
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-sp[r]ecan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

p. -sp[r]æc, pl. -sp[r]ǽcon; pp. -sp[r]ecen. I. to speak against, speak ill of, denounce :-- Forsprecað hí foran tó ðisum folce, þæt 'swá hraðe swá hí becumað tó ðyssere byrig, gehseftað hí,' Hml. Th. ii. 494, 10. [Fra steven of forspekand a voce obloquentis, Ps. 43, 17.] II. to misrepresent a case, state wrongly :-- Ne sý forspecen ne forswigod ... ꝥ wé þǽrtó lustlice fón do not let the fact be stated wrongly or passed over in silence, ... that we gladly accept it, Ll. Th. i. 238, 15. III. to lose that which is the subject of a suit :-- Cnut cyng lét ðæt land intó Crístes cyrcean ... tó ðám forewearde ðæt Eádsige hit hæbbe his lífes tíman ... and hé hit ne mæg náðer gifan ne syllan, ne forspecan ne forspillan (lose it by a suit at law or by forfeiture; cf. nec cogi debet rectum ejus forspeken nec forspillen (cf. perdere vel forisfacere placitum, 561, 24), Ll. Th. i. 562, 1) út of ðám hálgan minstre, C. D. vi. 190, 17. III. IV. to speak to no purpose, waste one's words, v. for-specan in Dict. [O. H. Ger. fer-sprehhan repudiare, abnuere, renuntiare.] for-sprecan

Palabras relacionadas: for-spillan;
