
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - æt

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Add: A. prep. followed at or in which a person resides">with which something is placed">by a case. I. with dat. (1) temporal, at :-- Æt ðǽm ýtmestan dæge, Bl. H. 51, 8. Æt þisse ilcan tíde, 91, 14. Æt twám cierrun and æt ðǽm þriddan cierre, Ors. 5, 7; S. 228, 28. (l a) where the time is fixed at or in which a person resides">with which something is placed">by an occurrence or a condition :-- Æt orwénum lífe in extremitate vitae, Ll. Th. ii. 170, 18. Gif æt þirsa UNCERTAIN misdǽda hwelcere se hund losige, i. 78, 5. Gif his mon getilað æt ðǽre yfelan wǽtan (when the evil humour is present), Lch. ii. 240, 18. Æt ǽnigre neóde, Wlfst. 171, 11. Lofsang æt ðám wundrum singan, Hml. S. 21, 246. (1 b) with absolute dat. (cf. similar use in Gothic and Icelandic) :-- Æt þám gewordenan ǽfne, Nic. 10, 36. (2) local (a) where there is motion to an object :-- Hié héton Ióhannes æt his mynstre gebrengan, Ors. 6, 10; S. 264, 21: Bt. 7, 3; F. 22, 1. Æt hám gebring, Lch. ii. 292, 25. (b) motion from :-- Se sceocca sceall áswǽman æt ús, . . . and Gríst hine ádrǽfð þæt hé ús derian ne mæge, Hml. S. 17, 203. (c) rest (α) marking point at which, object at or in which a person resides">with which something is placed">by or in contact with which something is placed :-- Hé geseah áne hlǽdre standan æt him . . . æt ðǽm uferran ende Dryhten hlinode, Past. 101, 19. Ðá gesáwon hí ðǽr monige men æt him beón (adfuisse), Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 21. Hé gesǽton æt mé (circa me), óþer æt mínum heáfde, óþer æt mínum fótum, 5, 13; S. 632, 35. Gegyred myd hǽran æt hyre lýchaman, Shrn. 149, 20. ¶ in place-names :-- On ðǽr estówe ðe is cweden Æt twyfyrde, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 5. In loco qui uulgari dictione nuncupatur at Archet, C. D. ii. 213, 33. Kóka ealdormon tówearp ðá burg æt Hierusalem, Past. 311, 6. (β) marking person with whom or place at or in which a person resides :-- Ða beféng Ælfsige þone mann æt Wulfstáne, Cht. Th. 206, 23. Leófríc æt (who lived at) Hwítciricean . . . and Godwine æt Worðige, Chr. 1001; P. 132, 6, 8. Seó cyrice sceal fédan þá þe æt hire eardiaþ. Bl. H. 41, 28. (3) in various cases (a) marking object with which one is occupied :-- Hí æt láre wǽron, Hml. S. 29, 10. Ic stande æt gebede, Ps. Th. 5, 3. Hé sæt æt þǽm ǽfengereordum, Bl. H. 73, 4. (b) marking person with whom another is brought into relation :-- Hé hæfde mycele gife æt his hláforde, Gen. 39, 4. Swá ús bið æt Gode, ðonne wé wið hine gesyngiað. Past. 425, 4. Hit stent on úrum dihte hú ús bið æt Gode gedémed, Hml. Th. i. 52, 32. (c) implying adhesion :-- Ealle ðá men þe æt þǽre láre wǽron þæt mon Pompeius ofslóg omnes interfectores Pompeii, Ors. 5, 12; S. 242, 23. Hé feóll mid eallum ðám englum ðe æt his rǽde wǽron, Hex. 18, 3. (d) marking object on which action takes effect :-- Þonne áh se teónd áne swingellan æt him, Ll. Th. i. 132, 9. Wé magon beón nyttran æt him utilius apud eos proficimus, Past. 211, 21. Wé habbað gedón swá swá ús swutelung fram eów com æt ðám b. Æðelnóðe, Cht. Th. 314, 2. Ðæt his fót æt stáne oþspurne. Bl. H. 29, 31. (e) marking object in respect to which some condition or circumstance is given, of persons">in the case of (a) of persons :-- Sé ðe scyldunga bǽde æt (of persons">in the case of) ofslagenum þeófe, Ll. Th. i. 204, 27. Be ordále æt þám mannum þe oft betihtlede wǽron, 202, 24. (β) of things :-- Æt þám feówer tóðum fyrestum, æt gehwylcum, .vi. scillingas, Ll. Th. i. 16, 2, 14, 15 : 18, 