
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-endebyrdan(-ian)

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: (1) to assign its proper place to an object, place in order, place :-- Se Hǽlend geendebyrde þone unspédigan fiscere ætforan ðám rícan cásere, Hml. Th. i. 578, 9. Þeáh ðe hé endenéxt on Godes ríce sý geendebyrd, ii. 82, 2. Paulus is geendebyrd tó Petre, 522, 2. Seó bóc hátte Liber Ruth and heó is geendebyrd on úre bibliothécan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 6, 33: 10, 41: 11, 3. Wé beóð geendebyrde tó heora weredum æfter úrum geearnungum, Hml. Th. i. 344, 17. (2) to ordain, (α) with object a person, to appoint to a position, office :-- Ic eam geendebyrd ordinata sum, Kent. Gl. 259. Drihten wæs ǽr eallum worldum geteód and geendebyrd, Bl. H. 31, 22. Þurh þæs geendebyrdan prófostes misfadunge per ordinationem prepositi, R. Ben. 124, 4. (β) with object a thing :-- Ús nǽfre swylc ege ne wearþ ǽr tó helle geendebyrded. Bl. H. 85, 14. (3) to arrange the parts of a whole, put in order, dispose :-- Ic geendebyrde dispono, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 44. Augustinus geendebyrde ðás word þus Augustine put these words in this order, Hml. Th. ii. 362, 23. Þá capitulas æfter ðǽre foresprǽce geendebyrdian to put an index after the preface, 2, 19. Giendebredado ordinata, Rtl. 109, 25. (3 a) of orderly narrative, to set forth in order, narrate :-- Ðæt godspel geendebyrt þá eahta eádignyssa, Hml. Th. i. 548, 9. Wé willað áne feáwa cwydas on ðissere béc geendebyrdian, ii. 520, 6. Heora ðrowung is gehwǽr on Engliscum gereorde fullíce geendebyrd, i. 370, 24. Geendebyrded, Nar. 3, 16. Geendebyrdre digesto (libello), An. Ox. 5412. Geendebyrd digestum (libelli textum), 5489. Geendbyrde digesta, i. ordinata, composita, enarrata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 23: Hml. Th. i. 554, 9. ge-endebyrdan-ian