Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fæstnung
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- fæstnung
- Add: (1) the condition of being fast, stability, fixity. I :-- Hé gekýðð on ðǽre styringe ðára telgena útane ðæt ðǽr ne bið nán fæstnung on ðǽm wyrtruman innan UNCERTAIN exteriori mobilitate indicat, quod nulla interius radice subsistat, Past. 359, 8. Næfde hé (Lucifer) náne fæstnunge, ac feóll sóna ádún, Hex. 18, 2. (2) the condition of being closed. v. fæst; IV a :-- Seó fæstnung ðǽre hellican clýsinge ne geðafað þæt hí ǽfre út ábrecon the prison of hell is shut toofast to allow them ever to break out, Hml. Th. i. 332, 20. (3) a making strong, fortifying. v. fæst; IV :-- Festnunge munificentiam (? as if connected with munire), Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 37. (4) a fastening, binding. v. fæst; I. 2 :-- Hé þá tungan onlýsde, þá se heáhengel mid þǽre swígunge fæstnunga geband þone fæder, Bl. H. 167, 11. (5) a making steadfast, an exhortation. v. fæst; II :-- Fæstnunges l trymnises exortationis, Mk. p. 2, 5. (6) protection, security. Cf. fæst; II a. 2, IV :-- Ꝥte sié esnum ðínum fæstnung scildnise ǽc giscildnisses ut sint servis tuis munimentum tutelaque defensionis, Rtl. 117, 27: Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 3. Wel bið þám þe him frófre tó fæder on heofonum séceð, þǽr ús eal seó fæstnung stondeð, Wand. 115. (7) confirmation, ratification. v. fæstnian, (4) :-- Fæstnung confirmatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 130, 6. Be þám his beháte sette hé fæstnunga mid gewrite tó ðæs abbodes naman and ðǽra hálgena þe heora bán on ðǽre stówe restað. Wríte hé ðá fæstnunga mid his ágenre handa, R. Ben. 100, 1-4. Ðá ðá Landfranc crafede fæstnunge his gehérgumnesse mid áðswerunge, þá forsóc hé and sǽde ꝥ hé hit náhte tó dónne when Lanfranc required that his profession of obedience should be confirmed by an oath, he refused and said that he was not obliged to do it, Chr. 1070 ; P. 204, 9. (7 a) a document that contains a confirmation :-- Se godspellere wæs fæstnung ǽgþer ge þǽre ealdan ǽ ge þǽre níwan, Bl. H. 163, 24. Ðerhwunadon wið tó ondword tít fæstnunga bærlíce æteáwdon perseverantia usque ad praesens tempus monumenta declarant, Mt. p. 7, 4. (8) a covenant, assurance :-- Ic sette mín wed tó him and tó his ofspringe on écere fæstnunge constituam pactum meum illi in foedus sempiternum et semini ejus post eum (Gen. 17, 19), Hml. Th. i. 92, 8. Þá sealdon hí heom fæstnunge betweónan, ꝥ hí ealle þis woldon healdan, Hml, S. 23, 211. (9) a strong place, a closed place (?). Cf. fæsten ; III :-- In byrgennum l fæstnungum monumentis (has munimentis been read ?), Mk. L. 5, 5. [O. H. Ger. festinunga affirmatio, confirmatio, assertio.] v. ge-, hand-, ymb-fæstnung. fæstnung