Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wyn[n]
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wyn[n]
- f. I. delight, pleasure :-- Wyn luxus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 11. Wynn luxoria, wynne luxus, 49, 67, 65. Genihtsumere wynne opulenti luxus, Hpt. Gl. 413, 71. Wyn eal gedreás, Exon. Th. 288, 25; Wand. 36. On Gode standeþ wuldor mín and wyn mycel, Ps. Th. 61, 7. Mín wynn álæg, 119, 5. Nis hearpan wyn, Beo. Th. 4517; B. 2262. Hwæþere him ðæs wonges wyn (his delight in the country) sweðrade, Exon. Th. 123, 16; Gú. 323. Sý æt him sylfum gelong eal his worulde wyn, 444, 12; Kl. 46. Ðǽr wæs wuldres wynn . . . næs ðǽr ǽnigum gewinn, Andr. Kmbl. 1773; An. 889. Ágan mé ðæs dreámes gewald, wuldres and wynne, Cd. Th. 275, 21; Sat. 175 : Exon. Th. 230, 31; Ph. 480. On wynne in laetitia, Ps. Th. 104, 38. Wend ðé from wynne, Cd. Th. 56, 28; Gen. 919. In lifgendra londes wynne, Exon. Th. 27, 28; Cri. 437 : 151, 5; Gú. 790. Wenne, Ps. C. 157. Weorod wæs on wynne, Beo. Th. 4032; B. 2014 : Exon. Th. 462, 21; Hö. 55. Ðæt treów wæs on wynne, wudu weaxende, 435, 18; Rä. 542. Beóð on wenne ða bán ðe on hǽnðum wǽron exultabunt ossa humiliata, Ps. C. 80. Habban ða mid wynne weorðe blisse exultent et laetentur, Ps. Th. 69, 5. Wé sealmas him singan mid wynne in psalmis jubilemus ei, 94, 2. Ic mé on ðé gehálgode hús tó wynne, Exon. Th. 90, 31; Cri. 1482 : 76, 26; Cri. 1245. Wé sceolan þrowian weán, nalles habban héhselda wyn, Cd. Th. 267, 25; Sat. 43 : Exon. Th. 142, 31; Gú. 652. Se ðe áh lífes wyn gebiden in burgum, 307, 22; Seef. 27. Wynna gewítaþ, Runic pm. Kmbl. 345, 18; Rún. 29. Líðsa and wynna hám, Cd. Th. 58, 13; Gen. 945. Ealra ðæra wynna ðe ic on worulde gebád, Byrht. Th. 136, 58; By. 174. Hé his líchoman wynna forwyrnde and woruldblissa, Exon. Th. 1l1, 31; Gú. 135 : 122, 20; Gú. 308. Ídelra eágena wynna, 112, 2; Gú. 137. Wíc wynna leás, 443, 18; Kl. 32. Hine yldo benam mægenes wynnum, Beo. Th. 3778; B, 1887. Hæleþbeóþ on wynnum the men are joyous, Exon. Th. 361, 20; Wal. 22 : 464, 19; Hö. 89. Hé sunbeorht gesetu séceþ on wynnum, 217, 11; Ph. 278. Wé ðǽr wunodon on wynnum, Cd. Th. 279, 12; Sat. 237 : 296, 26; Sat. 508. Þurh leáslíce líces wynne, earges flǽschoman ídelne lust, Exon. Th. 79, 28; Cri. 1297 : 364, 12; Wal. 69. Ídle lustas, lǽne lífes wynne, 352, 19; Sch. 100. Ðás eorþan wynne, ðás lǽnan dreámas, 102, 4; Cri. 1667. God seleþ him on éþle eorþan wynne tó healdanne hleóburh wera, Beo. Th. 3465; B. 1730 : 5447; B. 2727. Worolde wynne, 2164; B. 1080. Hé ðæt betere geceás, wuldres wynne, Elen. Kmhl. 2077; El. 1040. ¶ wynnum delightfully, pleasantly :-- Is se wong wynnum geblissad mid ðám fægrestum stencum, Exon. Th. 198, 9; Ph. 7 : 199, 18; Ph. 27. Ðín gemynd on ealra worulda