
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wracu

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

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f. I. pain, suffering, misery :-- Is fela yfela and mistlícra gelimpa wíde mid mannum ; and eal hit is for synnum ; and gyt weorþeþ máre, ðæs ðe béc secgaþ, wracu and gedreccednes, ðonne ǽfre ǽr wǽre on worulde, Wulfst. 91, 7. Nis mé wracu ne gewin. ðæt ic God séce, Exon. Th. 162, 2. Gú. 1054. Nis ðǽr láð geníðla ine wóþ ne wrac weútáen nán, yldu ne yrmðu . . . ne sár wracu non huc exangues morbi, non aigra senectus . . . ludus acerbns abest, 201, 2-11; Ph. 50-54. Him com swá hrædlíc sár and wracu swá ðam cennendan wífe cymð fǽrlíc sir ibi dolores sicut parturientis, Ps. Th. 47, 6. His þegnas for hiora eardes lufan and for ðære wrace (cf. forðǽm yrmþum eardes lyste, Met. 26, 71) tihodon hine tó forlǽtanne, Bt. 38, l ; Fox 194, 29. Him ðæt tólongsumere wrace cóme, ðǽr hie ðe raðor gesémed ne wurden actum de Romano nomine intestina pernicie foret, nisi reconciliatio subrepsisset, Ors. 2, 4. ; Swt. 70, 5. Hé wearð werþeódum tó wræce, Elen. Kmbl. 33; El. 17. Hé hæfde him to gesíþþe sorge and longað, wintercealde wræce, weán oft onfond, Exon. Th. 377, 15; Deór. 4. Wræce bisgodon fǽge þeóda miseries troubled the doomed peoples, Cd. Th. 76, 29 ; Gen. 1264. II, suffering that comes as punishment, retributive punishment, vengeance, retribution :-- Seofonfeald wracu (ultio) bið gesealde for Cain, Gen. 4, 24: Cd. Th. 63, 35 ; Gen. 1042. Hwylc wracu him forhogiende æfter fyligde quae illos spernentes ultio secuta sit, Bd. 2, 2 S. 502, 4. Swá micele máre byþ éhtnysse grama, swá micele rihtwísre gewyrþ and hefigre of éhtnysse wracu quanta major fuerit persecutions injuria, tanto justior fiet et grauior de persecutione vindicta, Scint. 212, 5. Swingella wracu verberum vindicta, R. Ben. 52, 7. Ðam eardum becom óðer wracu siððan, Ælfc. T. Gm. 8, 14. Ǽr ðam ðe seó wracu (the destruction of Jerusalem) cóme, Homl. Th. i. 402, 24: 408, 12. Synna wracu, Exon. Th. 98, 14; Cri. 1607 : Cd. Th. 309, 18; Sat. 711. Ðis synt wrace dagas dies ultionis hi sunt, Lk. Skt. 21, 22. On dæge wræce in die ultionis, Scint. 178, 11. On dæge wræce (vindiele), 179, 6. Áhebban hine ofer ða scyldgan mid andan and mid wræce se peccantibus zelo ultionis anteferre. Past. 17; Swt. 115, 5. Hé gecýðde his níð and his onwald mid ðære wræce zelus ultionis jus aperuit polestatis, 115, 22. Swá wé for monnum orsorglícor ungewítnode syngiaþ búton ǽlcre wrace quanta apud homines inulte peccamus, 117, 24. Bútan ǽlcre óðerre wrace inulte, Past. 44; Swt. 327, 17. Ðære ceastre tóworpennysse, ðe gelamp for ðære wrace heora mándǽda, Homl. Th. i. 402, 8. Ða gesceafte ðe synd þwyrlíce geðuhte, hí sind tó wrace gesceapene yfeldǽdum, 102, 3. On gelícre wrace (vindicta) dǽdbéte é, R. Ban. 50, 14. Hé líchamlíce wrace mid swingelle þolige vindicte corporali subdalur, 48, 11. Ða yfelan bióþ micle gesáligran ðe on ðisse worulde habbaþ micelne weán and manigfeald wíte for hyra yfelum, ðonne ða sién ðe náne wræce nabbaþ, ne nán wíte on ðisse worulde for hiora yfle feliciores esse improbos supplicia luentes, quam si eos nulla justitiae poena coerceat, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 4. Ðǽr sceal ǽghwylc man onfón ðam rihtan dóme his ágenra gewyrhta, . . . swá wrace, swá éce wíte, swá éce líf. Wulfst. 136, 8. Hé ðolaþ þeóstra ðurh wrace, Homl. Th. ii. 556, 21. . Wræce, Exon. Th. 37, 15 ; Cri. 593: 45j, 30; Hy. 4, 57. Wrace, Andr. Kmbl. 1230; An. 616. II a. where the punishment or vengeance is attributed to the Deity :-- Seó wracu (ultio) is mín and ic hit ágilde, Deut. 32, 35. Sóðcyninges seofonfeald wracu, Cd. Th. 67, 14; Gen. 1100. Wa. dendes wracu, hungor, Chr. 975 ; Erl. 126, 28. Open wracu ys on his yrsunga ira in indignations ejus, Vs. Th. 29, 4. Him becom seó godcundlíce wracu. Homl. Th. i. 86, 1. Him com on Godes wracu (irato Deo) an gefeohtum tóeácan óþrum yflum, Ors. 4, 4; Swt. 164, 22. Wraco, 1. 