
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-forþian

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. to put forth, proffer, present, contribute :-- Hé ongan smeágan hwaet him sǽlost tó geforðienne of his cynelicum mádmum Gode tó lofe and him silfum tó écere þearfe, C. D. B. ii. 389, 13. [Cf. Forþe we him ure rihte bileue and luue for gersum proferamus ei de cordis nostri thesauro fidei sensum, O. E. Hml. 43, ll.] II. to forward, prosper, promote the well-being of :-- Hé hí geforðode on fægerum þeáwum, Hml. A. 94, 83. His engel geforðige ðé and þíne fare gewissige, Hml. S. 22, 29. Hú hé yrðe mæge fyrme geforðian, Angl. ix. 261, 5. III. to carry out, accomplish, perform :-- Se cniht þá brýdlác geforþode, Hml. S. 34, 21. Þ UNCERTAIN hé under him ðane hálgan regol geforþæde aefter mynsterlicum þeáwe that he might carry out the holy rule according to monastic custom, Cht. Th. 242, 5. Dauid hit hæfde gemynt ǽr tó dónne, ac hé ne geforðede hit ná, ac hit wearð þurh his sunu geforðad, Wlfst. 277, 26. Sé þe þis forsitte and hit geforðian nylle. Ll. Th. i. 284, 4: ii. 288, 22: Chr. 1097; P. 2-53, 24. 'Man ofsleá Amanes mágas.' Þis wearð geforþod, Hml. A. JOi, 312. On þone seofoðan dæg ðú gerestest. Þá wæs geforðad ðín fægere weorc, Btwk. 198, 8. ge-forþian