Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fóran
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- fóran
- prep. ad foran, foro. I. prep. Before :-- Eádsige foran eallum folce hine lǽrde, Chr. 1043 ; P. 163, 20. II. adv. (1) alone, (a) marking position, in front :-- Hié fortendun þæt swíðre breóst foran, Ors. i. 10; S. 46, 12: Rü. 45, 2. Sé þe foran lǽdeð brídels he that in front guides the bridle, El. 1184. (b) in front of that which is defended :-- Hé hiene foran forstód he stood in front and defended him, Ors. 4, 8; S. 186, 25. (c) in front of that which is i obstructed or interfered with :-- Hí þá men ofslógon þe hié foran forrídan , mehton bútan geweorce they slew the men whose retreat they could cutoff. Chr. 894; P. 88, 10. Hié forfóron him þone múðan foran they blockaded the mouth of the river for them, 897; P. 90, 24. On þǽm wintregum tídum wyrþ se múþa fordrifen foran from þǽm windum, Ors. l, I ; S. 12, 34. Gemétton wé ús ǽghwanon storm foran onsettende inuenimus nos undigueuersum tempestate praeclusos, Bd. 5, l; Sch. 552, 10. Þá ungesǽligan menn ne magon gebídon hwonne hé (death) him tó cume, ac forsceótaþ hine foran (they rush in his way). Bt. 39, l ; F. 212, 3. Leahtras mid gedwolmiste fortíð mód foran, Met. 22, 34.(d) in front, before all, in a conspicuous place (?) :-- Þæt treów sceolde foran áfeallan the tree should fall where all might see (?), Dan. 557.(e) in the front rank(?) :-- Þæt wæs án foran ealdgestreóna, B. 1458. (2) with prepositions, (a) on. (a) with dat. :-- Wrít þám horse on þám heúfde foran Crístes mǽl Lch. ii. 290, 24. (/3) with acc. :-- Hé wearp his tungan on ðæt neb foran lingnam in os tyranni abjecit, Bt. 16, 2 ; F. 52, 25. Gif men synd wænnas gewunod on ꝥ heáfod foran, Lch. iii. 46, 21. (b) ongeán opposite, over against, (a) as preposition with dat. :-- Hetware him foran ongeán linde bǽron, B. 2364. Gesæt Benedictus forn ongeán ðám Riggon, Hml. Th. ii. 168, 15 : Lch. iii. 248, 17 MS. S. Feówer æceras forn ágeán Eádferðes ealdlande, C. D. iii. 411, 27. (/3) with acc. (or uncertain) :-- Ic fare foran ongeán þá burh ego accedam ex adverso contra urbem, Jos. 8, 5. ÞUCERTAIN castel ꝥ foran ongén eów (contra vos) ys, Mt. 21, 2. Foran ongén (fora ongægn. L. ) Galiléam, Lk. 8, 26. Foran ongén wylle; of ðǽre wylle, C. D. vi. 129, 25. Foron ongeán stángedelf, 144, 9. Macian forn angén Mildryþe æker ǽnne hwerf, iv. 57, 37. (γ) as adverb :-- Foran ongeán eminus, cominus, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 239, 13. Cóm mycel windes blǽd foran ongeán, ꝥ seó strǽl wearð eft gecyrred the arrow was met by a great blast of wind and turned back. Bl. H. 199, 21. (c) tó. (a) foran tó.foran-tó (aa) as prep. Before. Take here foran-tó (l. foran tó) in Dict., and add :-- Foran tó his þrowunga and foran tó þon tócyme dómes dæges, Bl. H. 35, 7 : 27, 26. Foran tó þyssum ondweardan dæge, Bl. H. 131, ii. Foran tó ðǽre tíde, C. D. i. 293, 24: Chr. 918; P. 100, 3 : 1053; P. 182, 39. (aβ) as adv. Beforehand, before :-- Him se reogol-weord gebeóde foran tó hwonne sió tíd sié, C. D. i. 293, 28. Wé sec-gaþ eác foran tó ꝥ seó bóc is swíþe deóp, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 29. For-sprecað hí foran tó denounce them beforehand, Hml. Th. ii. 494, 10. Þá þe foran tó unriht wyrceð, oþþe on þám dæge him hláf baceþ, Wlfst. 212, 26. His gebídan ne magon burgsittende, ungesǽlige men hine (death) ǽr willað foran tó sciótan (will anticipate death), Met. 27, 19. tó . . . foran before, to the presence of :-- Þá þrý cómon tó þeódne foran. Dan. 93 : 434. (d) wiþ. with acc. Before, in front of :-- Hí beóð wið þæt mód foran mistes dwoleman, Met. 5, 43. Hwý hí ne scínen beforan ðǽre sunnan, swá hí dóð wið ðone mónan foran (cf. beforan þám mónan. Bt. 39, 3 ; F. 214, 30), 28, 47: 20, 265. Wið þone segn foran þengel rád, Exod. 172. [v. N. E. D. forne. O. Sax. foran.] v. æt-, be-(bi-), on-, tó-, wiþ-foran ; forane, foran