
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-hwǽga

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Substitute: for-hwega (-hwæga); adv. Where position is only vaguely determined, somewhere:--Him geþúht ꝥ hí behýddon ꝥ heáfod on þám holte forhwega (-hwæga, ) it seemed to hiim that they hid the head in the wood somewhere, Hml. S. 32, 141. Syle mé ðínne wíngeard, and ic þé óðerne finde on fyrlene forhwega (hwǽrwega, v. l. glossed parum) give me thy vineyard, and I will find thee another a little further off, 18, 174. Hí álecgað hit ðonne forhwæga on ánre míle fram þǽm túne . . . Ðonne sceolon beón gesamnode ealle ðá menn . . . forhwæga on fíf mílum oððe on syx mílum fram þǽm feó, Ors. 1, 1; S. 20, 30-36. Cf. tó-hwega. for-hwæga

Palabras relacionadas: l.
