Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-habban
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- for-habban
- part, -hæbbende; p. -hæfde, pl. -hæfdon; impert. -hafa, pl. -habbaþ; pp. -hæfed, -hæfd; tĕnēre, contĭnēre, cŏhĭbēre, prŏhĭbēre, abstĭnēre :-- Ne meahte wæfre mód forhabban in hreðre he might not retain his wavering courage in his heart, Beo. Th. 2306; B. 1151: 5211; B. 2609. He ðǽar sum fæc on forhæbbendum lífe lifede ălĭquandiu contĭnentissĭmam gessit vītam, Bd. 5, 11; S. 626, 16. Ðæt mynster óþ gyt to dæge Englisce menn ðǽr on ælþeódignysse hí forhabbaþ quod vĭdēlĭcet mŏnastērium usque hŏdie ab Anglis tĕnētur incŏlis, 4, 4; S. 571, 17. Forbeód oððe forhafa oððe bewere tungan ðíne fram yfle prŏhĭbe linguam tuam a mălo, Ps. Lamb. 33, 14. Hit forhæfed gewearþ ðætte hie sǽdon swefn cyninge it was denied them that they should say the dream to the king, Cd. 179; Th. 225, 1; Dan. 147. Hyra eágan wǽron forhæfde ŏcŭli illōrum tĕnēbantur. Lk. Bos. 24, 16. for-habban