Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - a

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prep. Omit:Ps. Th. 18, 8 belongs toá. á (ó); ad A. always; semper.I. in reference to eternity, (1) alone:-- Ealle gesceafta woldon á bión; ǽlcere wuhte is gecynde ðæt hit wilnige ðæt hit á sié, Bt. 34, 12; F. 152, 18. (2) defined by adverbs :-- Á forþ éce, Az. 112. A forþ heonan, Cri. 582. (3) emphasized by noun phrases:-- Ǽfre sig Dryhten gebletsod, á worulda woruld, Nic. 19, 24. Á on worlda forþ, Hy. 7, 123. Á tó worulde forþ, 6, 13. Á tó worulde, á bútan ende, Sae. 315. A bútan ende éce, Cri. 415. Á tó ealdre, Dóm. 29. Á tó feore, Cri. 1678. II. denoting continuity or continual recurrence in temporary matters:-- Á þenden standeþ woruld, Gen. 915: B. 283. Á fordh in dies, Txts. 70, 529. Forþ unwemme á, Cri. 300. Á mid ældum in ǽlce tíd geweorþad, 405. Ús freódóm gief from yfla gehwám á tó wídan feore, Hy. 5, ll. Á in wintra worn, Dan. 324. Á ic symles wæs willan þínes georn, An. 64. Ic á and symble cwæþ, Ps. 94, 10. Á on symbel semper, Gr. D. 283, 6. On ðá gerád ðǽt hí gecuron heora kynecyn áá on ðá wífhealfa, Chr. Erl. p. 3, 16. Of Angle sé á syððan stód wéstig, 449; Erl. 13, 16. Áá after ðám hit yfelode, 975 ; Erl. 127, 32. Hé wíslíce rǽdde oftost á simle, 959; Erl. 119, 26. Waes á bliacute;ðemód, 1065; Erl. 196, 34. Hí á bærndon swá hí geférdon, 1010; Erl. 144, l. II a. of continuity in space-measurement:-- Wæs ðæt land genemnad Nazanleóg á oþ Certices ford. Chr. 508; Erl. 15, 19. II b. of continuous increase or decrease (with comparatives):-- Sceal him ðanan forð á þe bet belimpan, Wlfst. 39, 11. Ðeós woruld is sorhful and fram dæge tó dæge á swá leng swá wyrse, 189, 6. II c. of continuous correspondence, quite (as):-- Dá sendon hié eft Marius angeán Geoweorþan, á swá lytigne and á swábrægdenne swá hé wæs Marius, qui non minore pene quam ipse praeditus erat astutia, Ors. 5, 7; S. 228, 32. Þǽr wæs á sw;á micel dem swá on Alexandria wæs, 6, 14; S. 270, 2. III. making a condition emphatic:-- Nán ǽnig þing þeáh þe á lytel (anything though always small, though never great) hys ágenre findincge d;ón geþrístlǽce nullus quippiam quamuis parum sua propria adinuentione agere presumat, Angl. xiii. 441, 1081. B. at any time; unquarn. I. in any case, at all:-- Mid máran unrǽde ðone him á behófode ( than was at all proper for him), Chr. 1093; Erl. 229, 3. Gif hé ó wǽre gecnyssed mid mænniscre herenesse, Gr. D. 59, 28. Eá lá ! ðæt ðú á woldest sǽne weorþan, An. 203. Hwæðer siððan á Drihten ámetan wolde wrece be gewyrhtum, Met. 9, 34. II. strengthening a negation:-- Hié á noldon, Dan. 189. Nó ðæs fela . . . ðæt á se ríca récan wolde, 596: B. 779. Neðǽr hleona;þ oo unsméþes wiht, Ph. 25. Nó waniaþ ó holtes frǽtwe, 72 : Cri. 313: Gen. 833. III. emphasizing a question, (why) ever:-- Hwiacute; eów á lyste (cf. hwí gé wilnigen, Bt. F. 68, 26), Met. 10, 18. IV. in any degree, any (with comparatives):-- Ne oncnáwð á lengc stówe non cognoscet amplius locum, Ps. L. 102, 16 : An. 1469: H. R. 17, 22. Hwæþer ðú hit á sweotolor ongiton mæge, Bt. 34, 4; F. 138, 16: 35, 5 ; F. 166, 23 : 30, 1; F. 108, 28. Á lator, Gr. D. 59, 19. Hw;í eart ðú ðonne á ðý betera, Bt. 13; F. 38, 9. Wénst ðú ðæt hí á þe deórwyrþran seón, 14, 2; F. 44, 2: 27, 2; F. 98, 9. [Goth.aiw: O. Sax. O. H. Ger. éo: Ger. je: Icel. ǽ, ei (ey).] v. áwa. [Omit the part within brackets at end of á.] a,-a,a-

Palabras relacionadas: Ever. Add:
