
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-cýþan

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Add: I. to make known by words, (1) to give information of, tell, give notice of, report :-- Ic þé gecýþe for þon þe manega tintrega hié þé on bringað. Bl. H. 237, 4. Mid þyssum wordum hé gecýþde ꝥ hé wolde beón swyltende, 75, 32. Þú gecýð ... ne mæg ofer þæt Ebréa þeód ... ríce healdan, El. 446. Giefe ... þe mé álýfed nis tó gecýðenne cwicra ǽngum, Gú. 1223, Þis wæs þám kyninge sóna tó Normandie gecýðed (-cýdd, ), Chr. 1076; P. 211, 20. Him wæs gecýðd ꝥ Wyllelm wolde hider, 1066; P. 197, 15. Higeláce wæs síð Beówulfes gecýðed, B. 1971: 2324. ¶ with complementary adjective :-- Se cyng wæs deád gekýd the king was reported dead, Chr. 1093; P. 227, 20. (1 a) of official notice, to report, (α) a matter :-- His scrift hit gecýðe þám biscope, hweðer hé tó þǽre bóte cirran wolde, Ll. Th. i. 212, 23. (β) an object, to give notice of the place or condition of an object :-- Gif þé becume óðres monnes giémeleás fioh on hand, gecýð (-cýðe, v.l.) hit him, Ll. Th. i. 54, 10. Gif hé wille his wǽpen sellan, hine mon gehealde, and hine his freóndum gecýðe (cf. hine his mǽgum gebodie, 8), 90, 16. (2) to bear witness, testify, v. ge-cýþedness :-- ꝥte [hé] gicýðeð him ut testetur illis, Lk. R. 16, 28. Is gecýðed testatur, Jn. p. 1, 7; p. 6, 19. (2 a) with complementary adj. :-- Sóð þæt gecýðed mænig (many a man will testify that it is true) ..., þæt þæt geweorðeð ..., An. 1437. (3) of a formal statement, to declare :-- Gecýþe seó gewitnysse ꝥ on Godes helde, ꝥ heó him on sóðre gewitnysse sý, Ll. Th. i. 388, 22. Gif mon þæs ofslægenan weres bidde, hé mót gecýðan ꝥ hé hine for þeóf ofslóge, ... Gif hé hit dierneð, Ll. Th. i. 116, 4. (3 a) of a statement by one in authority, to announce, proclaim, declare, (a) with acc. :-- God his miltse onwreáh, and his mǽgsibbe gecýðde, Bl. H. 107, 3. Gehát him þurh hálig word God self gecýðde, Gen. 1797. ¶ with complement :-- Þú eart cynebearn gecýðed cwycum and deádum. Hy. 7, 117: El. 816. (b) with clause: Ic Æðelstáne cyning eallum mínum geréfum ... gecýðe ... ꝥ ic wille ..., Ll. Th. i. 196, 35. Þú (God) mé gecýðdest þæt þú mundbora mínum wǽre. Hö. 74. Him (David) gecýðan Waldendes dóm, Ps. C. 18. 'Secgge ic (St. Michael) ...' Ðá ꝥ wæs þús gesprecen and gecýðed, Bl. H. 201, 10. Him Drihten ꝥ gecýþed hæfde, 225, 3: Dan. 113. (4) to make an object known, tell its character :-- Gecýþe ús þone weg. Bl. H. 233, 20. Hé (John) hine (Christ) ǽr monnum gecýþan and gesecgan teolode, ǽr þon þe hé sylfa lifde, 165, 31. (5) to describe, relate, give an account of :-- Ic þé mæg yfla gehwylces ór gecýðe oð ende forð, Jul. 353. Ðás circean þus æteówde ond gecýþde seó ilce bóc, Bl. H. 197, 25. Sé ðe bet cunne gecýðe his máre, Angl. ix. 265, 14. Nǽnig óðrum mæg wlite and wísan wordum gecýðan, Rä. 81, 7. Mid giddum gecýþan hú wundorlíce Drihten welt eallra