
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wyrd

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. What happens, fate, fortune, chance. I. the word is used to gloss the following Latin words :-- Casibus wyrdum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 1 : 18, 29 : 81, 45. Eventus wyrd, 75, 61 : 30, 71. Fati wyrde oððe gegonges, 33, 65. Fata wyrde, 94, 6. Fatis wyrdum, 37, 54. Fors wyrd, 109, 5 : 83, 43: 37, 14. Fortuna wyrd, 108, 78 : 33, 78. Fortunae wyrde, 33, 77 : 79, 61. Sortem wyrd, 120, 76. Fatu (statu? II. fate, the otherwise than humanly appointed order of things :-- Ðæt ðætte wé hátaþ Godes foreþonc and his foresceáwung, . . . siððan hit fullfremed bið, ðonne hátaþ wé hit wyrd... Hí sint twá ðing, foreþonc and wyrd.... Ðæt ðæt wé wyrd hátaþ, ðæt biþ Godes weorc ðe hé ǽlce dæg wyrcþ, ǽgðer ge ðæs ðe wé geseóþ, ge ðæs ðe ús ungeswenlíc biþ .... Sió wyrd dǽlþ eallum gesceaftum andwlitan and stówa and tída and gemetgunga. Ac sió wyrd cymþ of ðam foreþonce Godes, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 21-220, 1. Ðiós wandriende wyrd, ðe wé wyrd hátaþ, færþ æfter his foreþonce.... Siþþan wé hit hátaþ wyrd, syððan hit geworht biþ; ǽr hit wæs Godes foreþonc. Ða wyrd hé wyrcþ oþþe þurh ða gódan englas, oþþe . . ., 39, 6 ; Fox 220, 5-23. Ðæt wé hátaþ wyrd, ðonne se gesceádwísa God hwæt wyrcþ oððe geþafaþ ðæs ðe wé ne wénaþ fit illud fatalis ordinis insigne miraculum, cum ab sciente geritur, quod stupeant ignorantes, 39, 10; Fox 226, 24. Ðé sceal on woruld bringan Sarra sunu, sóð forð gán wyrd æfter ðiosum wordgemearcum, Cd. Th. 142, 1 ; Gen. 2355. Gǽð á wyrd swá hió sceal, Beo. Th. 915; B. 455. Ne wæs wyrd, ðæt hé má móste manna cynnes ðicgean, 1473; B. 734. Wǽron sume gedwolmen ðe cwǽdon, ðæt ǽlc man beó ácenned be steorrena gesetnyssum, and þurh heora ymbryna him wyrd gelimpe, Homl. Th. i. 110, 8. Sceal heó (Lot's wife) wyrde bídan, Drihtnes dómes, Cd. Th. 155, 10; Gen. 2570 : Exon. Th. 329, 29; Vy. 41. Hí wyrd ne cúþon, Beo. Th. 2471 ; B. 1233. III. in a personal sense, one of the Fates (the weird sisters) :-- Wyrde Parcae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 116, 9 : 67, 55. III a. as a personification, fate, fortune :-- Wyrd biþ swíþre, Meotud mihtigra, ðonne ǽnges monnes gehygd, Exon. Th. 312, 27; Seef. 115. Wyrd byð swíþost, Menol. Fox 469; Gn. C. 5 : Salm. Kmbl. 855; Sal. 427 : 886; Sal. 442. Wyrd bið ful árǽð, Exon. Th. 286, 24; Wand. 5 : Salm. Kmbl. 871 ; Sal. 435. Sume úþwitan secgaþ ðæt sió wyrd wealde ǽgðer ge gesǽlþa ge ungesǽlþa ǽlces monnes, Bt. 39, 8 ; Fox 224, 13. Weord (wyrd, v. l.), 5, 1 ; Fox 8, 30. Swá him wyrd ne gescráf, Beo. Th. 5142 ; B. 2574 : Elen. Kmbl. 2092; El. 1047 : Met. 1, 29. Behindan beleác wyrd mid wǽge, Cd. Th. 206, 25; Exod. 457. Eorlas fornóman wǽpen wælgífru, wyrd seó mǽre, Exon. Th. 292, 17 ; Wand. 100: Beo. Th. 2415; B. 1205. Hié wyrd forsweóp, 959; B. 477 : 5621 ; B. 2814. Wyrd ðone gomelan grétan sceolde, 4832; B. 2420. Hwý ðú ǽfre woldest ðæt seó wyrd swá hwyrfan sceolde? Heó þreáþ ða unscildigan, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 12 : Met. 4. 