Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-lást
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- ge-lást
- Substitute: I. performance, act of performing:--Þæt hé ús þurh his gife gefultumige tó geláste his geboda, R. Ben. 5, 4. II. a performance, what is performed as an obligation, a vow. Cf. gelǽstan; II. 2:--Þé bið ágolden gelást tibi reddetur uotum, Ps. Rdr. 64, 2: Bl. Gl. Ic ágylde þé gelást míne reddam tibi uota mea, Ps. Rdr. 65, 13. III. fixed) contribution. Cf. ge-lǽstan">a due">what is paid as a due, a (fixed) contribution. Cf. ge-lǽstan, IV:--Ꝥ ǽlc gelást forðcume þára þe wé ealle gecweden habbað . . . be .xxx. pæ&n-tilde; oþþe be ánum hrýðere, Ll. Th. i. 232, 5. Wé cwǽdon ꝥ úre ǽlc scute .iiii. pæng . . . Wé tellan .x. menn tógædere, and se yldesta bewiste þá nigene tó ǽlcum geláste þára þe wé ealle gecwǽdon, 220, 15-23. [Cf. O. Sax. gi-lésti a deed.? ge-last