Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - fyllan
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
ic fylle, ðú fyllest, fylst, he fylleþ, fylþ,
- pl. fyllaþ; p. fylde, fyllde, pl. fyldon; impert. fyl, pl. fyllaþ; pp. fylled, fyld; FILL, replenish, satisfy, cram, stuff, finish, complete, fulfil; implēre, replēre, sătŭrāre, farcīre, supplēre, complēre :-- Ðæt sceolon fylian firengeorne men sinful men shall fill that, Exon. 31 b; Th. 98, 11; Cri. 1606: 124 b; Th. 479, 16; Rä. 62, 8. Ðæt he fyrngewyrht fylian sceolde that he should finish his former deeds, 47 a; Th. 160, 16; Gú. 944. Ic crammige oððe fylle farcio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 2; Som. 34, 36. Ic fylle suppleo, 26, 1; Som. 28, 29. Ðú fyllest [fylst Spl.] ealra wihta gehwam bletsunga tu imples omne anĭmal bĕnĕdictiōne, Ps. Th. 144, 17. He heáhgetimbro fylleþ fyres egsan he shall fill the high structures with fire's horror, Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 25; Cri. 975. Se ðe fylþ on gódum gewilnunge ðíne qui replet in bŏnis desīdĕrium tuum, Ps. Spl. 102. 5. Hí fyllaþ mid feore foldan gesceafte they shall fill earth's creation with their spirit, Exon. 22 a; Th. 59, 15; Cri. 953: Ps. Th. 64, 5. He fylde hig sătŭrāvit eos, Ps. Spl. 104, 38. He wuldres fylde beorhtne boldwélan he filled the bright dwelling of wealth with glory, Andr. Kmbl. 1046; An. 523: Hy. 10, 19; Hy. Grn. ii. 293, 19. Moises spræc ðás word befóran Israéla folce and hig fyllde óþ ende lŏcūtus est Moyses audiente ūnĭverso cœtu Israel verba carmĭnis hūjus et ad fīnem usque complēvit, Deut. 31, 30. Hig fyldon twelf wylian fulle implēvērunt duodĕcim cophĭnos, Jn. Bos. 6, 13. Fyl nú ða frumspræce fulíl now the saying of old! Exon. 53 b; Th. 188, 7; Az. 42: Cd. 190; Th. 236, 24; Dan. 326. Tudre fyllaþ eorþan ælgréne fill the all-green earth with progeny, 10; Th. 13, 2; Gen. 196: 75; Th. 92, 24; Gen. 1533. Beóþ ðíne feldas fylde mid wæstmum campi tui replēbuntur ūbertāte, Ps. Th. 64, 12. Ðonne heofon and hel hæleða bearnum fylde weorþeþ when heaven and hell shall be filled with the sons of men, Exon. 31 a; Th. 97, 20; Cri. 1593. [Wyc. fill, fille: Piers P. fillen: Chauc. filled, pp; Laym. fulle, iuullen: Orm. filleun:. Plat. vullen: O. Sax. fullian: Frs. folljen: O. Frs. fullia, folla, fella: Dut. vullen: Ger. füllen: M. H. Ger. vüllen: O. H. Ger. fulljan: Goth. fullyan: Dan. fylde: Swed. fylla: Icel. fylla.] DER. a-fyllan, be-, ge-, ongeán-, samod-: ǽ-fyllende. fyllan