
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-hycgan

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Take here for-hicgan (where dele -higan), and add: p. -hogde, -hygde, -hygede; pp. -hogd (I. to despise, scorn a person or thing:--Hé hine ne forhyged (contemnit), Past. 407, 5. Nalle gié woenæ ꝥte ic forhycgende (-hyccende, R. accusaturus) sié, is sé ðe forhycað (accusat) iúih, Jn. L. 5, 45. Þá þe heora sáula forhycggaþ for feós lufan, Bl. H. 63, 8. Þú goda gield forhogdest, Jul. 146. Þú forhygdest ðá gewítendan sprevisti discedentes, Ps. L. 118, 118. Ne forhogde hé hí, Past. 405, 32: 421, 6: 441, 29: Jul. 620: Gú. 713. Forhygde, Bl. Gl. Forhygede, Ps. Spl. 52, 7. Hí his gebod forhogdon, Past. 405, 31. Forhygedon, Hml. Th. i. 300, 19. Ne forhyge þú non despicies, Ps. L. 50, 19. Ne forhycgað wísdóm, Bt. 16, 1; F. 50, 26. Þý lǽs hé forhycge heánspédigran, Crä. 26. Forhyggean (-hycgean, v. l.) ðone geférscipe ðára synfulra, Past. 103, 14. Forhycgan spernere, Ps. Th. 68, 34. Forhyccan, Dóm. L. 90. Scylda héht forhycganne vitia praecepit abscidenda, Mt. p. 18, 5. Tó forhygcanne contemnendum, Jn. p. 7, 12. I a. intrans. To feel or shew contempt:--Forhegeþ contempsit, Kent. Gl. 631. Ðá uetetlíce forhogdon illi autem neglexerunt, Mt. L. 22, 5. II. to disdain, scorn to do something. (1) with a case:--Ðás gerás tó wyrcanne and ðá ilco ne tó forhycganne (omittere), Lk. L. R. 11, 42: Mt. L. 23, 23. (2) with a clause:--Ne forhogde (-hogode, v. l.), hé ðæt bé hit eft gecierde, Past. 99, 10. Hé forhogde ðæt hé hit gehiérde audire contemsit, 295, 16. Ꝥ folc ne sceal forhycggan ꝥ hí tó him hí geeáþmédon, Bl. H. 47, 30. (3) with a case and a clause in apposition:--Ic þæt forhicge, þæt ic sweord bere, B. 435: Ph. 552. (4) with infin.:--Wíf forhycgeaþ (-hicgaþ, v. l.) heora bearn fédan mulieres filios nutrire contemnunt, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 80, 11, 19. (5) with dat. infin.:--Þá þe cyrican forlǽtaþ, and forhycggaþ þá Godes dreámas tó gehérenne, Bl. H. 41, 35. Góddǽda hý forhogdun tó dónne, Cri. 1288. [O. Sax. far-huggian: O. H. Ger. ferhuggen contemnere, spernere.] Cf. for-hogian. for-hycgan

Palabras relacionadas: for-hogd).
