Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wyrcan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
weorcan ;
- wyrcan
- p. worhte ; pp. worht. I. to work, labour, (1) absolute :-- Mín fæder wyrcð (operatur) óþ ðis, and ic wyrce (wyrco, Lind., Rush. operor), Jn. Skt. 5, 17. Efne swá hé wyrceþ secundum opera ejus, Ps. Th. 61, 12. Hé won and worhte, wíngeard sette, Cd. Th. 94, 7; Gen. 1558. Gá and wyrce (wyrc, Rush.: wuirc, Lind. operare) on mínum wíngerde, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 28. Gáð and wircaþ, Ex. 5, 18. Wyrceaþ eów syx dagas, L. Alf. 3; Th. i. 44, 10. Gif þeów mon wyrce on Sunnandæge, L. In. 3 ; Th. i. 104, 2, 4, 6 : L. E. G. 7 ; Th. i. 170, 17. Se ðe hors nabbe, wyrce ðam hláforde ðe him fore ríde, L. Ath. v.l.)? Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 24. Sió hond sceal wyrcean for ða wambe, Past. 34; Swt. 233, 9. Hé ðǽr wircean sceolde, Gen. 2, 15. Niht cymþ ðonne nán man wyrcan (operari) ne mæg, Jn. Skt. 9, 4. (1a) where the instrument or material of work is given :-- Hé wið monna bearn wyrceð weldǽdum, Exon. Th. 191, 12; Az. 87. Ða ðe wyrcan cúðon stángefógum, Elen. Kmbl. 2038; El. 1020. (2) with acc., (a) of that on which the work is done. v. wín-wyrcend :-- Se ðe werð qui operatur (terram suam, Prov. 12, 11), Kent. Gl. 404. Ðæt hé ða eorðan worhte ut operaretur terram, Gen. 3, 23. Se ðe wille wyrcan wæstmbǽre lond qui serere ingenuum volet agrum, Met. 12, 1. Hé began tó wircenne ðæt land coepit exercere terram, Gen. 9, 20. (b) of the work :-- Hé áxode hwæt hig wyrcean cúðon (quid habetis operis?). Hig andswaredon : 'Wé synd scéphyrdas,' Gen. 47, 3. II. to make, (1) with acc., (a) to make, form, construct, (a) where the agent is a person :-- Ic tówurpe míne bernu and ic wyrce (faciam) máran, Lk. Skt. 12, 18. Wirc ðé ǽnne arc ... and ðú wircst wununge binnan ðam arce.... Ðú wircst hine ðus.... Ðú wircst ðǽron éhþirl, Gen. 6, 14-16. Ðú wercest sumurlange dagas, ðǽm winterdagum sceorta tída getiohhast, Met. 4, 18. Mid ðís andweardan welan mon wyrcþ oftor feónd ðonne freónd, Bt. 24, 3 ; Fox 84, 3. Ic worhte (feci) earce of sethimtreówum, Deut. 10, 3. On ðære béc ðe ic weorhte, Bd. 3, 17, S. 545, 4. Ðú ða scíran gesceaft sceópe and worhtest, Hy. 10, 2. Nán neódðearf ðé ne lǽrde tó wyrcanne ðæt ðæt ðú worhtest, Bt. 33, 4 ; Fox 128, 12. Worhtes, Met. 20, 22 : Exon. Th. 15, 23; Cri. 240. Se ðe on fruman worhte (worohte, Lind.), hé worhte wǽpman and wífman, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 4 : Cd. Th. 12, 11 ; Gen. 183. Se ðe ðás bóc worhte, Blickl. Homl. 169, 25. Ðæt foic worhte mycele gesomnunga, Nicod. 20; Thw. 10, 1. Ða sundorhálgan worhton geþeaht, Mt. Kmbl. 12,14. Hig worhton gemót, 27, 7. Hig wrohton (worhton, v. l.: uorhtun, Lind.) him beórscipe, Jn. Skt. 12, 2. Æfter ðám formálan ðe hí worhton, L. Eth, ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 12. Ne wirc ðú ðé ágrafene godas, Ex. 20, 4. Ðonne wyrce wé manega béc, Homl. Th. ii. 28, 12. Uton wircean man tó úre gelícnisse, Gen. 1, 26. Wyrcan, Hexam. 