
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fricgan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

fricgean, fricggan;

part. fricgende; ic fricge, ðú frigest, frigst, frihst, he frigeþ, frigþ, frihþ, pl. fricgaþ; p. ic, he fræg, ðú frǽge, pl. frǽgon; impert. frige; subj. pres. fricge, pl. fricgen; pp. ge-frigen, -fregen, -frægen To ask, inquire, question, find out, seek after, learn, gel information of; interrŏgāre, sciscĭtāri, pĕtĕre, fando accĭpĕre, compĕrīre :-- Wilt ðú fricgan felageongne ymb forþgesceaft wilt thou ask one who has travelled much about the creation? Exon. 92 b; Th. 346, 23; Sch. 3. Sceal bearna gehwylc leánes fricgan, ealles ðæs ðe we on eorþan ǽr geworhton [MS. geweorhtan], gódes oððe yfles every child shall seek the reward of all that we ere did on earth, of good or evil, Exon. 116 b; Th. 447, 18; Dóm. 41. Higelác ongan sínne geseldan fricgean Higelac began to question his guest, Beo. Th. 3974; B. 1985: Cd. 139; Th. 174, 33; Gen. 2887. Ðæs fricggan ongan folces aldor the prince of the people began to inquire about it, Elen. Kmbl. 313; El. 157: 1116; El. 560. Gomela Scylding, fela fricgende, feorran rehte the aged Scylding, learning much, related [things] from [times] remote, Beo. Th. 4218; B. 2106: Exon. 92 b; Th. 347, 17; Sch. 14. Fricge ic ðé, hwæðres biþ hira folgoþ betra I ask thee, of which of them is the condition better? Salm. Kmbl. 739; Sal. 369. Hí fricgaþ, hú . . . they ask, how . . . , Exon. 9 a; Th. 6, 30; Crl. 92. Frige mee fródum wordum question me in prudent words, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 8; Gn. Ex. 1. Frige hwæt ic hátte find out what I am called. Exon. 1043; Th. 396, 6; Rä. 15, 19: 105 a; Th. 398, 20; Rä. 17, 10: 107 a; Th. 409, 9; Rä. 27, 26: 107 b; Th. 410, 13; Rä. 28, 15. Ðonne ðé leódweras fricgen when the men of the country ask thee, Cd. 89; Th. 110, 6; Gen. 1834. DER. ge-fricgan, un-fricgende.

Palabras relacionadas: frignan. fricgan
