Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wunian
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- wunian
- p. ode To dwell, remain :-- Wunat inmoratur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 76. Wunaþ constat, Kent. Gl. 1176. Wunian consistere, 190. I. of living creatures, to dwell, abide, stay, remain, live, (1) of dwelling in a place or with a person, (a) with preps. or adverbs :-- Ðú geond holt wunast thou shalt live in the woods, Cd. Th. 252, 6; Dan. 574. Ðú in heánnissum wunast mid Waldend Fæder, Exon. Th. 10, 36; Cri. 163. Se þeów ne wunaþ (manet) on húse on écnesse; se sunu wunaþ on écnesse, Jn. Skt. 8, 35. Pellicane gelíc, se on wéstene wunaþ, Ps. Th. 101, 5. Monna gehwylc cwic þendan hér wunaþ, Exon. Th. 37, 8; Cri. 590. Ða hwíle ðe wé on ðysse worlde wuniaþ, Blickl. Homl. 103, 24. Him (the whale) ða férend on fæste wuniaþ, wíc weardiaþ, Exon. Th. 361, 26; Wal. 25. Mislíce wildeór wuniaþ (morantur) on wudum, Coll. Monast. Th. 22, 23. On heán muntum heortas wuniaþ, Ps. Th. 103, 17. Ic on wéstene wunode lange mansi in solitudine, 54, 7. Wunude, 83, 1. Hé wunode ðǽr on mynstre, Homl. Skt. i. 6, 99. Hé on ðæm lande feala wintra wunode, Blickl. Homl. 113, 13. Hé wunode be Iordane, Cd. Th. 116, 5; Gen. 1931. Hé ðǽr wunode mid him, Blickl. Homl. 239, 18: 249, 16: Exon. Th. 162, 8; Gú. 972: Beo. Th. 2261; B. 1128. Wé cómun tó ðam ðæt wé wunedon on ðínum lande, Gen. 47, 4. Ðá hig wunedon on Galiléa conversantibus eis in Galilaea, Mt. Kmbl. 17, 22. Hié ealle onyppan wunedon, bídende ðæs Hálgan Gástes, Blickl. Homl. 133, 26. Wunedon on ðám wícum Abraham and Loth, Cd. Th. 113, 20; Gen. 1890. Wuna mid úsic and ðé wíc geceás, 164, 29; Gen. 2722. Medmicel fæc nú gyt wuna mid ús, Blickl. Homl. 247, 33. Wuna in ðære wínbyrig, Andr. Kmbl. 3340; An. 1674. Wuniaþ (wunas, Lind.: wynigaþ, Rush. manete) ðǽr, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 11. Wunigaþ on ðam ylcan húse, Lk. Skt. 10, 7. Eal ðæt manegu ðe him mid wunige, Andr. Kmbl. 1890; An. 947. Hí on his neáweste wunian, Ps. Th. 148, 14. Beón, gif hí man acwellaþ, cwelle hig man raþe,...ðæt hig ofer niht ðǽron ne wunigon (restent), L. Ecg. C. 39; Th. ii. 164, 3. Ic wylle tó-dæg on ðínum húse wunian (tó wunianne, Lind.: tó wuniganne, Rush. manere), Lk. Skt. 19, 5. Wunian on éðle, Cd. Th. 294, 27; Sat. 477. Mid wuldorcyninge wunian, 283, 30; Sat. 312. In worulde wunian, Exon. Th. 51, 21; Cri. 819. Wunian in wícum, 316, 9; Mód. 46. Wunigan in wuldre mid weoroda God, 22, 5; Cri. 347: Blickl. Homl. 25, 35. Hé leng mid him líchomlíce wunian nolde, 135, 22. Hé on his módor bósme wunigende wæs, 165, 18. Wǽron ealle ða apostolas wunigende on ánre stówe, 133, 15. (b) with dat. (inst.) :-- Hé wícum wunode, Cd. Th. 108, 26; Gen. 1812. Abraham wunode éðeleardum Cananéa, 116, 32; Gen. 1945. Wuna ðǽm ðé ágon abide with those own thee, 138, 18; Gen. 2293. Wícum wunian, Beo. Th. 6158; B. 3083. (c) with acc. to inhabit a place, live in or on :-- Hé heánne beám wunaþ, Exon. Th. 209, 17; Ph. 172. Ic íscealdne sǽ winter wunade, 306, 29; Seef. 15. Ða ðe hleóleásan wíc hwíle wunedon, Andr. Kmbl. 262; An. 131. Wunian wíc unsýfre, 2621; An. 1310. Wederburg wunian, 3391; An. 1699. Seó ðe wunian sceolde cealde streámas, Beo. Th. 2525; B. 1260: Cd. Th. 280, 22; Sat. 259: 282, 36; Sat. 297. Ic (the soul) ðé (the body) wunian sceolde, Soul Kmbl. 86; Seel. 43. ¶ in