11 ; Norm. 18, 8, 19. Scip wyrcan, Cd. Th. 78, 33; Gen. 1302. Wǽpen wyrcean, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 14. Burg wyrcean, Ors. 5, 5 ; Swt. 226, 18. Wyrcan ðone wíhagan, Byrht. Th. 134, 50; By 102. Wyrcan spell, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 30. Wercan, Met. 26, 73. Sealfe weorcean, Lchdm. iii. 6, 31. (a person">sz) where the agent is not a person, to be the source, or cause of, to produce :-- Seó eá wyrcð ðæt fen, Ors. 1, 1 ; Swt. 8, 18. Seó eá ðǽr wyrcð micelne sǽ, Swt. 12, 23. Hit wyrcð feóndscipe,Past. 11 ; Swt. 71, 24. Sum feóll on góde eorðan, and worhte hundfealde wæstm, Lk. Skt. 8, 8. Grówende gærs and sǽd wircende.... Treów westm wircende, Gen. 1, 11, 12. (b) to make, constitute :-- Ic wolde witon hwæþer ðú wéndest ðæt hwylc án ðara fíf góda worhte ða sóþan gesǽlþe and siððan ða feówer good wǽron hire gód, swá swá nú sáwl and líchoma wyrcaþ ánne mon, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 23-28. Feówer wucan wyrcaþ ánne mónð, Anglia viii. 319, 4. (c) as a verb of incomplete predication, (a) with adj. :-- Ic tó wídan feore wyrce ðín heáhsetl hrór and weorðlíc swá heofones dagas ponam in seculum seculi semen ejus, et thronum ejus sicut dies coeli, Ps. Th. 88, 26. Hwilcne wyrcst ðú ðé sylfne (ðone ðec seolfne wyrcas (wyrces, Rush.) quem te ipsum facis? Jn. Skt. Lind. 8, 53)? Homl. Th. ii. 234, 1. (a person">sz) with prepositional phrase :-- Hé lǽdeþ wolcen, wind and líget, and ða tó regne wyrceþ (fulgura in pluviam fecit), Ps. Th. 134, 7. Nywolnessa hé him tó gewǽde woruhte, 103, 7. Worhte man hit him tó wíte, Cd. Th. 21, 2 ; Gen. 318. (2) with gen. :-- Se ðeóden ongan geðinges wyrcan, Cd. Th. 245, 25 ; Dan. 468. III. to work, do, perform, (1) absolute :-- Swá ðú worhtest tó mé, Exon. Th. 370, 25 ; Seel. 64. (2) with acc. :-- On hwylcum anwealde ic ðás þing wyrce, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 24. On hwylcre mihte wyrcsð (wyrest, v. 1.: wircest, Rush.) ðúi ðás þing? 21, 23. Swá hwæt swá se gesénelíca líchama déþ oþþe wyrceþ, eal ðæt déþ seó ungesýnelíce sáwl þurh ðone líchoman, Blickl. Homl. 21, 24. Werð operabitur (stultitiam, Prov. 14, 17), Kent. Gl. 486. Eallum ðe unriht wyrceaþ omnibus, qui operantur iniquitatem, Ps. Th. 58, 5. Tó mannum ðe mildheortnesse wyrceaþ, Blickl. Homl. 169, 21. Ðære scame ðe ðú worhtes, Past. 31 ; Swt. 207, 11. Ða hand ðe hé ðæt fúl mid worhte, L. Ath. i. 14; Th. i. 206, 21, 24. Ða mǽran weorc ðe hé worhte, Deut. 11, 7. Ða dǽda ða ðe hé worhte, Blickl. Homl. 33, 6. Ne worhte (wrohte Rush.) Ióhannes nán tácn, Jn. Skt. 10, 41. Hí blódgyte worhtan, Exon. Th. 44, 26; Cri. 708. Ealle ðe