
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-laþung

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. a calling, summoning:--Seó godcunde gelaðung euocatio diuina, R. Ben. 23, 14. II. those who are called, a church; ecclesia. (1) the whole body of Christians on earth, the church:--Ealle Godes cyrcan synd tó ánre getealde, and seó is seó gelaðung þe wé embe sprecað . . . Nú syndon ealle Crístene men ánum naman gehátene, . . . seó hálige gelaðung þe gelýfð nú on God, Hml. A. 29, 115-123. Críst ús circean árǽrde, þe is his gelaðung, Ælfc. T. Grn. 8, 2. (2) a particular part of the general body, a church:--Ðæt Crístes gelaðung, ðe ðá git was níwe on Engla lande, nǽre bútan &a-tilde;rbiscope, Chr. 616; P. 22, 35. On þǽra gewitnysse þe þú (the bishop) wissian scealt on þissere gelaðunge, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 37. (3) the assembly of saints in heaven:--Hí ǽfre wuniað on ðǽre écan gelaðunge, Hml. A. 29, 120. ge-laþung,ge-laðung