
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - forþ

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Add; (1) forwards, (a) from an upright position :-- Hé leát forð tó ðǽm men ðe hine sleán mynte, Bl. H. 223, 9. Forþ fællende procidens, Mt. R. 18, 26, 29. Forþ álotene cernui, Hy. S. 5, 29. Forð onloten tó his fótum provolutus ejus pedibus, Gr. D. 53, 23. Ásitte hé þonne úplang, hníge þonne forð, Lch. iii. 2, 13. (b) from a point of rest :-- Se engel hié lǽrde ðæt hié æt þǽre þriddan tíde hié forð trymedan ongeán heora feóndum, Bl. H. 201, 35. (2) denoting continuity of movement or direction, on :-- Þá on dæg hé mehte cuman tó ealra Rómána anwealde, þǽr hé forþ gefóre (if he had marched on) tó ðǽre byrg, Ors. 4, 9; S. 190, 11. Ða fór hé forð bí ðǽm scræfe, Past. 197, 13: Ors. 1, 1; S. 17, 22. Férdan hié ealle forð be him, and heora nǽnig him tó cerran nolde, Bl. H. 213, 34. Of þǽm ǽwielme mon hǽt þæt wæter Nilus, and þonne forþ þonan west iernende heó tólíþ on twá, Ors. 1, 1; S. 12, 31. Forð be mearce tó Culesfelda; forð be gemǽre tó Stódleagg swá tó Ticnesfelda ... swá tó Tæppeleage; swá forð tó scipleáge ... ðæt forð be deópan delle, C. D. iii. 404, 23-28 (and often in charters). (2 a) forþ mid along with :-- Se fisc forswylcð þone angel forð mid þám ǽse, Hml. Th. i. 216, 13: ii. 320, 31. Þý lǽs wé sylfe losigon forð mid eów, Ll. Th. ii. 356, 23. Gif seó heord forwurð and hé sylf forð mid, 326, 23: Hml. Th. i. 68, 15: Chr. 1070; P. 206, 8. (2 b) of action continued to completion :-- Gif se hund losige, gá þeós bót hwæðere forð this fine must still be paid, Ll. Th. i. 78, 6. Hé ne mihte ná forð hérmid he could not carry out his plan, Cht. Th. 341, 4. Se híréd him forwyrnde þæs forð út mid ealle the convent refused him that out and out, 10. ¶ and swá forþ and so on :-- Ðá cwæð se Hǽlend, 'Dóð þæt þæt folc sitte,' and swá forð on swá wé eów ǽr rehton, Hml. Th. i. 184, 16. (3) forth, as in henceforth :-- Á fordh (forthe, forht) in dies crudesceret, Txts. 70, 529. Á forð, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 75. I. 6. (3 a) expressing continuity of action, on as in to go on doing :-- Petrus cnucode forð oð þæt hí hine inn léton Peter went on knocking till they let him in, Hml. Th. ii. 382, 23. Ðá stód seó fǽmne forð on hire gebede she went on with her prayers, Shrn. 103, 7. Drince hé forþ þone drenc feówertýne niht, Lch. 118, 22. Gif hine forð nelle forstandan sé þe him ǽr ceáp fore sealde, Ll. Th. i. 142, 6. Suelce hé wel libban wolde, gif hé forð móste if he might continue to live, Past. 251, 15. Þæt godspel cwyð forð gyt the gospel goes on further to say, Hml. Th. i. 396, 34: Wlfst. 222, 33. Hé sæt ðá ðǽr swá forð, Hml. S. 27, 44: Guth. 26, 14. Diácon forþ folige (prosequatur), Angl. xiii. 416, 728. (4) marking position in place or time, at an advanced point, at a later part of a book :-- Þá gestód hé æt ánum éhðyrle oð forð nihtes (until far on in the night), Hml. Th. ii. 184, 27. Be þám wé eft forð (hér æfter, v. l.) on þysse béc secgean willaþ de quibus in sequentibus suo tempore dicendum est, Bd. 3, 18; Sch. 275, 19. (5) forth, out, so as to be seen or known :-- Of sweoran forð hlifað (promineat) seó reádnes ðæs swyles, Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 450, 10. Swát sprong forð under fexe, B. 2967. Se wuldorcyning cwóm forþ of þǽm innoþe þǽre fǽmnan, Bl. H. 9, 33. Beóþ þeóstra forþ gewordene ofer ealle world, 93, 18. Hwylc handleán wé him forþ tó berenne habban, 91, 13: 53, 12. Hé hine lǽdde forþ tó þon cafortúne, 219, 20. Forþ reccean and secggean, 83, 8. (5 a) expressing accomplishment :-- Gif mon wíf gebycgge, and sió gyft forð ne cume, Ll. Th. i. 122, 5. Gif Englisc onstál gá forð (take place), 130, 15. (6) forth, away from a place, out :-- Se here fór forþ (marched out of its winter quarters), Chr. 887; P. 80, 29. Faran ealle forð, ðǽr him God wísige ꝥ hí tó cuman móton, Ll. Th. i. 258, 8. Se Hǽlend férde þǽr forþ, Bl. H. 19, 17. (6 a) of death or decay :-- Gif ceorl and his wíf bearn hæbben gemǽne and fére se ceorl forð (and the husband die), Ll. Th. i. 126, 4. Þá wuduwyrta forþ gewítaþ for þæs sumores hǽton Bl. H. 59, 3. (6 b) of the course of the seasons :-- Þá tída ǽgþer ge forþfaraþ, ge eft cumaþ, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 8. (7) expressing extent or degree, to (such) a degree :-- Swá forð hý wǽron forworhte, Wlfst. 14, 8: 110, 11: Ll. Th. ii. 424, 17. God swá forð geherian swá hé wyrðe is, Btwk. 194, 15. Hæfð hé his sceoppendes onlícnesse swá forþ swá swá ǽnegu gesceaft fyrmest mæg hiere sceppendes onlícnesse habban, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 27. ꝥ his grið stande swá forð swá hit fyrmest stód on his yldrena dagum, Ll. Th. i. 292, 3. Swá ful and swá forð swá hé hit mé tó handa lét, C. D. iv. 58, 25: 172, 1. Hig sceoldan habban Sandwíc swá full and swá forð swá hig hit ǽfre hæfdon on ǽnies kinges dæge ... on eallon þám þingan þe hit ǽfre ænig king fyrmest hæfde, 57, 24. Anweald habban swá forþ ꝥ hé ná máran ne þorfte, Bt. 33, 1; F. 120, 33. On wísum scrifte bið swíðe forð gelang forsyngodes mannes nýdhelp, Ll. Th. ii. 278, 2: 280, 12. Swiðe forð hí wǽron gehrorene, Gr. D. 134, 11. Man oft herede þæt man scolde hyrwan, and tó forð hyrwde þæt man scolde herigan, Wlfst. 168, 12. Tó forð þeós þeód is bedǽled rǽdes and rihtes, 243, 5. Hé ðá lufan tó dæs forð wið heó gecýdde ꝥ ..., Hml. A. 152, 30. Sé þe hine sylfne þus forð forscyldigað, Ll. Th. ii. 280, 28. See also the verbs given with forþ as prefix in Dict., and forþmest. forþ

Palabras relacionadas: heonan, þanan,
