
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-helpan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: -- Gehelpan subuenire, An. Ox. 57, 4. Geholpene fotam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 46. I. to add one's own action or effort to that of another, further the action or purpose of :-- Gif God þē nū gehelpd, and þū hæfst sige. Hml. S. 7, 354. Gehelp dīnum māgum de dā mānfullan besittad, 25, 400. Cuoed hir ꝥte fultume l gehelpe (adiuuet) mec, Lk. L. 10, 40. Hiá bēcnadon dǣm foerum ꝥte gecuōm-on and gehulpo hiá, 5, 7. II. to relieve the wants or necessities of a person, to succour :-- Sceal se rīca dǣlan his byrdene wid þone dearfan, þonne hē . . . dām þearfan gehelpd. Hml. Th. i. 254, 33. Of-þryhtum hē gehealp, Hml. S. 30, 6. Forgif him fultum and heora gehelp, 440. Gihelp ūser adjuva nos, Mk. R. 9, 22. Hē bæd þone Ælmihtigan. ꝥ hē þām menn (with broken limbs) geheolpe, Hml. S. 21, 330. Gehulpe, Hex. 22, 17. Hié þǣr wurdon mid hungre ācwealde, þǣr heora þā ne gehulpe þā þǣr æt hām wǣron, Ors. 2, 6; S. 88, 5. Hē wolde tō helle gecuman tō gehelpen[n]e Adames, Hml. S. 24, 179. Þām eádmōdum gehelpende (consulens, i. succurrens), An. Ox, 4123. III. to benefit, do good to, be of use or service to. (1) the object a person :-- Ne de-long; nān scīncræft ne gehelppe tō;geánes disum Godes dōme, Ll. Lbmn. 415, 26. Hiē dāra diégelnesse bet trūwigen donne dǣre hū hié ōderra monna mǣst gehelpen. Se āncenneda Godes sunu wæs fērende dæt hē ūre gehulpe utilitati ceterorum secretum prae-ponit suum, quando ipse Summi Patris unigeniius, ut multis prodesset, egressus est. Past. 47, 1 - 4. Se lǣce, donne hē dǣm siócan ne trūwad, and wēnd dæt his gehelpan ne mæge, 391, 24, 26. Ðǣm mæg beón suīde rade geholpen from his lāreówe quibus citius a praedicante succur-ritur, 225, 22. (2) the object a disastrous thing, to lessen the evils of :-- Hū heora godas þurh heora blōtunge þæs monncwealmes gehulpon, Ors. 3; 3. S. 102, 16. IIIa. abs. or intrans. To be of use or service, avail :-- Megene ne gehelpaþ vires non suppetunt, Kent. Gl. 931. Ne ǣniht gehalp nec quicquam profecerat, Mk. L. R. 5, 36. ge-helpan