34 : Andr. Kmbl. 1226; An. 613 : 3121 ; An. 1563. Wyrd oft nereþ unfǽgne eorl, Beó. Th. 1149; B. 572 : Exon. Th. 165, 18; Gú. 1030. Tó eallum ðám gesǽlðum ðe seó wyrd brengð, Bt. 16, 3 ; Fox 54, 25 : 14, 1 ; Fox 40, 31. Ne wén ðú nó ðæt ic tó ánwillíce winne wiþ ða wyrd (fortunam) ... hit oft gebyraþ ðæt seó leáse wyrd náuþer ne mæg ðam men dón ne fultum, ne nǽnne ðem, 20; Fox 70, 22. Wyrde wiðstondan, Exón. Th. 287, 17 ; Wand. 15. IV. an event, (1) with the special idea of that which happens by the determination of Providence or fate :-- Ne wile Sarran gelýfan wordum mínum; sceal seó wyrd swá ðeáh forð steallian, Cd. Th. 144, 14; Gen. 2389. Wyrd wæs geworden, swefen geséðed, swá ǽr Daniel cwæð, 257, 5 ; Dan. 653. God éce biþ; ne wendaþ hine wyrda, ne hine wiht dreceþ ádl ne yldo, Exon. Th. 333, 24; Gn. Ex. 9: Salm. Kmbl. 666; Sal. 332. Wyrda Waldend, Cd. Th. 205, 7; Exod. 432 : Andr. Kmbl. 2113; An. 1058 : Elen. Kmbl. 159 ; El. 80 : Exon. Th. 455, 1; Hy. 4, 43. Wyrda gerýnu, Cd. Th. 225, 5; Dan. 149. Wyrda geþinga, 250, 14; Dan. 546. Wyrda gesceaft, 224, 6; Dan. 132. Onwrigen is wyrda bigang, Elen. Kmbl. 2245 ; El. 1124. Gif ic ðé ðone [... age, the MS. is here imperfect] gesecge ðínes feores, ýþelíce ðú ða wyrde oncyrrest and his hond beféhst si mortis tue tibi insidiatorem prodidero, sublato eo facile instantia fata mutabis, mihique tres irascentur sorores, Clotos, Lachesis, Atropos, Nar. 31, 24. (2) in a general sense, an event, occurrence, circumstance, incident, fact :-- Nǽnigne tweógean ne þearf, ðæt seó wyrd on ðás ondweardan tíd geweorþan sceal, ðæt se Scyppend gesittan wile on his dómsetle, Blickl. Howl. 83, 10. Ðá gelamp wundorlíc wyrd, ðæt se lég ongan sleán ongeán ðone wind, 221, 11. Ðæt is mǽro wyrd, Cd. Th. 84, 18; Gen. 1399 : Menol. Fox 107; Men. 53. Egeslíc wyrd, Rood Kmbl. 148; Kr. 74 : Exon. Th. 432, 6 ; Rä. 48, 2. Seó wyrd gewearð (it happened) ðæt ðæt wíf geseah Ismaél plegan, Cd. Th. 168, 3; Gen. 2777. Is seó wyrd mid eów open the event is patent among you, Andr. Kmbl. 1516; An. 759 : Apstls. Kmbl. 84; Ap. 42. Ne wé ðære wyrde wénan þurfon tóweard in tíde, Exon. Th. 6, 8; Cri. 81. Wénan ðære wyrde, ðæt heó hire taman healde, Met. 13, 24 : 26, 114 : Ps. Th. 119, 5. Hé wyrde bídeþ, hwonne God wille ðisse worlde ende gewyricean, Blickl. Homl. 109, 32. On ðæm dæge gewíteþ heofon and eorþe.... Swá eác for ðære ilcan wyrde gewíteþ sunne and móna, 91, 22. Ðá gesáwon hié wundorlíce wyrd - ðone man lífgendne, ðone ðe hié ǽr deádne forléton, 217, 36; Cd. Th. 61, 112; Gen. 996 : 245, 30; Dan. 471. Hé ða wyrd ne máð, fǽges forðsíð, Exon. Th. 182, 33; Gú. 1319. Hé wyrd ne ful cúþe freóndrǽdenne hú heó from hogde he did not fully know the circumstance, how her heart was turned from loving him, 244, 26; Jul. 