
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - eahtian

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. to deliberate, consider :-- Aecta[t]h, aechtath, aehtað perpendit, Txts. 88, 836. II. to estimate, fix the character, quality of something :-- Hé suíðe ungemetlíce eahtað eall ðæt him ǽr gedón wæs, and hit suíðe unáberendlic talað cuncta, quae sibi illata sunt, vehementer exaggerans intolerabilia ostendit, Past. 227, 17. Eahtige hé hine selfne on his inngeðonce suelcne suelcne hé ondrǽtt ðæt hé sié servent interius quod de sua aestimatione pertimescunt, 119, 8. Ðætte hié mægen geteón ðurh ðá eahtunge ðe hié mon eahtige hira niéhstan tó ðǽre sóðfæsðnesse lufan ut suae aestimationis dulcedine proximos in affectum veritatis trahant, 147, 8. Ðý lǽs hié eahtigen óðerra monna dǽda (cf. that hi ahtóie óðres mannes saka, endi habad im selbo mér firinwerkó gefrumid, Hél. 1716), and forgieten hié selfe ne insequentes aliorum facta se deserant, 371, 3. Wé þæt hýrdon hæleð eahtian, déman dǽdhwate, þætte in dagum gelamp Maximianes, Jul. 1. Þæs biscéopes líf swá swíðe swá mannum riht is tó eahtienne (eht-, æht-, ) uitam illius quantum hominibus aestimare fas est, Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 573, 21. [O. frs. achtia: O. Sax. ahtón: O. H. Ger. ahtón putare, censere perpendere, deliberare, computare, judicare.] v. ge-eahtian; eahtan. eahtian

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