Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - folgoþ
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- folgoþ
- Dele bracket and first three passages, and add: I. with the idea of service, (1) to the king or state, service, office :-- Tó his folgaþe and tó his þénunge þá æþelestan cóman ad eius (Oswine) ministerium uiri nobilissimi concurrerent, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 256, 14. Hé (the centurion) forlét his folgos, Hml. S. 37, 192. (l a) the district in which office is held :-- Se biscop ámanige þá oferhýrnesse æt þám geréfan þe hit on his folgoðe sý, Ll. Th. i. 214, 3. Ǽnne castel on Herefordscíre on Swegenes eorles folgode, Chr. 1048; P. 174, l. Him (Godwine) wæs láð tó ámyrrene his ágenne folgað (comitatum suum), P. 175, - 13. (2) to a lord :-- Sélre him (the reeve) is ǽfre of folgoðe ðonne on, gyf hine magan wyldan ðá ðe hé scolde wealdan, Angl. ix. 260, 30. II. with the idea of independent rule, (1) authority, official dignity :-- Ðá ofersettan mon sceal suá manian ðæt se hiera folgoð hí ne oðhebbe (ne locus superior istos extollat), Past. 189. 17. Monige wilniað folgoðes and ealdordómes praedicaiionis officium nonnuli appetunt, Past. 47, 23. On ðý seofoðan geáre ðæs ðe óswald bisceop tó folgaðe féng, C. D. iii. 5, 17. Folgoðe, 21, 28. Hú hé on ðone folgoð becume ad culmen regiminis qualiter venial, Past. 23, 20. Ðá ðe . . . him mon swelcne folgað beódeð and hié him wiðsacað qui culmen regiminum si vocati suscipere renuunt, 41, 20. Ðonne hié underfóð ðone folgoð cum regiminum loca percipiunt, 289, 5. (2) the district over which authority is exercised :-- Heom gebirad tó bestandenne þá men þe hírað intó heora mynstre, and ne sceal nán faran on oðres folgoð, Ll. Th. ii. 386, 5.