Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wiþer-trod
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wiþer-trod
- n. Return, retreat :-- Cirdon cynerófe wíggend on wiþertrod they turned to march back, Judth. Thw. 26, 6; Jud. 313. Wiðertrod seón láðra monna to see the retreat of the foe, Cd. Th. 125, 25; Gen. 2084.nequaquam in sacris eloquiis invenitur quod huic capitulo contradicere videatur, Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 32. Hé oft wolde ðæt eorþlíce ríce forlǽtan, gif him ne wiþstóde ðæt wiþerwarde mód (obstinatus animus) his wífes, 4, 11; S. 579, 10. Wiðerwurdra contrariarum(omnes rerum contrariarum machinas exterminans, Ald. 57), Hpt. Gl. 502, 26. IV. opposed to what is right, arrogant, perverse, depraved, reprobate, false; in special senses, heretic, apocryphal:--Wiðerweard heorte cor pravum, Ps. Th. 100, 3. Manega mid mannum synd getealde gecorene and mid Gode wiþerwyrde (reprobi), and fela mid mannum wiþerwyrde synd and mid Gode gecorene; nán hine getelle gecorenne, ðe læs ðe hé mid Gode sý wiþerwyrd, Scint. 74, 13-16. Wiðerwurde importunus, improbus, Hpt. Gl. 425, 59. Ðæt wiðerwurde importuna, improba, 444, 22. Mid wiðerwurde protervo, contrario, 434, 12. Betera geþyldig wiþerwyrdum melior patiens arrogante, Scint. 8, 18. Fela ðúsenda folgeaþ Criste, þeáh ðe hí sume (the Jews) wunian wiðerwerde, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 526. Wiðerwearde crist pseudo-cristi, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 24. Wiðerworde criste and wiðerworde wítgu, Mk. Skt. Rush. 13, 22. Alle wiðerweardra gedwola omnes apocryphorum naenias, Mt. Kmbl. p. 10, 9. Wiðerwordra lárwa[s] séda haereticorum semina, 8, 19. Wiðerwurdra perfidorum, impiorum, Hpt. Gl. 415, 45. From wiðirwordum lárwum ab ereticis, Rtl. 198, 19. V. opposed to the good or pleasure of anything, unfavourable, adverse, hurtful, pernicious, disagreeable:--Nánwuht ne byð yfel, ǽr mon wéne ðæt hit yfel seó; and þeáh hit nú hefig seó and wiþerweard, þeáh hit biþ gesǽlþ gif hit mon geþyldlíce áræfnþ nihil est miserum, nisi cum putes; contraque beata sors omnis est aequinamitate tolerantis, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 31. Seó wiþerwearde wyrd adversa fortuna, 20; Fox 70, 29. [Nán þing] swá wiðerweard þén is [cristenum monnum] swá swá oferfylle nihil sic contrarium est omni christiano quomodo crapula, R. Ben. Interl. 71, 7. Hé álýseþ mé fram worde wiðerweardum (a verbo aspero), Ps. Spl. 90, 3: Blickl. Gl. Alle wiðirwærda hǽles mennisces wyrttruman omnes adversas salutis humani radices, Rtl. 125, 33. Gif huoelc sindon wiðirworda in húse esnes ðínes si qua sunt adversa in domo famuli tui, 123, 13. Ðonne ðé for worulde wiþerwearda mǽst þinga þreáge, Met. 5, 36. Þolemód on heardum and on wiþerweardum (contrariis) þingum, R. Ben. 26, 18. Lufian wé hine næs nó on gesundum þingum ánum, ac eác swylce on wiðerweardum þingum, Blickl. Homl. 13, 8. Wið wiþerweard hǽr; gif ðú nimest wulfes mearh and smyrest mid hraðe ða stówe ðe ða hǽr beóð of ápullud, ne geþafaþ seó smyrung ðæt hý eft wexen, Lchdm. i. 362, 8. Wala middangeardes getéla, and nǽngo his wiðirweardo (adversa) onscynia, Rtl. 50, 6. Geþyld gódu gehealt, áweg nýt wyþerwerde, Scint. 13, 10: 62, 5. Wyþerwyrde, 62, 2. VI. of diversity, contrary, opposite in nature, action, etc.:--Ðæt gecynd nyle nǽfre nánwuht wiþerweardes lǽtan gemengan . . . Nú ðonne nú ǽlc gesceaft onscunaþ ðæt, ðæt hire wiþerweard biþ . . . hwelce twá synd wiþerweardran betwux him ðonne gód and yfel? Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 35-56, 7. Ða wiþerweardan gesceafta ǽgþer ge betwux him winnaþ, ge eác fæste sibbe betwux him healdaþ, swá nú fýr déþ and wæter . . . Ac á sceal ðæt wiðerwearde ðæt óðer wiþerwearde gemetgian, 21; Fox 74, 13-20: Met. 11, 49, 52. Ðæt mé þincþ wiþerweard þing in contrarium relapsa res est, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 24. Hé náwyht wiðerweardes (contrarium) ðære sóðfæstnysse ðæs geleáfan Créca ðeáwe on Angelcynnes cyricean on gelǽdde, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 20. Hí monig óþer ðing ðære cyriclícan ánnesse wiþerword hæfden, 2, 2; S. 502, 12. On monegum ðingum gé wiþerwearde wǽron úrum gewunan in multis nostrae consuetudini contraria geritis, S. 503, 18. From wiðerwordum lárwum a diversis auctoribus, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 4. [Wið al folc he wes wiðerword, Laym. 6875. Wiþerrwarrd onnȝænes Godd, Orm. 9667. Ðis king him his wel wiðerward agen ðis folc, Gen. and Ex. 2935. Goth. wiþra-wairþs that is over against; contrary: O. Sax. wiðar-ward, -word hostile; displeasing: O. H. Ger. widar-wart, -wert contrarius, adversus, adversarius.]