Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fore-sceáwian
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- fore-sceáwian
- Add: (1) to observe beforehand, consider the future:--Se man gewilnað þæt hé hlísful sý, and nele foresceáwian þæt úre líchaman beóð áwende tó dúste, Hml. Th. ii. 220, 29. Þæs abbodes on hádunge ꝥ sí forasceáwod gesceád in abbatis ordinatione illa consideretur ratio, R. Ben. I. 106, 17. (2) to foresee, have knowledge of the future:--Wé sculon ús ondrǽdan ðone endenéxtan dæg, þone þe wé ne magon nǽfre foresceáwian, Hml. Th. ii. 574, 11. (2 a) of the Divine foreknowledge:--Þá se tíma cóm þe God foresceáwode, þá ásende hé his engel, Hml. Th. i. 24, 21. Hit wearð swá geworden swá God foresceáwode on ǽr, Chr. 1067; P. 201, 23. On foresceáwudum tídum, Lch. iii. 432, 13. (3) to provide for, take the steps necessary to secure something. (a) with acc.:--Paulus nolde ðá álýfdan bigleofan onfón, ac mid ágenre teolunge his and his geférena neóde foresceáwode, Hml. Th. i. 392, 23. God wile foresceáwian úre gesundfulnysse and sibbe mid ús, Hml. S. 13, 136. (b) with clause:--Se Hǽlend foresceáwode ꝥ hé sende þám cyninge the Saviour made provision for sending to the king, Hml. S. 24, 125. (4) to provide, give for use to a person (dat.):--Ic foresceáwode of his sunum mé gecorenne cyning providi in filiis ejus mihi regem (1 Sam. 16, 1), Hml. Th. ii. 64, 7. Críst him líf sealde and andlyfene foresceáwode, Hml. S. 11, 347: 5, 325. Swá swá úre Álýsend foresceáwode him þæt castel . . . swá se deófol þám forlorenum men (Antichrist) foresceáwað gelimplice stówe, Wlfst. 193, 26-194, 6. Symle sceal þæt lǽwede folc gewilnian . . . þæt God him góde láreówas foresceáwige, Hml. Th. ii. 530, 22. God mæg unc þurh ðisne earn ǽt foresceáwian, 138, 35: 462, 17. [N. E. D. foreshow.] v. un-foresceáwod. fore-sceawian