
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - galwalas

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:


nom. acc; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. [wealh foreign; cf. Bryt-walas] Gauls, Frenchmen, people of Gaul in a body, and as the name of a people is often used where according to later usage the name of their country would be found, the word may be translated Gaul, France; Galli, Gallia :-- Hér wæs Brihtwald gehálgod to ærcebiscope fram Godune Galwala biscop in this year [A. D. 693] Brihtwald was consecrated archbishop by Godun bishop of the Gauls, Chr. 693; Erl. 43, 17. He gewátinto Galwalum he went into Gaul, Chr. Erl. 5, 5, 14. Hér Ægelbryht of Galwalum [Galwealum, Th. 50, 2, col. 2, 3] onféng Wesseaxna bisceopdóme in this year [A. D. 650] Ægelbyrht of Gaul received the bishopric of the West Saxons, Chr. 650; Th. 50, 2, col. 1 : 660; Th. 54, 16. He fór in Galwalas he went into Gaul, 380; Erl. 11, 2.

Palabras relacionadas: Gallias. galwalas,gal-walas
