
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - gaderian

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. to join, unite:-- Ðá hwíle þe sió sáwl and se líchoma gederode beóþ, Bt. 35, 1; F. 156, 4. I a. of matrimonial union. II. to bring together persons:--Gaderiað eów tó þá þe Godes ǽ lufiað, and wrecað eówer folc on ðám fúlum hǽðenum take unto you all those that observe the law, and avenge ye the wrong of your people (1 Macc. 2, 67), Hml. S. 25, 268. Hé ongan gadrian folc ofer eall his eorldóm, Chr. 1052; P. 175, 8. II a. used reflexively or intransitively:--Ǽr þám þe hé and þæt folc hý gaderade, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65, 29. Se cing cóm and men gadorodon ongeán, Chr. 1052; P. 176, 35. III. to bring together things, collect to one place, accumulate, amass:--Hí (worldly goods) him þincaþ deóre, for þám þú hí gaderast and heltst on þínum horde . . . þú gæderast máre þonne þú þurfe, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 3-8. Biþ hlíseádigra sé ðe hit selþ ðonne sé þe hit gaderaþ . . . ge eác þá welan beóþhlíseádigran þonne þonne hié mon selþ þonne hié beón þonne hié mon gadraþ andhealt, 13; F. 38, 11-15. Mid ðý ðe hé sceolde his gestreón tóweorpan, mid ðý hé hié gadrað, Past. 55, 11. Ðæt mód gæderað him selfum tó lofe eall ðæt gód . .. sibi arrogare incipit omne bonum, quod . . ., 463, 34. Þonne feor and neáh hé (the Phenix) þá swétestan somnað and gædrað wyrta and wudubléda tó þám eardstede colligit hinc succos et odores divite silva, Ph. 193. Hé him of hira ceasterwarena forðrycnesse gestreón gaderiað, Ll. Lbmn. 475, 27. III a. of produce, to bring for storing, garner:--Ðone hwǽtte geadrias in berernmín triticum congregate in horreum meum, Mt. L. 13, 30. Fela tilða hám gæderian, Angl. ix. 261, 17. III b. used absolutely:--Seó grundleáse swelgend hæfð swíþe manegu wéste holu on tó gadrianne (-enne, v. l.), Bt. 7, 4; F. 22, 33. IV. to gather fruit, crops, harvest, &c. (lit. and fig.):--Se eorþlica anweald nǽfre ne sǽwþ þá cræftas, ac lisþ and gadraþ unþeáwas, Bt. 27, 1; F. 94, 25. Þonne gé þone coccel gadriað (geadrias, L.) colligentes zizania, Mt. 13, 29. Hí gadriað (geadriges, L.) of his ríce ealle gedréfednesse, 41. Wé geadredon ðá colligimus ea, Mt. L. 13, 28. IV a. of the action of a net:--Gelíc ásendum nette on sǽ and of ǽlcum fisccynne gadrigendum (geadrigende, L., congreganti), Mt. 13, 47. V. to gather literary material, compile:--Of ðǽre béc þe Béda gesette and gaderode of manegra wísra láreówa bócum, Lch. iii. 232, 4. gaderian

Palabras relacionadas: gaderscipe:--Æt þám giftan mæssepreóst sceal mid Godes bletsunge heora gesomnunge gederian, Ll. Th. i. 256, 7.
