, 24: 296, 10. Hió hit hæbben unbesacen wið ǽlce hand, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 150, 23. Land unbecwedene and unforbodene wið ǽlcne man, Chart. Th. 209, 1. Ðæm ðeówan is tó cýðonne ðæt hé wiete ðæt hé nis freoh wið his hláford, Past. 29; Swt. 200, 19. (13) with a person by whom something is held :-- Byð ðé meorð wið God, Andr. Kmbl. 550; An. 275. Hð wið ælda mæg eádes hleótan, Exon. Th. 305, 16; Fä. 89. Wið Drihten dýrne dear in God's eyes, Cd. Th. 32, 22 ; Gen. 507. (14) marking hostility, with, against, to. v. II. 10 :-- Hié wiþ ðone here gefuhton, Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 10: Byrht. Th. 139, 61 ; By. 277. Wið his Waldend winnan, Cd. Th. 19, 28 ; Gen. 298. Simle hé feaht and won oþþe wiþ Angelcynn oþþe uuiþ Walas, Chr. 597 ; Erl. 20, 4. Hé wolde gecompian wiþ ðone áwerigdan gást. . . hé wolde deófol gelaþian tó campe wiþ hine, Blickl. Homl. 29, 17, 20. Þeán wé fǽhþo wið ðec gefremed hæbben, Exon. Th. 23, 14; Cri. 368 : Andr. Kmbl. 2773 ; An. 1389. Gylt, ðe wið Metod men gefremeden, Cd. Th. 61, 18; Gen. 999. Næbbe ic synne wið hié gefremed, 160, 15 ; Gen. 2650. Dǽdbóte dón ðæs mycclan yfeles and mánes ðe hié wið heora Drihten gedydon, Blickl. Homl. 79, 6. Swá hwæt swá ðes middangeard wiþ hine ǽbyligða geworhte, 9, 12 : Elen. Kmbl. 1024; El. 513. Hé spræc heálig word wið Drihten sínne, Cd. Th. 19, 22; Gen. 295. Hé résade ðæt hé hæfde ǽrendo sum wiþ Francena ríce (contra regnum), Bd. 4, 1 ; S. 565, 1. Ic eom fáh wið God, Cd. Th. 270, 28 ; Sat. 97: Beo. Th. 1627; B. 811. For heora heardheortnesse wið ðone Hǽlend, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 529. Hé wæs strengesð wið scylda, Past. 17 ; Swt. 115, 17. (15) marking friendly relation, with, to. v. II. 11 :-- Ic sibbe wið hine healdan wille, Exon. Th. 145, 2 ; Gú. 688. Treów ðú wið rodora weard healdest, Cd. Th. 127, 31; Gen. 2119. Ðæt ðú wið Waldend wǽre heólde, 204, 18 ; Exod. 421 : Andr. Kmbl. 425 ; An. 213. Ðæt frið wið hý gefreoþad wǽre, Exon. Th. 127, 6; Gú. 382. Uton beón rihtwíse on úrum móde wiþ óþre men, Blickl. Homl. 95, 28. Beó wið Geátas glæd, Beo. Th. 2350; B. 1173. (16) marking protection, defence, salvation, against, from, for. v. II. 12 :-- Ðæt hé ús gescylde wiþ ða cræftas deófles, Blickl. Homl. 19, 16: Cd. Th. 245, 6; Dan. 458. Unc wið hronfixas werian, Beo. Th. 1085 ; B. 540. Wið wráð werod wearde healdan, 643; B. 319. Hit ǽr hit nolde behealdan wið unnyt word, Past. 38 ; Swt. 279, 4. Geheald ðíne heortan wið unþeáwas. Wulfst. 247, 3. Ðæt man wið fúlne gálscipe warnie, 308, 2 : Cd. Th. 15, 20 ; Gen. 236. Ðæt manna gehwylc wið swylc wær sý, Wulfst. 280, 11. Hé hine mihte wiþ ða mánfullan áhreddan, Homl. Skt. ii. 29, 233. Wið swýðlícne blódryne of nosum, Lchdm. i. 2, 11, and often. Wið ðæt mannes innoð tó fæst sý, 2, 16, and often. (17) marking contrary motion or action, against, contrary to. v. II. 13 :-- Wiþ Godes gife contra gratiam Dei, Bd. 1, 10 ; S. 480, 2. Wið mínes módes willan contra animi voluntatem, Nar. 30, 26. Ǽr gé sceonde wið gesceapu fremmen, Cd. Th. 149, 4; Gen. 2469. (18) marking objection, against :-- Ða geweddodan fǽmnan hire yldran hí ne móton syllan óðrum men, búton heó eallunga ðone (the man to whom she is betrothed) wið cweðe, ðæt heó hine nelle (unless she bring the objection against him, that she does not wish