Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fægere
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- fægere
- Add: I. beautifully to the eye :-- Fægere gefrætewod, Seel. 139. Fægere gegyrwed, Rä. 21, 2. Cyrice geworht swá fægre swá hit men fægrost geþencean meahton. Synd þǽr þrý porticas swíþe fægere ufan oferworhte, Bl. H. 125, 22. Þæt on foldan fægre stóde wudubeám wlitig, Dan. 498. II. of sound :-- Hí singað fægre, Cri. 390. III. of composition, elegantly :-- Ic þá ged ne mæg gefégean swá fægre (cf. ic sceal mid ungerádum wordum gesettan, Bt. 2 ; F. 4, 7), Met. 2, 6. IV. of gentle movement or procedure, without haste or violence, gently :-- Fægre pedetemptim (=sófte, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 39), An. Ox. 3046: Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 47 : 66, 49. Se lǽce grápað suíðe fægre ymbútan ðæt ðæt hé sníðan wile, Past. 187, 1. Þǽr mé sófte byð, þǽr ic beó fægere beþeaht fiðerum ðínum, Ps. Th. 60, 3. Hí hine mid ealre smyltnysse on heora fiðerum feredon, þæt hé ne mihte ne on scipe fægeror gefered beón, Guth. 40, 18. V. of gentle, courteous, kindly treatment :-- Onfóh þú þínum esne fægere, Ps. Th. 118, 122. Swá fæder ðenceð fægere his bearnum milde weorðan, 102, 13. VI. of gentle speech, cf. to speak a person fair :-- Ongan Abraham sprecan fægre tó Lothe, Gen. 1900: 2497. Fægre grétan, 2104. Fægre fricgean, B. 1985. Fægre gehátan to make fair promises, 2989. Hé swǽslíce sibbe geháteð, fréfreð hí fægre (speaks words of kind comfort), Crl. 1341. Hé ðám folce fægere bodade with kindly words he warned the people, Hml, Th. ii. 140, 10. Hé hí gefréfrode, ðus fægre tihtende, 328, 3. Mid fæderlicre lufe fægere tihtende, Hml. S. 13, 313. VI a. in a bad sense, plausibly, speciously :-- Hé spreceð fægere beforan and þæt fácen hafað in his heortan, Leás, 5. VII. so as to be without impurity :-- Hé mec fægre feormað, Rä. 72, 18. VIII. without defect, thoroughly, nobly, splendidly, with happy result. splendidly entertained, B. 1788. Héfylde þínne willan fægere mid góde satiat in bonis desiderium tuum, Ps. Th. 102, 4. Heofonas syndon fægre gefylled þínes wuldres, Ph. 627: Gú. 625. Gefultuma mé, þonne beó ic fægere hál, Ps. Th. 118, 117. Gefultuma mé fægere, 118, 86. Fægre, Jud. 301. Þá gefetredan fægre Drihten álýseð the Lord makes deliverance fair of the fettered, Ps. Th. 145, 7. Seledreáme fægre onþeón, Rä. 64, 2. Fægere áfréfran, Ps. Th. 125, 1. Git mid þý fullwihte fægre onbryrdon ealne þisne middangeard gave splendid incitement to all this earth, Hö. 136. Hé him fægre leán geaf he rewarded them splendidly, Cri. 472: 1361. Þú þe Maria fægere ákende thou whom Mary in happy hour brought forth, Hy. 3, 26. IX. with propriety, in a becoming manner:--God sceal mon ǽrest hergan, fægre fæder úserne, Gn. Ex. 5. Wese God á gebletsad, and þæt fægere becweðe folca ǽghwylc, Ps. Th. 105, 37. X. justly, in equity:--Sceal wearh hangian, fægere ongildan þæt hé ǽr fácen dyde, Gn. C. 56. [v. N. E. D. fair; adv.] fægere