gesceafta. Bt. 25; F. 88, 2. (6) to make known what is asked about, tell in answer to a question :-- Búton þú mé sóð gecýðe, El. 690. Þæt hí mé þinga gehwylc gecýðan þe ic him tó séce, 409. (6 a) with an indirect question :-- Gecýþe ús hwylce gemete þú cóme. Bl. H. 141, 20. ꝥ þú mé gecýðe hwæt þes þegn sý, Jul. 279. Þæt hé him on spellum gecýðde hú hé his wísna trúwade, Gú. 1133. Gecýðan hwá teóde eorðan, An. 79: El. 861. Ofost is sélest tó gecýðanne hwanan eówre cyme syndon, B. 257. Hwæt eów sélest ðynce tó gecýðanne, gif þeós cwén úsic frigneð, El. 533. (7) to confess :-- Ǽghwilc crísten man ... gewunige gelómlíce tó scrifte, and unforwandodlíce his synna gecýþe, Ll. Th. i. 310, 6. II. to make known by action, shew kindness, &c., display. (1) to perform an action :-- Hé feala tácna gecýðde, An. 711. Manigfeald wundor ... wǽron and gyt beóð æteówed and gecýðed, Bl. H. 209, 16. (1 a) with dat. of person seeing the action :-- Héimannum gecýþde on þás ondweardan tíd ealle þá þing þe ǽfre ǽr from wítgum gewítgode wǽron be his þrowunga and be his ǽriste, Bl. H. 83, 27- Hé wundra feala weorodum gecýðde, An. 564. Him gecýðde cyning ælmihtig wundor for weorodum. El. 866. (l b) with preposition marking the object affected by the action :-- Him Crist fore woruldlicra má wundra gecýðde, Gú. 374. Þancas secggan ealra his geofena, and ealra his miltsa and fremsumnessa, þe hé wiþ ús ǽfre gecýþde, 61. H. 115, 24. (2) to shew kindness, favour, display power, & c. :-- Drihten nolde his þá myclan miht gecýþan, Bl. H. 33, 18. (2 a) with dat. of person :-- Godes módor on þám hire mildheortnisse þǽre burhware gecýðde, Chr. 994; P. 129, 4. Hé wolde ús his miltse gecýþon, Bl. H. 39, 23. Gecýðan, An. 289. Þú mé hafast sybbe gecýðed, 358. (2 b) with preposition marking the object affected :-- Hé ealle eáþmódnesse and eal geþyld and ealle mildheortnisse wiþ mancynn gecýþde, Bl. H. 123, 31. Þú miltse on ús gecýð, Cri. 157. Þú miht þíne mihte gecýþan on þínre þeówan, Bl. H. 157, 3. Hié gecýðdon hwelce hláfordhyldo hí þóhton tó gecýþanne on hiora ealdhláfordes bearnum, Ors. 6, 37; S. 296, 4. (3) to make to know a feeling, cause a feeling :-- Gecýþ nú middangearde blisse (make the world to know joy), . ꝥ on þínum úpstige geblissian ealle þíne gecorenan, Bl. H. 87, 24. III. to shew, prove :-- Gecýðde probavit. Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 74. Gecýitde contestant, Lk. p. 2, 14. (1) to establish practically the truth of a. statement, (a) where the statement is contained in a preceding clause :-- Leóht hafað . . . Crístes gecyndo; hit þæt gecýðeð ful oft, Sal. 409. Þú eart milde . . . ; þæt þú gecýðdest, þá þú . . . , Hö. 79 : Hy. 9, 16. Hé tó gewinne on ꝥ mynster eóde ; and ꝥ sylfe mid dǽdum gecýðde (quod ipsunt facto monstrauit), Bd. 4, 3 ; Sch. 353, 20: Exod. 406. Wæs hé . . . monad, swá & ꝥ sóna æfter gecýþed wæs (ut mox patuit), Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 