17. Ic eom unscyldig æt þǽre tihtlan, 180, 16. Ðæt hé feorh ne geséce æt openre þýfðe, 392, 3: 240, 30. Æt þýfðe gewita beón, 200, 20. Ealles folces þing at or in which a person resides">with which something is placed">byð þe betere æt þám þýfðum, 238, 20: 250, 5. Æt eallum slyht and æt ealre þǽre hergunge and æt eallum þám hearmum. . . man eall onweig lǽte, 288, 1. Hwæt tó bóte mihte æt þǽm fǽrcwealme, 270, 9: Cht. Th. 265, 10. Ðæt se mæssepreóst æt þám þingum (in illis rebus) þone bisceop áspelian móte, Ll. Th. ii. 176, 33. (f) marking source (α) at or from which something is got :-- Hé geceápade mid his feó æt þǽm consule þæt. . . , Ors. 5, 7; S. 228, 15. Hwæt hæfst ðú æt þám gifum?, Bt. 13 ; F. 38, 4. Hé hine gebohte æt þám mannum, Gen. 39, 1: Hml. S. 29, 150. (β) at or from which something is sought, learnt, known, &c. :-- Leornige gehwá Godes beboda æt wísum láreówum, Hml, S. 12, 136. Hé undernam láre æt him, 29, 76. Hí ætgædere gelǽrede wǽron æt Aristotolese sibi apud Aristotelem condiscipulum, Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 132, 2. Eówer blód ic ofgange æt wilddeórum and eác æt þám men, Gen. 9, 5. Ic ne mæg findan æt mé seolfum þæt ic hine geseó, Ors. 5, 12; S. 244, 1. (g) where there is contributory payment :-- Æt ǽlcon still, penig, Ll. Th. i. 226, 3. Æt heáfde peninc, æt sylh peninc, gesyfledne hláf ǽt hreócendum heorðe, Wlfst. 170, 20. (h) with verbs of saving, redeeming, &c., from :-- Ðæt lond æt him álésan, Ors. 1. 10; S. 44, 9. Gyf hit man æt ðeófes hands áhret, Ll. Th. i. 226, 4. Hí áhreddon þæt cild æt þám wulfe, Hml. S. 30, 186. (i) marking object of which one is deprived :-- Gif hwylc man reáfige óðerne æt his dehter si homo quis alterum filia sua spoliaverit, Ll. Th. ii. 208, 7. Gif man beó æt his ǽhtan bereáfod, i. 286, 16: Gen. 43, 18: Ex. 32, 25. Hé hine berǽdde æt þám ríce, Chr. 887; P. 80, 18. (j) marking source from which action proceeds :-- Hé wearð ácweald æt his witena handum, Hml. Th. i. 60, 4. Hí wǽron gemartyrode æt þám mánfullan Nero, Hml. S. 29, 117. Heó wearð gehǽled æt þám apostole, 36, 264. II. with instrumental :-- Æt sume cierre, Past. 131, 12. III. with acc., marking limit. Cf. oþ. (1) temporal, until :-- Hé hit nó ne ylde æt nón, þonne hé tó middes dæges sceolde hám cuman, Gr. D. 206, 22. Seó is nú get æt þysne andweardan dæg mid wuldrum geweorþod, Bl. H. 125, 17. Ríneþ blódig regn æt ǽfen, 91, 34: 93, 3. Eall eorþe bið mid þeóstrum oforþeaht æt þá endlyftan tíd, 93, 6. (2) local, unto, up to :-- Hí hine besencton on þá eá æt his cneówa, Bl. H. 43, 30. Geond ealle eorþan gǽþ heora swég, æt þá ýtmestan gemǽro heora lár and heoraword, 133, 35. Andlanges ðǽre díc æt ðæne ellenstyb, C. D. iii. 24, 3. B. ad(qui aderant), Bd. l, 25; 8. 487, 7: Gr. D. 220, 6. Æt wǽron úre bróþru, Bd. 4, 5; S. 572, 12. Ðé men ðe him æt wǽron, 5, 5; S. 618, 6: Hml. S. 30, 144. Mé wǽron æt manige men, Gr. D. 83, 13. Búton ic æt wese (adsim) eów. Coll. M. 28, 21. Ic bidde þæt þú æt sý mínum sangum, Lch. i. 308, 22. Ðǽm bréðer ðe him æt stód, Shrn. 64, 12: Bl. H. 149, 31. Ðá ðe mé æt sǽton qui mihi adsederant, Bd. 5, 13 ; S. 633, 12. See also passages in Dictionary under æt-befón, -beón, -eom, -gebicgan, -gebrengan. æt-,-æt,æt

Palabras relacionadas: or without following case. (l) where there is motion to an object :-- Sé sé ðe swelc ne sié dǽr nó æt ne cume, Past. 59, 10. Ic eów cleopode tó mé, ac gé mé noldon æt cuman, 247, 21. (2) motion from :-- Eówerne gefeán eów nán mon æt ne genimð. Past. 187, 22. Wiþ ðæt beón æt ne fleón, Lch. i. 96, 25. (3) rest :-- Mid eallum his geféran ðe ðær æt wǽron