unriht worhtan omnes peccatores, Ps. Th. 100, 8. Wirc six dagas ealle ðíne weorc sex diebus facies omnia opera tua, Ex. 20, 9. Lǽr mé hú ic ðínne willan wyrce and fremme, Ps. Th. 142, 10. Ðæt ðú furþur mé fraceþu ne wyrce, Exon. Th. 274, 31 ; Jul. 541. Gif esne þeów weorc wyrce, L. Wih. 9 ; Th. i. 38, 18. Ðæt mon óðrum riht wyrce, L. O. D. 2 ; Th. i. 352, 17. On ða gerád, wyrce ðæt hé wyrce, ðæt ðæt land sí unforworht, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 383, 32. Weorce, 384, 21. Monig gód weórc wyrcan, Past. 9 ; Swt. 55, 20. Wyricean, Blickl. Homl. 75, 13. Gód wyrcan, Ps. Th. 52, 4. Yfel wyrcean, Blickl. Homl. 181, 34. Wundor wyrcan, Beo. Th. 1865 ; B. 930 : Ps. Th. 85, 9. Lof sceolde hé Drihtnes wyrcean, Cd. Th. 17, 8 ; Gen. 256. Ða heápas frugnon, hwæt hié wyrcean mihton ðæt hié Godes erre beflugon, Blickl. Homl. 169, 11. Godes willan wercan, 67, 34. Mé gel-yraþ tó wyrceanne ðæs weorc ðe mé sende, Jn. Skt. 9, 4. (2a) to perform a rite, keep a season :-- Mín tíma ys gehende ðæt ic mid ðé wyrce míne Eástro, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 18. (3) with gen. :-- Ic mé ðæs wyrce, ðæt ic gange on hús Godes, Ps. Th. 83, 11. Ealle ðe unrihtes wvrceaþ omnes qui operantur iniquitatem, Ps. Th. 52, 5 : 58, 2 : 73, 19. Hé him ðæs worhte tó, Cd. Th. 143, 11 ; Gen. 2377. Ða ðe unrihtes worhtan, Ps. Th. 91, 6, 8. IV. to work, effect a purpose, attain an object, (1) with acc. or gen. :-- Heó wénde ðæt heó hyldo heofoncyninges worhte mid ðám wordum she thought to win the favour of heaven's king with those words, Cd. Th. 44, 22; Gen. 713. Ðæt hí lifgen on geleáfan, and á lufan Dryhtnes wyrcan in ðisse worulde, Exon. Th. 448, 6; Dóm. 50. Hié sculon lufe wyrcean ... ond habban his hyldo forð, Cd. Th. 39, 12; Gen. 624. (2) with gen. :-- Á ðín dóm sý gód and genge; ðú ðæs wyrcest (thou wilt bring that to pass), Exon. Th. 192, 22 ; Az. 110. Wé ðæs lifgende worhton in worulde, 186, 9 ; Az. 17. Wyrce se ðe móte dómes ǽr deáðe let him that may do deeds deserving of glory ere he die, Beo. Th. 2779; B. 1387. Til sceal on éðle dómes wyrcean, Menol. Fox 501 ; Gn. C. 21. Hé þóhte ðæt hé him myceles wordes wircean sceolde (wolde geearnian him hereword, MS. F.), Chr. 1009 ; Erl. 142, 2. Se hæfde moncynnes leóhteste hond lofes tó wyrcenne (to call forth praise), Exon. Th. 323, 2 ; Víd. 72. (3) with a clause :-- Is ðæt wundorlíc, ðæt ðú mid geþeahte ðínum wyrcest, ðæt ðú ðǽm gesceaftum mearce gesettest and hí gemengdest eác, Met. 20, 87. [Goth. waurkjan; p. waurhta : O. H. Ger. wurchen, wirchen ; p. worhta : Icel. yrkja ; p. orti : O. Sax. wirkian ; p. warhta : O. Frs. werka ; p. wrochte.] v. á-, be- (bi-), for-, fore-, ful-, ge-, in- (Exon. Th. 337, 21 ; Gn. Ex. 68), ofer-, óþ-, sám-, un-, ymb-wyrcan (-weorcan); firen-, scyld-, syn-, unriht-, wam-, wel-, wolcen-, yfel-wyrcende; wyrcend. wyrcan