Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wrótan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wrótan
- p. wreót To turn up with the snout, root up :-- Wrótu subigo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 64. Ic wróte subigo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6 ; Zup. 176, 12. Hine útan of wuda eoferas wrótaþ exterminavit eam (vineam) apfir de sylva, Ps. Th. 79, 13. Swín on bócwuda wrótende, Exon. Th. 428, 12 ; Rä. 41, 107. [Swin þe uulicð and wroteð and sneuieð, O. E. Homl. ii. 37, 25. Þat wilde swin þat wroteð ȝeond þan grouen, Laym. 469. Schullen wormes wroten (verrunt) on the skin, Rel. Ant. ii. 216, 18. As a sowe wroteth in everich ordure, Chauc. Pers. T. A were . . . ȝowre walles with to wrote, Min. 19, 32. Wrotyñ as swyne verror, Prompt. ParO. H. Ger. ruozan (us ed of the action of the plough) : Icel. róta to root up, as swine.] wrotan