
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wiþer-rǽde

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Adverse, contrary :-- Aduersus is nama þwyr oððe wiðerrǽde, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 240, 1. Wiþerrǽde contrarius, 47; Zup. 275, 6. I. where there is ill-will, at variance, hostile :-- Ðæra Persiscra cyning wæs ðam Cásere wiþerrǽde, Jud. Thw. 162, 24. Ongeán ðam wíslícan rǽde, ðe of Godes ágenre gyfe cymð, se wiðerrǽda deófol (the devilish adversary) sǽwð réceleásnesse, Wulfst. 53, 7. Wurdon wiðerrǽde se cyng and se eorl, Chr. 1104; Erl. 239, 24. Woldon ða wiþerrǽdan hǽþenan mid micelre fyrde faran on hergoþ on ðæs Cáseres anwealde, Jud. Thw. 162, 36. Þeówum Godes ealle ðyses middaneardes wiþerrǽde synd servis Dei cuncta hujus mundi contraria sunt, Scint. 62, 4. II. where there is opposition to duty, rebellious, contumacious :-- Gif hé gyt wiðerrǽde bið, hé líchamlíce wrace mid swingelle þolige sin improbus est, vindicte corporali subdatur, R. Ben. 48, 11. Ðæt Israhéla folc wearð on ðam wéstene wiðerrǽde ongeán God, Homl. Th. ii. 238, 10. Ne beó gé wiþerrǽde wið eówerne Drihten nolite este rebelles contra Dominum, Num. 14, 9. Se cásere wolde gewylclan mid wíge ða leóda ðe wiþerrǽde wǽron, and his ríce forsáwon, Homl. Skt. ii. 28, 4. III. out of harmony, repugnant, offensive, disagreeable :-- Wiðerrǽde ðú eart mé scandalum es mihi, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 23. Nis nán ǽ wiðerrǽde þusgeworhtum mannum, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 60. Ðeós wyrt bið ðam góman stíð and wiðerrǽde for mete geþiged, Lchdm. i. 300, 10. Wulfes tǽsl hafaþ leáf wiþerrǽde (unpleasant, rough?) and þyrnyhte, 282, 15. IV. adverse, not fitted to further the good of anything, unfavourable, disadvantageous :-- Mín wíf is for manegum wintrum untrum, ðam wæs ǽlc lǽcecræft wiðerrǽde (no medicine suited her), Homl. Th. i. 22, 44. Ðeós wyrt byþ cenned on wiþerrǽdum stówum (in places not favourable to growth) wið wegas and hegas, Lchdm. i. 228, 17. On feldum and on wiðerrǽdum stówum, 304, 3. Rihtwís þoligende wiþerrǽde justus tolerando aduersa, Scint. 12, 7. V. contrary, of an opposite nature :-- Stán is gesett ongeán ðone hláf, for ðam ðe heardmódnys is wiðerrǽde sóðre lufe, Homl. Th. i. 252, 19. Twá wiðerrǽde ðing geðeódde Drihten on ðisum cwyde, ðæt sind ymhídignyssa and lustas, ii. 92, 13. Hæfð se yfela gást seofonfealde ungifa, and ða syndan wiðerrǽde mid ealle ðyssum gódum Godes gyfum, Wulfst. 52, 10.

Verwandte Wörter: wiþer-rǽdness; wiþ-rǽde. wiþer-ræde
