
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - cntytan

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p. cnytte; pp. cnytted, cnytt, cnyt To tie, bind, KNIT; nectere, nexere, ligare :-- Ic cnytte necto, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Som. 38, 22. Ic cnytte [MS. C. cnitte] nexo, 36; Som. 38, 23: 28, 3; Som. 30, 61. Genim ðysse ylcan coliandran sǽd, endlufon corn oððe þreóttyne, cnyte mid ánum þrǽde take seed of this same coriander, eleven or thirteen grains, knit them with a thread, Herb. 104, 2; Lchdm. i. 218, 20. [Prompt. knyttyn UNCERTAIN nodo, confedero: Wyc. knyt, knyttide, pp: Piers P. knytte; R. Brun. knytte: Chauc. knitte: Laym. icnutten, p. pl. knotted: Plat. knutten nodare: Dut. knotten to tie; Kil. knodden nodare: Ger. knoten, knöten nodare: Dan. knytte to knit: Swed. knyta to knit, tie: Icel. knytja to knit together: Lat. nodare to tie: Sansk. nah to bind, tie.] DER. be-cnyttan, ge-, un-. cntytan