
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - cyst

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

cist, e;

f. [ceósan to choose]. I. choice, election; optio, electio :-- Ic ðé cyst abeád I have offered thee a choice, Cd. 91; Th. 115, 14; Gen. 1919. Ðonne beóþ gesomnad, on ða swíðran hond, ða clǽnan folc, Criste sylfum gecorene bi cystum then shall be assembled, on the right hand, the pure people, chosen by election by Christ himself, Exon. 25b; Th. 75, 19; Cri. 1224: Ps. Th. 64, 4. II. with gen. pl. What is chosen; æstimatio :-- Írena cyst what is chosen of swords, Beo. Th. 1350; B. 673: 1609; B. 802: 3398; B. 1697. Wǽpna cyst what is chosen of weapons, 3123; B. 1559. Symbla cyst what is chosen of feasts, 2469; B. 1232. Him gewát Abraham eástan eágum wlítan on landa [MS. lande] cyst Abraham departed from the east to look with his eyes on what is chosen of lands [Canaan], Cd. 86; Th. 107, 26; Gen. 1795. Wedera cyst what is chosen of weathers, 191; Th. 238, 6; Dan. 350. Sancta Hierusalem, cynestóla cyst holy Jerusalem, what is chosen of royal thrones, Exon. 8b; Th. 4, 11; Cri. 51. Folgoþa cyst what is chosen of services, 13b; Th. 24, 27; Cri. 391. Godwebba cyst, ðæs temples segl what is chosen of textures, the veil of the temple, 24b; Th. 70, 8; Cri. 1135. Eardríca cyst what is chosen of habitations [the garden of Eden], 45 a; Th. 153, 14; Gú. 825. Eardwíca cyst what is chosen of dwellings, 98a; Th. 366, 21; Reb. 15, Ic swefna cyst secgan UNCERTAIN wylle I will relate what is chosen of dreams, Rood Kmbl. 1; Kr. 1. Burga cyst, Róm what is chosen of cities, Rome, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 35; Met. 1, 18. III. excellence, virtue, munificence, goodness; præstantia, virtus, largitas, bonitas :-- Þiónde on eallum cystum and cræftum flourishing in all excellencies and virtues, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 23: Exon. 79b; Th. 299, 22; Crä. 106. Hí héton heom seggan ðæs landes cysta they bade them be told of the excellencies of the land, Chr. 449; Erl. 12, 6. Fród fæder freóbearn lǽrde cystum eald a wise father,old in excellencies, taught his dear son, Exon. 80a; Th. 300, 7; Fä. 2. Wénaþ menn ðæt he hit dó for cystum [kystum MS.] men think that he does it for virtue, Past. 20, 1; Hat. MS. 29a, 27. Ðæt ðú ðíne cysta cýðe that than mayest shew thy virtues, Progood in virtues, Chr. 1065; Erl. 199, 6; Edw. 23: Beo. Th. 1738; B. 867: 1850; B. 923. Seó gitsung gedéþ gitseras láðe, and ða cysta gedóþ ða leóftǽle covetousness makes misers loathsome, and munificence makes them estimable, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 16. Hú me cynegóde cystum dohten how the noble munificently treated me, Exon. 85b; Th. 322, 1; Wíd. 56. Þurh Godes micclan cyste through the great goodness of God, Homl. Th. ii. 468, 14. For his micclan ciste of his great goodness, Ælfc. T. 9, 1. [Laym. custe manner, quality: O. Sax. kust, f. choice: Frs. O. Frs. kest, f. choice: Ger. kurst = kur, f. election: M. H. Ger. kust, f. manner of choosing: O. H. Ger. kust, f. æstimatio, electio, virtus: Goth. ga-kusts, f. what has been tried, a trial; kustus, m. examination: Icel. kostr, m. trial, choice.] DER. gum-cyst, hilde-, un-. cyst

Palabras relacionadas: Kmbl. 46. Cystum gód
