Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - freónd
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- freónd
- Add: dat. friénd, frínd, frýnd, freónde. (1) where mutual affection is felt or professed :-- Eálá þú freónd and mín mǽg (cf. his néhmága sum and his worldfreónda hine lufode, 9), Bl. H. 113, 22. Ðá getreówan freónd (friénd, ), ic secge, seó þæt deórweorþeste ðyng þissa woruldgesǽlþa ... ǽlces óþres þinges mon wilnað ... tó sumum woruldluste bútan ðæs getreówan freóndes, Bt. 24, 3; F. 82, 34. Ðú eart on borg begán ðínum friénd, Past. 193, 18. Tó his friénd (frínd, v.l.), 325, 1. Friénd (frynd, freónd, v.ll.), Ll. Th. i. 50, 29. Frýnd, Hml. Th. i. 248, 4, 13: Th. Ap. 16, 13. Hwæt forstód seó mengu þára freónda ... þá friénd cumaþ mid ðám welan, Bt. 29, 2; F. 106, 8. His freónd him ætfeallað, oððe his feoh him ætbyrst. Wlfst. 142, 6. Ǽghwylcum men biþ leófre swá hé hæbbe holdra freónda má. Bl. H. 123, 1. Seó lícetung heora fieónda, 99, 33. Hé gegæderaþ frínd and geféran, Bt. 21; F. 74, 38. Friénd, 84, 1. (2) used to a stranger as a mark of goodwill or kindly condescension :-- Eálá þú freónd, ne dó ic þé nǽnne teónan, Mt. 20, 13: 22, 12. Freónda gehwilc mid rihtan getrýwðan óðerne lufige, Ll. Th. i. 350, 13. Wé willað biddan freónda gehwylcne ... ꝥ hí ǽnne God lufian, 316, 17. Word and weorc freónda gehwylc fadige mid rihte, 322, 10: 372, 1. (3) a relative, kinsman :-- Mǽg l freónd amicus, Mt. L. 11, 19: Jn. L. 11. 11. Áríseþ suna wið freóndum insurgent filii in parentes, Mt. R. 10, 21. Frióndum and mégum cognatis et amicis, Lk. L. R. 21, 16. Betuih freóndo (-e, R., mágas, W.S.) and cúðo inter cognatos et adnotos, 2, 44. (3 a) where the duties or benefits consequent upon kinship are referred to :-- Gif man mǽdan weddian wille, and hit swá hire and freóndan gelícige ... áborgian his frýnd ꝥ, Ll. Th. i. 254, 2-7: 10: 256, 2. Fón þá néhstan frýnd (frínd, v.l.) tó þám lande, 416, 10. Licge hé ágylde eallnm his freóndum, 312, 12. (4) a lover :-- Juliana, þú wiðsæcest þínum brýdguman ... hé is tó freónde gód. Jul. 102. Sceal fémne hire freónd gesécean, Gn. C. 44. (5) one who wishes well to another, favours, supports, helps :-- Gif þú hine forlǽtst ne eart ðú ðæs cáseres freónd (friónd. L.), Jn. 19, 12. Ne þearf hé þǽr nǽfre wénan þæs freóndes þe hine of þæs deófles gewealdum álésan mæge. Bl. H. 63, 2. Þone hé tealde him tó frýnd þe him sume hefigtýmnysse on belǽdde. Hml. Th. ii. 546, 18. Dryhten, sint geweorðode mid mé ðíne friénd, Past. 85, 24. Gefáh wið þone cyning and wid ealle his frýnd, Ll. Th. i. 248, 13. Wid ealle his freónd, 210, 11. ¶ Godes freónd an upholder of religion, a pious person, a true Christian :-- Éhte his íélc þára þe Godes freónd sí, Ll. Th. i. 340, 9: 358, 24. Hé wæs swýðe Godes freónd, Chr. 654; P. 29, 14. Feówer þing synt behéfost þám árwyrðan men, þám Godes frýnd þám þe þencð tó þám écan lífe, Wlfst. 247, 12. Gé þe Godes frýnd synd, Bl. 191, 36. Sculan Godes freónd ǽlc unriht álecgan, Ll. Th. ii. 312, 30. Eallum Godes freóndum gebireð ꝥ hí Godes cirican lufian, 240, 4. (5 a) in the laws, one who undertakes responsibility on behalf of another :-- Niman hine on borh þá þe hine ǽr hláforde befæston ... oþþe óðere frýnd gif hé hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 162, 18. Bið se deáda besmiten búton hé frínd hæbbe þe hine mid rihte clǽnsnian ... Gif hé þǽra freónda hæfd þe ꝥ dón durron, 290, 12-15. Selle hé his wǽpn his freóndum tó gehealdanne, 60, 8. His mǽgum and his frióndum, 90, 9. (5 b) of things, anything helpful :-- Mé gelyste þǽre deóglan stówe þe ic ǽr on wæs in mynstre, seó is þǽre gnornunge freónd secretum locum petii amicum moeroris, Gr. D. 3, 13. (6) one who is on good terms with another, not at variance :-- Áworden woeron frióndas Heródes and Pílatus, Lk. L. R. 23, 12. (6 a) one who is on the same side or of the same party as another, an associate :-- Ne sé wé freóndas (socii, geféran, W.S.) hiora in blód ðára wítgana, Mt. L. 23, 30. Oft ic (a sword) óðrum scód frécne æt his freónde, Rä. 21, 16. ¶ in contrast with feónd :-- Of þǽm feóndscipe þe ús ǽr betweónum wæs, ꝥ hé seoððan wæs mé freónd factus amicus ex hoste, Nar. 19, 21. Feónd on freóndes anlícnesse. Bt. 29, 2; F. 106, 15. Freónde ne feónde, Met. 25, 16. Mid ðís andweardan welan mon wyrcþ oftor feónd ðonne freónd. Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 4. Tócnáwan þíne frínd (frénd, v.l.) and þíne fýnd (fiénd, v.l.), 20; F. 72, 20. Ne friénd ne fiénd, 37, 1; F. 186, 7. v. neáh-, níd-, wíf-freónd; ge-frínd. freond