figurative expressions :-- Se fugel wunaþ wyllestreámas (bathes), Exon. Th. 204, 29; Ph. 105. Wunian wælreste to lie dead, 184, 10; Gú. 1342: Beo. Th. 5796; B. 2902: to be buried, Elen. Kmbl. 1444; El. 724. Reste wunian to sleep, Cd. Th. 223, 22; Dan. 123: Rood Kmbl. 6; Kr. 3. (2) to live, be in certain conditions or circumstances, (a) with prep. or adquamdiu ero, Ps. Th. 103, 31. Seó sáwel ðe wunaþ on heofena ríces gefeán, Blickl. Homl. 57, 31. Wunaþ hé on wiste, ne hine wiht dréfeþ, Beo. Th. 3474; B. 1735. Ða menigo ðe wuniaþ on nearonédum, Andr. Kmbl. 202; An. 101. On fýrbæðe ðú wunodest, Elen. Kmbl. 1897; El. 950. Hé in yrmðum wunade, Andr. Kmbl. 326; An. 163. Wé wunodon on wynnum, Cd. Th. 279, 12; Sat. 237. Hí wunedon ætsomne, Met. 20, 243. Wunian on écean wuldre, Blickl. Homl. 105, 1. In wynnum wunian, Cd. Th. 299, 26; Sat. 556: Exon. Th. 140, 2; Gú. 604. Wunian in wylme, Salm. Kmbl. 933; Sal, 466. Adam wæs wunigende on ðisum lífe mid geswince, Homl. Th. i. 20; 6. (b) with dat. (inst.) :-- Hé wunaþ unlustum, Salm. Kmbl. 538; Sal. 268. Heó helltregum wunodon, Cd. Th. 5, 19; Gn. 74. Eádig weorþan, wunian wyndagum, Exon. Th. 330, 34; Vy. 61. (c) with noun or adj. :-- Borhhond [hé] wunade fidejussu exstitit, Kent. Gl. 743. Wunude extitit (praestantior), Hpt. Gl. 511, 60. Ðæt ðú langlíf ofer eorðan wunie, Homl. Th. ii. 36, 2. Ána lifgan, wineleás wunian, Exon. Th. 344, 15; Gn. Ex. 174. (3) to abide, be present with a person to comfort or help :-- Ic ðé mid wunige, Andr. Kmbl. 198; An. 99: Exon. Th. 30, 12; Cri. 478. God wunaþ on him est in ipsis Dominus, Num. 16, 3. II. of things abstract or concrete, to be, rest, reside, remain, (1) in respect to locality, occupy a position :-- Wunaþ morabitur, Kent. Gl. 481: commorabitur, 540. (a) with prep. or adv. :-- Se hálga stenc wunaþ geond wynlond, Exon. Th. 203, 10; Ph. 82. Ðǽr se wísdóm wunaþ on gemyndum, Met. 7, 39. Lyft on niiddum wunaþ, 20, 79. Mid ðam wítegendlícum gáste ðe on ðé wunaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 282: Cd. Th. 56, 7; Gen. 908. Wæter ðe wuniaþ gyt under fæstenne folca hrófes, 10, 6; Gen. 152. Eorðe and wæter wuniaþ on fýre, Met. 20, 148. Beorh wunode on wonge, Beo. Th. 4476; B. 2242. Se monlíca stille wunode, ðǽr hié begeat wíte, Cd. Th. 155, 3; Gen. 2567. Egesa on hreóstum wunode, 173, 24; Gen. 2866. Treów on ðé wunade, Exon. Th. 6, 12; Cri. 83: 126, 4; Gú. 366. Hwæþer him yfel ðe gód under wunige, 82, 4; Cri. 1333. Þéh mín líchama on niðerdǽlum eorðan wunige, Ps. Th. 138, 13. Saga mé hwǽr seó ród wunige, Elen. Kmbl. 1244; El. 624. Tó manna heortan, ǽr Drihtnes weorc ðǽr wunian móte, Blickl. Homl. 19, 8: 111, 5. Ǽnigne dǽl secgas geségon on sele wunian, Beo. Th. 6248; B. 3128. Geweoton hí mearcland tredan, forlǽton moldern wunigean, open eorðscræfu, Andr. Kmbl. 1605; An. 803. Lazarus, ðe Crist áwehte ðý feorþan dæge ðæs ðe hé on byrgenne wæs fúl wunigende, Blickl. Homl. 75, 5. (b) with acc. :-- Ðæt treów sceolde wésten wunian, Cd. Th. 251, 5; Dan. 559. Hine gærsbedd sceal wunian, Ps. Th. 102, 15. (2) of state or, circumstance:Inc sceal sealt wæter wunian on gewealde, Cd. Th. 13, 7; Gen. 199. Ðá ðá ðis ígland wæs wunigende on sibbe, Homl. Skt. i. 13, 148, III. to consist of or in, subsist, exist. v. wunung, III :-- On wordum Godes ríce ne wunaþ, ac on ánwylnysse ðæs hálgan geleáfan, Guth. prol.; Gdwin. 