580, 4. (b) the statement a dependent clause following :-- Þonne gecýþe ic ꝥ ic wát ǽr hwæt hé þenceþ, Bl. H. 181, 10. Ic gecýþe ꝥ ic eom ðǽre stówe hyrde, 201, 7. Heó hire self gecýþ ꝥ heó nánwuht ne biþ, Bt. 20; F. 70, 24. Hié gecýdað on heora endunge ꝥ hié náwþer ne bióð, 16, 3; F. 56, 26. Mid þǽre bysene hé gecýþde ꝥ sóðfæste men habbaþ mid him þeófas, Bl. H. 75, 27 : An. 700. Búton ic openlíce gecýþe ꝥ ic God sý, Bl. H. 181, 36. Hé wolde mannum gecýþan ꝥ se áwyrgda gást æfestgaþ . . ., 29, 21. On þǽm wæs gecýþed þæt hé wæs on ánum háde twégra gecynda, 33, 32 : 35, 3: Bt. 14, 2 ; F. 44, 35 : An. 90. (b α) where the clause is in apposition to a noun or pronoun :-- Hió hit gecýþ self mid hire hwurfulnesse, þæt hió biþ swíþe wancol. Bt. 20; F. 70, 34. Hé þæt gecýðde, þæt hé cræft hæfde. Sae. 200. Sóð is gecýðed, . . . þæt þú wið waldend wǽre heólde, Exod. 419: B. 700. ¶ of legal procedure, to prove a point by performing the prescribed formalities :-- Gekýþe hé in wiófode . . . ꝥ hé ꝥ feoh undeornunga . . . gebohte . . . gif hé ꝥ ne mæge gecýþan mid rihtre canne . . . . Ll. Th. i. 34, 8-12. Gecýðe hé be wíte ꝥ hé ne gewita ne gestala nǽre, 118, 14: 132, 15. Mót hé gecýðan . . . ꝥ hé him nán óðer ne sealde búton ꝥ ilce, 150, 8. Ðet se biscop ond ðá hígen mósten mid áðe gecýðan ðet hit suá wǽre árǽden on Ǽðelbaldes dæge, C. D. i. 279, 7. (2) to prove the existence of something experimentally :-- On heora wandlunga hié gecýþdon heora fæstrǽdnesse, Bt. 7, 2 ; F. 16, 32. (3) to prove by argument, by speech :-- Æteáude l gecýðde in godspeli ꝥ wæs ðe ilca ungewæmmed manifestans in euangelio quod erat ipse incorruptibilis, Jn. p. l, 5. Nú þé is genóh openlíce gecýþed þætte nán þára góda þín nis. Bt. 14, 2 ; F. 42, 28. IV. to make known the position of an object, enable to find, shew :-- Sæge ús hwæðer ðú hér wite ǽnigne ælþeódigne þe hátte Placidas . . . gif ðú hine ús gecýþest, wé þé willað syllan méde. Hml. S. 30, 253. Þæt þé gecýðe cyning ælmihtig hord under hrúsan, El. 1091. ¶ used intrans. to appear. Cf. æt-íwan :-- Andrea, arís, and gecýð (St. Andrew had been invisible) him, þæt hié ongieton mín mægen on þé wesan Andrew, arise and shew (thyself) to them, that they may know my power is in thee, Bl. H. 241, 14. IV a. to make known the character of something , enable to understand :-- Nú mæg sóð hit sylf gecýþan, Bl. H. 187, 16. IV b. to reveal, disclose :-- Hié wilnodan ꝥ God gecýþde ꝥ mannum bemiðen wæs and bedígled, Bl. H. 199, 32. Þonne bið gecýðed hwá unclǽnnisse líf álifde, Dóm. 62. V. to make known, famous, to celebrate :-- Heó meotod sceolde cennan . . . swá hit gecýðed wearð geond middangeard, Men. 52. Þ UNCERTAIN wæs foremǽre man for Gode, and his gód wæs swíðe gecýðed. Bl. H. 217, 3. Æfter þǽre gecýþdan ǽriste, 133, 14. His hálines and wundor wǽron manigfealde gecýdde geond ðis égland, Chr. 641 ; P. 27, 25. v. un-gecýd. ge-cyðan,ge-cyþan

Palabras relacionadas: l.
