
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-beódan

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/a N. Gospels fore-beáda :-- Forebeádas prohibens, Mt. p. 14, 16. Forebeád (for-. R. ) praecipiebat, Mk. L. 7, 36.

I. to forbid, (1) to order that something shall not be done :-- Forbodenne ágeáncyme interdictum (i. prohibitum) postlimiumm, An. Ox. 2720. Þá forbodenan gyfta uetitos hymeneos, 1780. (a) with acc. :-- Hé bodode geleúfan, and unriht forbeád, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 20. Ǽlc unriht geold he forbead, Chr. 1087 ; P. 223, 32. Heora bisceopas sǽdon þæt hié (the gods) ðæt gefeoht forbuden, Ors. 3, 10; P. 140, Hé cwæð ꝥ hé ne cóme nó þás bebodu tó brecanne ne tó forbeódanne (to order that these commands should not be obeyed), Ll. Th. i. 56, l. Ege wæs forboden ofer menn, ðá hé wæs áliéfed ofer niétenu terror esse super animalia praecipitur, profecto esse super homines prohibetur, Past. 109, 8. (a o) with dat. of person to whom it is forbidden :-- Ic him firene forbeád, Cri. 1486. Ic him þá þénunge forbeéd illum ab hujus praesumtione minisierii cessare praecepi, Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 580, 21. Se pépa hit him forboden hæfde, Chr. 1048 ; P. 172, 8. (b) with a clause, (a) affirmative :-- Ðæt ús on óðerre stówe forbiét ðæt wé hit beforan mannum dón, on óðerre lǽrð . . . Ðǽr ðǽr God ús forbeád ðæt wé úre ryhtwísnesse beforan monnum dyden, Past. 451, 2-6. Nis eów forboden ðætte ǽhta habban, Bl. H. 53, 27. (β) negative :-- Hé forbeád him ðæt hit ne scolde suá weorðan he forbade them to let it be so, Past. 213, 25. God forbeád þæt mon ná ðǽr eft ne timbrede, Ors. 6, 7. S. 262, 22. Hé forbeád þæt mon náne fæste bóc ne leornode (praecepit ne . . . ), 6, 31 ; 8. 286, 3: Chr. 1012; P. 142, 19. (c) combining (a) and (b β) :-- Forbeéd hit se bisceop ꝥ hí ne weópon, Nar. 32, 12. (d) with gerundial infin. :-- Godes ǽús forbiét diófulum tó offrianne, Past. 369, 3. Hé forbeád him ǽlc wedd tó syllanne, Ll. Lbmn. 214, 25. (2) to order that something shall be left alone :-- Hé forbeád þá heortas, swylce eác þá báras, Chr. 1086; P. 221, 9. Ánes treówes wæstm hé him forbeád, Wlfst. 9, 7. Hé breac forbodnes 154, 2. Hé onbirigde þæs forbodenan æpples, Hml. Th. ii. 220, 2: Ph. 404: Gú. 819. (2 a) of time, in which it is forbidden to do something :-- Gif frí man an þane forbodenan tíman wyrce, Ll. Th. i. 40, l. II. to restrain, check, prevent the action of :-- Ðeós wyrt forbýt yfele lácnunga, Lch. i. 102, 9. Heó þone þurst forbýt, 146, 15. Forbeád compescuit (rabiem), An. Ox. 2498. Ðá lufe mon mæg swíþe uneáþe, oððe ná, forbeódan, Bt. 35, 6; F. 170, ll. II a. to prevent action in the case of a person (dat.). (1) with acc. :-- Wénst þú þæt se anwald ne meahte Godes. . . him his yfeles gestióran? Eálá, gif hé wolde þæt hé meahte þæt unriht him forbiódan, Met. 9, 54. (2) with a negative clause :-- Godes swýðra forbeád Abrahame ꝥ hé his sunu ne ofslóge, Prud. l b. (3) uncertain construction :-- Forbude compesceret (foeminas a pretiosarum vestium appetitu), An. Ox. 5159. [O. Frs. for-biada: O. H. Ger. fer-biotan : Ger. ver-bieten : cf. Goth. faur-biudan: O. H. Ger. furi-biotan: Icel. fyrir-bjóða.]

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