
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - an-sín

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. a face: -- Ansýn facies, Wrt. Voc. i. 70, 39. Hine Drihten cúðe of ansíne to ansíne, Deut. 34, 10. Hié gesáwon ródetácen on his onsiéne, Bl. H. 243, 13. Lǽded fore onsýne éces déman Cri. 796. Ic míne handa and ansýne (-u, áðwóh, Hml. S. 23b, 502. Þanon ic ne wende onsión mine. El. 349. Ne áhwyrf þú þíne onsýne from mé, Bl. H. 89, 11. Anséna eówere ne beóð gescænde facies tuae won confundentur. Ps. L. 33, 6. Gefyll heora ansýna[n] mid teónan, 82, 17. Ansýna, Ps. Th. 81, 2. Ia. the surface of an object :-- On ansýne scræfes in superficie antri, An. Ox. 1888. II. sight, visible appearance :-- Næs þæs wyrmes þǽr onsýn ǽnig there was nothing to be seen of the dragon, B. 2772. ꝥ hé leng from Crístes onsýne wǽre that he should be longer without a sight of Christ, Bl. H. 225, 29. On Drihtnes onsýne wunian to dwell where God could be seen, 103, 33. Hé heora ǽrendracan swá unweorðlíce forseah ꝥ hé heora self onseón nolde legatos Romanorum injuriosissime a conspectu suo abstinuit, Ors. 4, 8; S. 186, 7. Ic mé warnade hyre onsýne, Gú. 1157. III. aspect, look, appearance, shape, form, (1) of living creatures :-- On lǽces ansýne (onsióne, v.l.) in medici specie, Gr. D. 161, 1. In culfran ansýne (specie), 169, 8. Onsiéne (corporis) habitudine, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 24. Hé geseah león ansýne, Guth. 46, 24. Fearres gelícnysse and beran ansýne, 48, 2. Englas gehwyrfde on manna onsýne, Bl. H. 233, 5. Gedyde ic þæt þú onsýn hæfdest mǽgwlite mé gelícne, Cri. 1383. (2) of things :--Seó sǽ þe ǽr gladu onsiéne wæs, Met. 5, 11. Seó cyrice is on onsýne útan yfeles heówes, Bl. H. 197, 11. Þá lástas á beóþ on þǽre ilcan onsýne þe hié on þá eorþan bestapene wǽron, 127, 20. Þá ádle mon mæg ongitan be þám úgange, hwilc sé on onsýne sié, Lch. ii. 276. an-sin

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