to have him), L. Ecg. C. 20; Th. ii. 146, 22. (19) marking the instrument, by, through, v. II. 14. (a) personal :-- Hé sende án tyccen wið his hirde misit hoedum per pastorem suum, Gen. 38, 20. Hé ðæt wið yfele englas sende immissiones per angelos malos, Ps. Th. 77, 49. (b) in the phrases sittan wið earm, &c., to rest on the arm :-- Árás ánra gehwylc and wið earm gesæt, hleonade wið handa, Cd. Th. 291, 18 ; Sat. 432. Hé wið earm gesæt, Beo. Th. 1503 ; B. 749. (20) in reference to time, till. v. also VI :-- Wið ða hwíle donec, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 18. IV. with dat. and acc. in the same passage :-- Gesæt ðá wið sylfne se ðe sæcce genæs, mǽg wið mǽge (v. III. 1 a α, II. 1 a. e), Beo. Th. 3958 ; B. 1977. Nǽfre Ismaél wið Isace, wið mín ágen bearn yrfe dæ-acute;leþ (v. II. 2, III. 2), Cd. Th. 168, 24; Gen. 2787. Ðæt hí wurdon ðe geheortran wið ðam áwyrgedan strangan and ðone ealdan wiðerwinnan (v. II. 10, III. 14), Homl. Skt. i. 23, 241. Breóstnet wið ord and wið ecge ingang forstód (v. III. 16, II. 12), Beo. Th. 3102; B. 1549. Ðín mildheortnes is mycel wið heofenas (usque ad coelos), is ðín sóðfæstnes wið wolcnum (usque ad nubes), Ps. Th. 56, 12. V. with the instrumental, cf. II. 2 :-- Gemeng wiþ ðý leáce, Lchdm. ii. 34, 5. VI. not unfrequently the form of the word governed by wip does not shew the case : as instances of this are given the following passages in which the word is used with force of till, to :-- Wið ende usque in finem, Ps. Th. 67, 16: in finem, 73, 10, 11. Wið oryldu usque in senectam et senium, 70, 16. Wið sefo síða usque septies, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 21. Wið nú usque nunc, 11, 12 : usque modo, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 16, 24. Uið tó ðises (ðisse, Rush.) l uið nú l uið ðágeána usque athuc, 2, 10. Wið tó ðæm dæge usque ad eum diem, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 38: 11, 13. VII. used adverbially ; see also compounds with wiþ :-- Meng hwítcwudu wiþ (v. II. 2, III. 2), Lchdm. ii. 54, 3. Ðæt ǽnig wiþerweard ðing beón gemenged wiþ óðrum wiþerweardum, oððe ǽnige geférrǽdenne wið habban (v. II. 2, III. 2), Bt. 16, 3 ; Fox 54, 13. Náuþer ne ðone anweald, ne eác ðæt ðæt hé wiþ sealde (v. II. 4 a), 33, 2; Fox 124, .15. Hé cwæð já wið (v. II. 4 f), Chr. 1067; Erl. 204, 23. Gif hwá forstele óðres oxan . . . sette twégen wið (v. II. 4 g), L. Alf. 24; Th. i. 50, 15. Him cómon ongeán .vi. cyningas, and ealle wið trýwsodon, ðæt hí woldon efenwyrhton beón (v. III. 8), Chr. 972 ; Erl. 125, 12. Heald ðé elne wið (v. II, 10, III. 14), Exon. Th. 303, 9; Fä. 50. Wilna brúceþ, and nó wið spriceþ (v. II. 13, III. 17), 411, 10; Rä. 29, 10. VIII. as conjunction, v. III. 20, until :-- Wið gé ðona geonga donec exeatis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 10, 11, 23: 24, 39. IX. combined (1) with weard (q. v.) (a) with gen. :-- Hundas rǽsdon wið Petres weard, Homl. Th. i. 376, 34. Ástrehte hé hine sylfne tó eorðan wið his weard, ii. 168, 24. Ðá ðá hí wið his werd wǽron, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 102: ii. 23 b, 136. Hí wið ðæs heres weard wǽron, Chr. 1003; Erl. 139, 5. (b) with acc. :-- Hé beheóld wið heofonas weard, Homl. Th. i. 46, 29: 382, 9: 464, 29. (2) with weardes. v. weardes. [O. Sax. wið: O. Frs. with : Icel. við.] v. þǽr-wiþ. wiþ