Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fyllan
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- ge-fyllan
- to fill with (gen. dat. (inst.) or with preps.). in Dict., and add: (1) to fill a place, vessel, &c.:--Ic gefelle repleam (thesauros eorum), Kent. Gl. 253. Mon þæt lámfæt leádes gefylde, Jul. 578. Bið eal þes ginna grund gléda gefylled, Dóm. 12. Oþ þæt se wída ceafl gefylled bið, Wal. 60. Gefellede innoþas impleta viscera, Hy. S. 96, 30. Þá leóhtfatu beóð simle mid ele gefylde, Bl. H. 127, 34. Tǽnelum gefyldum fiscillis refertis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 71: farsis, 37, 47. (1 a) fig.:--Wé sceolon úre heortan gefyllan mid þǽre swétnesse godcundra beboda, Bl. H. 37, 8. Beóð gefylde mid gefeán múðas úre, Ps. Th. 125, 2. (2) to provide abundantly, cf. (3). (a) the object a person, to fill with food (lit. or fig.):--Þú gefyldest mé Godes líchoman, gástes drynces, Seel. 144. Þæt hé þæs earman líchoman gefylle, Bl. H. 37, 29. Ꝥ wé gefyllon þæs þearfan wambe mid úrum gódum, 39, 29. Ðæt fremde ne sceolden beón gefyllede (gefylde, v. l.) úres mægenes, Past. 251, 1. (b) the object a place, to store, stock abundantly (lit. or fig.):--Eorðan þú gefyllest wæstmum terram inebriasti, Ps. Th. 64, 9. Gefylleþ Drihten eówer beren mid genihtsumnesse, Bl. H. 41, 11. Gefylled wearð eall þes middangeard monna bearnum, Gen. 1553. Eorðe and eall þæt heó mid gefyld is terra et plenitudo ejus, Ps. Th. 23, 1. Ðá ciricean stódon máðma and bóca gefyldæ (-a, v. l.), Past. 5, 10. (c) where a quality, attribute, &c. is produced in a high degree. (α) the object a person:--Ǽlces gódes þeáwas hé gefyllþ ðone ðe hine lufað, Bt. 27, 2; F. 98, 2. Hé wæs swíþe gefylled mid unþeáwum, Ors. 6, 3; S. 256, 23: Leás. 17. Gefylled full mid gyfe referta plena gratia, Hy. S. 112, 11. Heó gefylled wæs wísdómes gife, El. 1143. (β) the object a thing:--Hú manegra yfela ðá welan sint gefylde, Bt. 32, 1; F. 114, 6. (d) where a feeling is excited in a high degree, to fill with joy, &c. (α) the object a person:--Eom ic mid lufan Dryhtnes gefylled, Gú. 625. Ic eom gefylled mid broce and mid iermðum, Past. 253, 8. Wé syndon gefyllede mid ealre eáþmódnesse, Bl. H. 153, 31. (β) the object a place:--Se burgstede wæs blissum gefylled, Gú. 1291. (3) to occupy entirely. (a) a space (lit. or fig.):--Ǽlce stówe hé gefylþ, Bl. H. 19, 26. Gærstapan gefyllað (implebunt) þíne hús, Ex. 10, 6. Ꝥ hús wæs Háliges Gástes gefylled. Se swég gefylde ꝥ hús, se Hálga Gást gefylde þá apostolas, Bl. H. 133, 20-22. Únrótnyss gefylde eówre heortan, Jn. 16, 6. Cóm micel werod gásta and þis hús innan of mǽstan dǽle sittende gefylde (-fylldon, v. l.), Bd. 5, 13; Sch. 638, 19. Wǽron his eágan gefyllede mid teárum, Bl. H. 187, 36. (b) of time:--Þás twelf tácna synd swá bráde, ꝥ hí gefyllað twá tída mid hyra úpgange, Lch. iii. 246, 7. (4) to satisfy, (a) a (hungry, needy) person:--Hé þá hungrian mid