Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-logian
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
l. -lógian,
- ge-logian
- and add: I. to put together, (1) to join :-- Gelógod and geféged compositus, Germ. 391, 188. (2) to collect, bring together :-- Þ UNCERTAIN eall middaneard, swylce under ánum sunnan leóman gelógod (gegaderod, wǽre beforan his eágan gelǽded, Gr. D. 171, ii. (3) to put together property, accumulate, lay up :-- Má willað hí hyra forspillan forgyfende þænne fremede gesettan gelógigende malunt se suum perdere largiendo quam aliena restituere conponendo, Scint. 158, 9. (4) to put together ingredients, season food (?) :-- Condio ic gelógige oððe sylte (condo ic gescyppe is ðǽre ðriddan), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 192, 12. II. to place in order, order, arrange, dispose, (1) the object material :-- Hí gelógodon ðá untruman be ðǽre strǽt þǽr Petrus forð eóde, Hml. Th. i. 316, 14. (a) the object non-material :-- Drihtnes ðrowunge wé willað eów secgan . . . ná swá ðeáh tó langsumlíce, gif wé hit swá gelógian magon, Hml. Th. ii. 240, 31. His líf wæs þus gelðgod; ðá þá hé twelf wintra wæs hé wæs betǽht Benedicte, and hé wunode mid him twéntig wintra, and on his ágenum mynstre em feówertig geára, Hml. S. 6, 357. (2 a) of language, to write in good style :-- Scemata sind mislíce híw and fægernyssa on Lédensprǽce, hú heó betst gelógod beó, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 295, 5. Sindon twá béc gesette on endebyrdnisse tó Salomones bócum, swilce hé hig gedihte; for þǽre gelícnisse his gelógodan sprǽce (on account of the likeness to his style). . ., Ælfc. T. Grn. 8, 42. III. to place, settle, fix an object (1) in the place it is to occupy, (a) the object a person, (α) of permanent occupation :-- God hine gelógode in paradýso, Wlfst. 153, 19. Hé gelógode on heofena ríce engla weredu, 306, 22: Hml. Th. i. 440, 24. Þam preóstum þe hé þǽr gelógode, Ælfc. T. Grn. 16, 38. On þá gerád ꝥ hé nǽfre eft Englisce ne Frencisce in tó þám lande (Scotland) ne gelógige, Chr. 1093; P. 225, 29. Þæt þæt mód blissige hit beón gelógod leóhte ut mens gaudeat se collocari lumine, Hy. S. 24, 3. God eów ne forlǽt, oð ꝥ gé gelógode beón, Hml. S. 6, 88. (β) of temporary occupation, reflex. to take up one's quarters :-- Þá gelógode Benedictus hine sylfne on sumes stýpeles úpflóra in turris superioribus se Benedictus collocavit, Gr. D. 170, 13. (ββ) of animals :-- Hwelpas leóna on heora cleofum beóþ gelógode (collocabuntur), Ps. L. 103, 22. (γ) where the purpose of placing is given :-- God gelógode cherubim tó gehealdenne þone weg þe líð tó lífes treówe, Angl. vii. 30, 285. (b) the object a thing :-- Ðá sǽ hé gelógode swá swá heó ligið git wiðinnan ðá eorðan, Hex. 10, 28. Binnan him (the firmament) is gelógod eall ðes middaneard, 8, 28. (2) in the position or condition in which it is to (a) where the object is personal :-- Hé mínne fæder gelógode on þǽm heáhfædera getele, Hml. S. 2, 421. Gefylde ǽr for hláfum hig gelógodon repleti prius pro panibus se locauerunt, Cant. An. 5. Þ UNCERTAIN hé gelógie (collocet) hine mid ealderum folces his, Ps. L. 112, 8. Gedafenað ꝥ hí heora heortan wyrtruman on ðám líflicum wylle, ðæt is God, gelógian, Hml. Th. ii. 402, 12. Seó geleáffulle gelaðung is gelógod on Críste, Hml. S. 15, 123. Hé understód on hwilcum gedeorfum þis mennisce líf is gelógod, Hml. Th. ii. 82, 34: 370, 23. (b) the object a thing :-- Rómáne þone bissextum gelógodon on Februario, Angl. viii. 306, 7. IV. to place an object for safe keeping, storage, carriage, & c. , put, bring, deposit. (1) a material object :-- Gif preóst on circan ungedafenlice þingc gelógige, Ll. Th. ii. . 294, 12. Hýfe gelógige gurgustio recondat (alimoniam), An. Ox. 308. Ne mæg nán wíf hire bóndan forbeódan ꝥ hé ne móte in tó his cotan gelógian ꝥ ꝥ hé wille, Ll. Th. i. 418, 24. Hí wendan on ánum scipe mid swá miclum gaersuman swá hí mihton þǽr on mǽst gelógian tó ǽlcum mannum, Chr. 1052 ; P. 176, 19. Gelógodne receptum, Germ. 400, 522. (l a) to place a body, bones, & c., in a coffin or tomb, bury in a church :-- Hædde his bin ferode tó Wintanceastre and mid wurðmynte gelógode binnan ealdan mynstre, Hml. S. 26, 142. Gebróhte se bisceop ealle þá bán on gelimplicum scrýnum, and gelógode hí úp on cyrcan, ii. 275. Men his líchaman binnon ðám temple wurðfullíce gelógodon, Hml. Th. i. 452, 28. His innoð tófleów, náteshwón gelógod on nánre byrgene, ii. 250, 26. His bán wurdon gebróhte tó Alexandria, and þǽr gelógode, i. 486, 16. (2) a non-material object :-- Hester . . . hæfð áne bóc . . . for þan þe Godes lof ys gelógod þǽr on, Ælfc. T. Grn. ii. 13. Se ðe hæfð ðá sóðan lufe, hé hylt ealle gewritu ðe sind gelógode on langsumum cwydum, Hml. Th. ii. 314, 16. V. to fill a place with occupants, to occupy, garrison a fortress :-- Wyrðe is seó stów ꝥ hí man gelógige mid clǽnum Godes þeówum, Hml. S. 32, 256. Godes ríce bið gelógod mid engla weredum and geðungenum mannum, Hml. Th. i. 344, II. Se stede ne worðe gelóged mid óðres hádes mannum þanne mid munecum, ht. Th. 348, 6. VI. to settle what is disturbed or disordered, (1) of material things :-- Nim mucgwyrte gebeátene and wið ele gemenged ; gelógode smyre mid, Lch. i. 380, 22. (2) of non-material things :-- Gesibsume sind ðá on him sylfum ðe ealle heora módes styrunga mid gesceáde gelógiað, Hml. Th. i. 552, 24. Ic þá myclan hearmas þe ús tó fundedon swá gelógod hæbbe, ꝥ wé ne þurfon þanon nénes hearmes ús ásittan, Cht. E. 230, 9. VII. to arrange a course of action, order one's conversation, regulate :-- Hé his líf gelógað mid wísdóme, Wlfst. 52, 24. Þ UNCERTAIN ðú gelógie þín líf on eádmódnysse, Hml. A. 10, 263. Þ UNCERTAIN úre líf beó swá gelógod ꝥ úre ende geendige on God, Hml. S. 16, 5. VIII. to dispose a person to act :-- Críst gelógode his apostolas and ealle his gecorenan, þæt hí férdon sylfwilles, Hml. Th. ii. 526, 13. v. ge-lógung. ge-logian