33. Dígle wyrd an obscure circumstance, Elen. Kmbl. 1077 ; El. 541 : 1163; El. 583. Ymb ða mǽran wyrd, 2126; El. 1064. Geopenigean uncúðe wyrd, hwǽr hé ðara nægla wénan þorfte, 2202 ; El. 1102. Hé ðé mæg onwreón wyrda gerýno he can disclose to thee the secrets of events (can tell thee of events which are a secret to most men), 1174; El. 589 : 1623 ; El. 813. Hé ne leág fela wyrda ne worda, Beo. Th. 6052 ; B. 3030. V. what happens to a person, fate, fortune, lot, condition :-- Ic wille secgan ðæt ǽlc wyrd (omnis fortuna) bió gód, sam hió monnum gód þince, sam hió him yfel þince.... Ǽlc wyrd, sam hió sié wynsum, sam hió sié unwynsum, for ðý cymþ tó ðǽm gódum ðæt hió ... hine þreátige tó ðon ðæt hé bet dó, . . . oððe him leánige ðæt hé teala dyde, Bt. 40, 1 ; Fox 224, 33-226, 5. Ða graman gydena, ðe folcisce men hátaþ Parcas, ða hí secgaþ ðæt wealdan ǽlces monnes wyrde, 35, 6 ; Fox 168, 27. For hwý ætwíte gé eówerre wyrde ðæt hió nán geweald náh, 39, 1 ; Fox 210, 26. Him ne wæs nǽnig earfoþe ðæt líchomlíce gedál on ðære neówan wyrde (in their new condition), Blickl. Homl. 135, 31. Under wyrd sub condicione, Jn. Skt. p. 5, 10. Ne meaht ðú nó mid sóþe getǽlan ðíne wyrd and ðíne gesǽlþa, swá swá ðú wénst quod tu falsae opinionis supplicium luis, id rebus jure imputare non possis, Bt. 10 ; Fox 28, 1. Wyrd wánian, Exon. Th. 274, 24; Jul. 538. Unc sceal weorðan swá unc wyrd geteóð Metod manna gehwæs to us shall it befall, as the Lord of every man decrees to us our fate, Beo. Th. 5046; B. 2526. Nýd bið wyrda heardost, Salm. Kmbl. 622; Sal. 310. Him mæg wíssefa wyrda gehwylce gemetigian, 877; Sal. 438. Gnornsorga mǽst, wyrda láðost, Elen. Kmbl. 1953; El. 977 : Rood Kmbl. 101 ; Kr. 51. V a, fate, death. See also III a :-- Wille forgieldan gǽsta Dryhten willum æfter ðære wyrde, ðam ðe his synna nú sáre geþenceþ, Exon. Th. 450, 3; Dom. 82. VI. chance, accident :-- Ðæt wille ic gecýþan, ðæt ðu rícu of nánes monnes mihtum swá gecræftgade ne wurdon, ne for nánre wyrde, búton from Godes gestihtunge ut omnia haec profundissimis Dei judiciis disposita, non autem humanis viribus, aut incertis casibus accidisse perdoceam, Ors. 2, 1 ; Swt. 69, 23. Sprecan wiþ ða ðe secgaþ ðæt ða anwaldas sién of wyrda mægenum gewordene, Swt. 62, 10. [Worþe hit wele, oþer wo, as þe wyrde lykeȝ hit hafe, Gaw. 2134. Þe same þat sett is be wirde, Alex. (Skt.) 443. Wyrdis (wyrde systres) Parce, Cath. Angl. 420, and see note. To dreȝe his wyrdes, Allit. Pms. 74, 1224. Heo biuepeð hire wurdes, H. M. 33. 24. Is þi werid (werd, v.l.) to þe wissid, Alex. (Skt.) 689. Out of wo into wele ȝoure wyrdes shul chaunge, Piers P. C. 13, 209. Þe sorouful werdes of me olde man, Chauc. Boet. 4, 10. O. Sax. wurð fate, death : 0. H. Ger. wurt fatum, fortuna, eventus : Icel. urðr (poet.) fate; one of the Norns. v. Grmm. D. M. pp. 376 sqq.] v. deáþ-, eft-, fǽr-, for-, ge-, tó-, un-, wundor-wyrd. wyrd,-wyrd

Verwandte Wörter: Ald. 30) wyrde, 78, 77.