gódum gefylleð (satiavit), Ps. Th. 106, 8: Bl. H. 5, 9. Þæt wé gefyllan swá mycele mænegu ut saturemus turbam tantam, Mt. 15, 33. Þás woruldsǽlþa ne magon ðone earman gefyllan, for þam þe hé simle wilnað hwæshwugu þæs þe hé næft, Bt. 11, 1; F. 34, 1. Bið gefyld sáwl mín, Cant. M. 9. (b) a thing:--Þú gefyllest fægrum blǽdum treów satiabuntur omnia ligna silvarum, Ps. Th. 103, 26. Of wæstmum weorca þínra eall eorðan cíð ufan bið gefylled (satiabitur), 12. (5) to fulfil, accomplish, complete, finish a work:--Saturnus gefylð his ryne oþ þrittig geára fyrste, Scrd. 18, 32, 33, 34. God gefylde on ðám seofoðan dæge his weorc, Hex. 20, 9. Sé ðe á þenceð þæt hé his lust on ðon gefylle qui implevit desiderium suum ex ipsis, Ps. Th. 126, 6. Sé ðe wile his gálnysse gefyllan swá oft swá hine lyst, Hml. Th. i. 148, 23. Ic wæs sended tó þǽm ꝥ ic sceolde gefyllan míne þrowunge, Bl. H. 155, 25. Gif hió bið gefelled (desiderium) si complebitur, Kent. Gl. 457. Gefylledum ryne consummato curriculo, An. Ox. 2146. (5 a) to fulfil a desire, promise, perform a duty, execute an order, judgement:--Gif wé gefyllað wunigendes þénunge si compleamus habitatoris officium, R. Ben. I. 5, 11. Hé gefylde his behát, Hml. Th. ii. 284, 16: Ps. Th. 110, 4. Hé Godes hǽse gefylde, Scrd. 23, 5. Hé eal ꝥ se a&r-tilde;b at him crafede eádmédlíce gefylde, Chr. 1070; P. 206, 18. Ǽr þan mé gefylle Wealdend willan mínne, El. 1084. Ðá ofergesettan óðerra monna giémenne gefyllen, Past. 191, 22. Þá ǽ gefyllan legem adimplere, Mt. 5, 17. Hwæþer wé mid weorcum his láre gefyllan willen, R. Ben. 4, 17. Hí férdon tó gefyllenne his beboda, Hml. S. 28, 58. Hæfde hé eall gefylled, swá him seó æðele bebeád, wífes willan, El. 1131. Gefylledre wilsumnesse deuotione completa, Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 25, 14. Ic þíne dómas wát gefylde, Ps. Th. 118, 164. (5 b) to fulfil what has been foretold or symbolized. v. ge-fylledness, (3):--Ealle þá þing þe ǽfre ǽr from wítgum gewítgode wǽron . . . eal hé ꝥ gefylde, Bl. H. 83, 30: An. Ox. 40, 13. Þæt seó wítegung wǽre gefylled, Hml. Th. i. 80, 3: Cri. 213. Ðá wæs gefylled ꝥ ǽr gecweden wæs, Bl. H. 69, 24. Hé hæfde gefylled swá ǽr biforan sungon wítgena word, Cri. 468. Gefyld, Chr. 607; P. 22, 5. Ealle þás dǽda and mǽrsunga þá tówearde wǽron gebýcnunga wé oncnáwaþ wesan gefyllede omnia haec facta et caelebrationes quae futura erant indicia cognoscimus esse completa, An. Ox. 40, 13. (5 c) to make complete, complete what has been imperfect, fill up:--Ðá ðe hira líf on firenluste geendigað, ne gefyllað hié gódra rím ac áwiergedra gǽsta, Past. 251, 7. His tíddæge rím wæs gefylled, Gen. 1166. (5 d) of time, to complete a period:--Þá wǽron gefylde dagas on ríme, An. 1697. Ðá ðá III winter gefylled wǽron æfter Pendan slege tribus annis post occisionem Pendan, Bd. 3, 24; Sch. 314, 15. [Goth. ga-fulljan: O. H. Ger. ge-fullen ex-, im-, re-plere.] v. un-gefylled. ge-fyllan