2, 15. Ðeós lyft ys án ðæra feówer gesceafta, ðe ǽlc líchamlíc ðing on wunaþ. Feówer gesceafta synd, ðe ealle eorðlíce líchaman on wuniaþ, Lchdm. iii. 272, 11-13. Ða hálgan þrynnysse on ánre godcundnysse ǽfre wunigende, Homl. Skt. i. 15, 216: 16, 1. Nis ná se Hálga Gást wunigende on his gecynde swá swá hé gesewen wæs, for ðan ðe hé is ungesewenlíc, Homl. Th. i. 322, 17. Him (man) is gemǽne mid stánum ðæt hé beó wunigende; him is gemǽne mid treówum ðæt hé lybbe, 302, 20. Hí nǽron ǽfre wunigende, ac God hí gesceóp, 276, 15. God is þurh hine sylfne wunigende, ii. 236, 18. IV. where there is permanence, continuity, to remain, last, continue, endure :-- Ðú wunast tu permanebis, Ps. Th. 101, 23. Ðú on écnesse wunast tu in aeternum permanes, 101, 10: 92, 3. Ðǽr nóht elles ne wunaþ, Blickl. Homl. 101, 5. Ðínne naman ðe wunaþ on ealra worlda world, 143, 31: Ps. Th. 111, 8. Seó ðe ǽfre wæs and eác nú wunaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 15, 217. Þenden ðǽr wunaþ húsa sélest, Beo. Th. 574; B. 284. Swá hwylc swá on elne óþ his ende wunaþ, se bid hál, Blickl. Homl. 171, 26: Homl. Th. ii. 502, 21. Ðære wylne sunu wunaþ eal his líf on ðeówte, i. 110, 29. Wuniaþ ða wácran, Exon. Th. 311, 4; Seef. 87. Gif hé wunode ofer middæg if he continued to live past noon, Homl. Skt. i. 3. 595. Lucia on ðære ylcan stówe wunode ðe heó ofslagen wæs Lucia remained lying in the same place that she was struck down, 9, 146. Se snáw leng ne wunede ðonne áne tíde, Nar. 23, 21. Hí wunedun (wéren wungiende mansissent, Lind.) óð ðysne dæg, Mt. Kmbl. 11, 23. Ðæt hió ne wunian on worldlífe ita ut non sint, Ps. Th. 103, 33. Herenes Drihtnes hér sceal wunian on worulda woruld laudatio ejus manet in seculum seculi, 110, 8: 118, 44, 91. Hæfð hé ðæt gewrixle geset ðe nú wunian sceal, Met. 11, 56. On sáre his líchoma sceal hér wunian, Blickl. Homl. 61, 1: Exon. Th. 7, 19; Cri. 103. Eallum rihtgelýfdum mannum wunigendum for his noman, Blickl. Homl. 171, 14. IV a. with a complementary word or phrase :-- Heó wæs fǽmne ǽr hire beorþre, and heó wunaþ fǽmne æfter hire beorþre, Blickl. Homl. 155, 33. Ðú unstilla gesceafta ástyrest and ðé self wunast swíðe stille, Met. 20, 16. God ána unáwendendlíc wunaþ, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 9. Gescylded á wunaþ ungewyrded, þenden woruld stondeþ, Exon. Th. 210, 5; Ph. 181. Hió dumb wunaþ, 414, 7; Rä. 32, 16. Heó wæs mid twám werum and swá ðeáh wunode mǽden, Homl. Skt. i. 20, 3. Se hearda hyge hálig wunode, Exon. Th. 135, 1; Gu. 517. Hí ðágyt hǽðene wunodon, Homl. Th. ii. 502, 23. Is sǽd of ðære tíde ðe hí þanon gewiton óþ tódæge ðæt ðæt land wéste wunige (manere desertus perhibetur), Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 27. Ðis ungefremed wunie, L. Ath. i. proem.; Th. i. 198, 13. Hé hét wunian wyrtruman eorðan fæstne, Cd. Th. 248, 20; Dan. 516. Sceal lufu uncer wǽrfæst wunian, Exon. Th. 173, 19; Gú. 1163. Abrames wíf wæs ðágit wuniende bútan cildum she remained still childless, Gen. 16, 1. V. to be wont :-- Ic gewunige soleo, wunigende solens, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Zup. 247, 5. [O. E. Homl. wunian: A. R. Kath. wunien: Laym. wunien, wonien: Orm. wunenn: Gen. and Ex. wunen: Ayenb. wonie: Chauc. Piers P. Wick. wone: O. Sax. wonón, wunón: O. Frs. wona, wuna: O. H. Ger. wonén habitare, morari, conversari, manere, solere.] v. á-, ge-, on-, þurh-wunian; án-, dryht-, weorold-wuniende. wunian