3; Swt. 32, 9. Cymð se Dryhtnes dómes dæg and wrace (vindictae), Past. 35 ; Swt. 245, 18. Hé ðæt eal for Godes wræce fordyde, Blickl. Homl. 79, 26. Hwæt him se Waldend tó wrace sette, Exon. Th. 98, 4 ; Cri. 1602. Tó wræce, Cd. Th. 156, 6; Gen. 2584. Hé bæd þrymcyning, ðæt hé him ða weádǽd tó wræce ne sette, Elen. Kmbl. 988; El. 495. Ðæt gé witon míne wrace (ultionem), Num. 14, 34. Wrace (wrece, Ps. Surt. ) viwdictam, Ps. Spl. 57, 10: Ps. Th. 78, 13: Cd. Th. 235, 21 ; Dan. 309. Drihten sende on hié máran wræce ðonne ǽfre ǽr ǽnigu óþru gelumpe, Blickl. Homl. 79, 9. Hwæðer Drihten ámetan wolde wrece be gewyrhtum, Met. 9, 36. Wracena (wraca, Ps. Spl. : wreca, Ps. Surt. ) God Deus ultionum, Ps. Th. 93, 1. II b. where the punishment takes the form of exile :-- Hié ádrǽfdon ðone consul on elþeóde . . . Hit wæs swíþe ofþyncende ðám óþrum consulum . . . þéh ðe hie mid ðære wrace (in the matter of his banishment) ðæm ádrǽfdan on nánum stale beón ne mehton, Ors. 5, 9; Swt. 232, 22. Hé wítgode be ðære wræce ..., ðæt wæs ðá hí tó Babilonia gelǽdde wǽron, Ps. Th. 30, arg. Heó on wrace seomodon swearte síðe, Cd. Th. 5, 14; Gen. 71. Ic sceal wrace dreógan . . . sceal nú wreclástas settan, síðas wíde, 276, 8; Sat. 185. III. persecution, hostility, active enmity :-- Of ðære wræce minra feónda álýs me, Ps. Th. 16, 12. Ic wræce fére geond foldan, folcsalo bærne, ræced reáfige, Exon. Th. 381, I ; Rä. 2, 4. Gif hé monna dreám of ðam orlege eft ne wolde gesécan, . . . lǽtan wræce stille, 114, 10 ; Gú. 170. His sunu hátte Mars, se macode ǽfre gewinn, and saca and wraca hé styrede gelóme, Wulfst. 106, 26. IV. where hurt is inflicted in return for hurt suffered, vengeance, revenge :-- Wracu sceal heardum men, Exon. Th. 343, 7 ; Gn. Ex. 153. Onginþ him leogan se tóhopa ðære wræce, Bt. 37, l; Fox . 86, 23: Met. 25, 51. Hé gesette ða men on ǽnne truman ðe mon hiora mǽgas ǽr slóg, and wiste ðæt hié woldon geornfulran beón ðære wrace (or under III ? see the Latin certaminis) þonne óþere men, and hié swá wǽron illi quorum cognati occubiterant, certaminis cxtitereprincipium, Ors. 2, 5 ; Swt. 80, 21. Gif há wrace dó, ǽr hé him ryhtes bidde, L. In. 9; Th. i. 108, 4. Se ðe þeóf wrecan wille . . . Gif hé man ofsleá on ða wrace, L. Ath. he learnt how to take revenge for the wrong, Beo. Th. 4660; B. 2336. IV a. with gen. of person for whose sake vengeance is taken :-- Gif hwylc man for his mǽges wræce (in ultione propinqui) man ofsleá. . . Se ðe man ofsleá on his módor wrace (in ultione matris suae), L. Ecg. P. iv. 68, 18, 19 ; Th. ii. 230, 18-21. Hét se cyning ofsleán mycel wæll cn ðære byrig cn ðæs abbodes wrece, ðe hí ǽr ofslógon, Chr. 952 ; Erl. 118, 29. Ne déð God his gecoreura wrace (wraco, Rush. : ðæt wræcce, Lind. uindiclam) ? . . . Ic eów secge ðæt hé raþe hyra wrace déð, Lk. Skt. 18, 7, 8. [Þa ilke wrake þe ic dude þe, þu scoldest don me, O. E. Homl. i. 9, 18. Seal eou gewaxen muchele wrake and sake, 13, 26. His swerd, þat is his wrake, ii. 61, 23. Wrake wes on londe, Laym. 4040, Min is te wrake mihi vindictam, A. R. 186, 1. We schule sechen efter wrake on alle þeo þat te biwiteð, Jul. 51, 10. Schal beo niþ and wrake, O. and N. 1194. Wele after wrake (wowe, v. l.), Misc. 111, 142. Wrake or weniawnce vindicta, ulcio, Prompt. Parv. 533. Goth. wraka persecution : O. Sax. wraka, wreka.] v. gnyrn-, gring -, gyrn-, níd-, níþ-, sar-, syn-, torn-, þeóf-, þeów-wracu ; wræc. wracu

Verwandte Wörter: l, 5 ; Th. i. 230, 12, ' Ne mæg wé ðæs wrace gefremman, Cd. Th. 25, 14; Gen. 393. Ðæs hé wræce leornode
