
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - a-sceacan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

-scacan, -scæcan; he -sceaceþ, -sceacþ, -scæceþ, -scaceþ;

p. -sceóc, -scóc, pl. -sceócon, -scócon; pp. -sceacen, -scacen. I. to shake off, remove; excutere :-- Asceacaþ ðæt dust of eówrum fótum excutite pulverem de pedibus vestris, Mk. Bos. 6, 11. II. to be removed, forsake, desert, flee; excuti, fugere, aufugere, deserere :-- Asceacen [Lamb. ofascacen] ic eom excussus sum, Ps. Spl. C. 108, 22. Ðæt Iacob wæs asceacen quod fugeret Jacob, Gen. 31, 22. He asceacen wæs fram Æðelréde he had deserted from Æthelred, Chr. 1001; Ing. 174, 15. III. to shake, brandish, to be shaken; vibrare, quatere, concuti, labefieri, infirmari :-- His swurd he acwecþ oððe asceacþ gladium suum vibrabit, Ps. Lamb. 7, 13. He ascæceþ feðre it shakes its plumage, Exon. 58a; Th. 207, 20; Ph. 144: Ps. Spl. 7, 13. Offa æscholt asceóc Offa shook his ashen spear, Byrht. Th. 138, 35; By. 230. Wilsumne regn wolcen brincgeþ, and ðonne ascaceþ God sundoryrfe pluviam voluntariam segregabis, Deus, hereditati tuæ, etenim infirmata est, Ps. Th. 67, 10. a-sceacan