
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ceáp-gyld

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

II. indemnity for stolen property. Add :-- Gecýðe hé ꝥ hit wǽre forstolen, and bidde syþþan his ceápgildes, Ll. Th. i. 238, 13. 8. Þingie hé on þám ceápgilde, náht on þám wíte, 210, 16. Þone þeóf út niman be his were and be fullan ceápgilde, 228, 28. ꝥ wé niman eall ꝥ hé (the thief) áge, and niman ǽrest ꝥ ceápgyld of þám yrfe, 228, 15. Sylle mon ꝥ ceápgyld ðám ðe ꝥ yrfe (the stolen cattle) áge, 258, 11. Healde se landhláford ꝥ forstolene orf and þæs orfes ceápgyld, 276, 15. ꝥ ceápgild (for)gildan, 200, 16: 208, 22. ceap-gyld