Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - for-stelan
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he -steleþ, -stelþ, -stylþ,
- for-stelan
- pl. -stelaþ; p. -stæl, pl. -stǽlon; pp. -stolen To steal with violence, rob, deprive; fūrāri, surrĭpĕre, prīvāre :-- Sécende forstelan sáwla quærens fūrāri anĭmas, Ps. Lamb. fol. 142, 8. Gif ceorl ceáp forstelþ [-stylþ MS. B; -steleþ MS. H.] if a churl steal property, L. In. 57; Th. i. 138, 15: L. Alf. 15; Th. i. 48, 5, MS. H. Gif hwá befæst his feoh to hyrdnysse and hit man forstylþ ðam, ðe hit underféhþ, gif man ðone þeóf finde, gilde be twífealdon si quis commendāvērit amīco pĕcūniam in custōdiam et ab eo, qui suscēpĕrat, furto ablāta fuĕrit, si invĕnītur fur, duplum reddet, Ex. 22, 7. Ðǽr þeófas hit delfaþ and forstelaþ ubi fūres effŏdiunt et fūrantur, Mt. Bos. 6, 19, 20. Ǽr he ætbræd me míne frumcennedan and nú óðre síþe forstæl míne bletsunga prīmogĕnĭta mea ante tŭlit et nunc sĕcundo surrĭpuit benedictiōnem meam, Gen. 27, 36. Secgeaþ, ðæt hys leorningcnihtas forstǽlon hyne dīcĭte, quia discĭpŭli fūrāti sunt eum, Mt. Bos. 28, 13. Gif frigman mannan forstele if a freeman steal a man, L. H. E. 5; Th. i. 28, 10: 7; Th. i. 30, 7: L. In. 46; Th. i. 130, 12. Gif hine man forstǽle if any one should steal him, L. Ath. Iacob ignōrābat, quod Rachel fūrāta esset idōla, Gen. 31, 32: Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 18; Gn. Ex. 190. Ferhþe forstolen deprived of life, Cd. 76; Th. 95, 15; Gen. 1579. Gif mon forstolenne ceáp beféhþ if a man attach stolen cattle, L. In. 47; Th. i. 132, 4: 75; Th. i. 150, 5. Be forstolenes ceápes forefonge of the rescuing of stolen property, 75; Th. i. 150, 4. Be forstolenum flǽsce of stolen flesh, 17; Th. i. 114, 1. for-stelan