Cantwara burg

Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - cantwara burg

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Cantware-burg, Cantwar-burg, -burh;

Cantwara burg
gen. burge; f; Cantwara byrig, e; f. [Cant-wara, gen. pl. of Cant-ware Kentish men, burh a city] A city or fortress of the men of Kent; Cantuariorum urbs vel castellum. I. CANTERBURY; Durovernensis civitas :-- Cantwara burg forbærn ðý geáre Canterbury was burnt in that year, Chr. 754; Th. 80, 35, col. 1. Brǽcon Cantwara burh they took Canterbury by storm, 853; Th. 120, 28, col. 3. Ða sealde Æðelbyrht him wununesse and stówe on Cantwara byrig, seó wæs ealles his ríces ealdorburh dedit ergo Ædilberctus eis mansionem in civitate Durovernensi [Canterbury] , quæ imperii sui totius erat metropolis, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 18: 4, 5; S. 572, 9. To Cantwarebyrig to Canterbury, Chr. 1009; Th. 260, 37. He wæs bebyrged innan Cantwarbyrig he was buried within Canterbury, 690; Th. 65, 23, col. 1: 754; Th. 81, 36. II. Rochester; Roffensis civitas, Roffa :-- Putta Cantwara burhge bisceop, seó is cweden æt Hrofesceastre Putta Episcopus castelli Cantuariorum, quod dicitur Rofecester, Bd. 4, 5; Whelc. 272, 35. cantwara burg