woruld wynnum standeþ, Ps. Th. 134, 13. I a. with prep. tó, marking object in which delight is taken :-- Ne biþ him tó hearpan hyge, ne tó wife wyn, Exon. Th. 308, 25; Seef. 45. Wæs mé wyn tó ðon, 380, 22; Rä. 1, 2. Næs him tó máðme wynn, Andr. Kmbl. 2228; An. 1115 : 2326; An. 1164. Ða forweorþaþ ðe hira wynne tó ðé habban noldan qui elongant se a te, peribunt, Ps. Th. 72, 22. Hé genom him tó wildeórum wynne, Exon. Th. 146, 21; Gú. 713. II. a delight, that which causes pleasure :-- Eh byð æðelinga wyn, Runic pm. 343, 4; Rún. 19 : 344. 31; Rún. 27. Fugles wyn (a quill), Exon. Th. 408, 5; Rä. 27, 7. Him leófedan londes wynne, bold on beorhge, 110, 20; Gú. 110. Gæst inne swæf óþ ðæt hrefn blaca heofenes wynne bodode, Beo. Th. 3607; B. 1801. II a. as an epithet of persons, (1) of human beings :-- Hægstealdra wyn (Pharaoh), Cd. Th. 111, 28; Gen. 1862. Winemǽga wyn (Guthlac), Exon. Th. 184, 2; Gú. 1338. Eorla wyn, 174, 17; Gú. 1179. Wynn, 168, 22; Gú. 1081. Æðelinga wynn (St. Andrew), Andr. Kmbl. 2447; An. 1225. Wunn, 3423; An. 1715. (2) of the Deity :-- Lífes wynn, . . . tíreádig cyning, Hy. 3, 1. Mægna God, . . . æþelinga wyn, Exon. Th. 286, 12; Jul. 730 : 466, 15; Hö. 121. Neoman ús tó wynne weoroda Drihten, Cd. Th. 277, 2; Sat. 198. Wigena wyn, . . . heofonengla God, Exon. Th. 281, 4; Jul. 641. III. the best of a class, the pride of its kind. Cf. cyst :-- Án engla þreát, heápa wyn (best of troops), Exon. Th. 460, 16; Hö. 18. Hleóþra wyn most excellent of melodies, 198, 18; Ph. 12. Gimma gladost, æþeltungla wyn, 218, 5; Ph. 290. Laguflóda wynn, 202, 16; Ph. 70. Eálá wífa wynn, fǽmne freólicast ah, pride of womankind, maiden most noble, 5, 18; Cri. 71. Ðú eart se æðela, ðe on ǽrdagum ealra fǽmnena wyn (the Virgin Mary) ákende, Hy. 3, 26. IV. the name of the w-rune :-- RUNE uyn, Archæologia, vol. 28, plate 15, fig. 7. In the following passages the symbol is put instead of the word wyn :-- ᚹ is geswiðrad, gomen æfter geárum, Elen. Kmbl. 2526; El. 1264. Biþ se[ó] ᚹ scæcen eorþan frætwa, Exon. Th. 50, 23; Cri. 805. ᚹ , sceal gedreósan, Anglia xiii. 9, 5. Wenne (Hickes prints RUNE ᚹ ne) brúceþ ðe can weána lyt, and him sylfa hæfð blǽd and blisse, Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 29; Rún. 8. On wuldres ᚹ (Kemble writes wealdend in place of the rune in the MS.; but cf. wuldres wynn, Andr. Kmbl. 1773; An. 889), Elen. Kmbl. 2177; El. 1090. In Ps. Vos. 99, 1 jubilate is rendered by ᚹ sumiaþ. See also mod-wén (l. mód-wyn). Laym. wunne, winne, wonne : A. R. wunne : Havel. winne : O. Sax. wunnea : O. H. Ger. wunna, wunní delectatio, voluptas, jubilatio, jocunditas. Cf. Goth. un-wunands moestus : Icel. unaðr delight; ynði charm, delight.] v. éðel-, hord-, hyht-, leód-, líf-, lyft-, mód-, symbel-wyn[n]. wynn