
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-mang

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Dele last two passages, and add: I. mixing, combining, coagulating :-- Gemang coagolatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 14: concretio, i. coagolatio, 136, 26: confectio, Hpt. Gl. 449, 61. Ðǽm láreówe is tó mengenne ðá líðnesse wið ðá réðnesse, and of þǽm gemange (-monnge, wyrce gemetgunge miscenda est lenitas cum severitate; faciendum quoddam ex utroque temperamentum, Past. 125, 14. II. a mixture :-- Oxumelli, eceddrinc, ecedes and huniges and wæteres gemang, Lch. ii. 284, 33. Man nime áne cuppan huniges and healfe cuppan spices, and mængc on gemang ꝥ hunig and ꝥ spic tógædere, iii. 76, 5. Ofer allo gimongo wyrtana l wyrteno gimonge super omnia aromata, Rtl. 3, 40. III. a mixing with people, intercourse, commerce (of sexual intercourse) :-- Flǽsclicum gemange carnali commercio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 73. Geségon uncre hláfordas ꝥ wit lufedan unc betweónan; þá hió unc bǽddan tó gemangum, Hml. A. 204, 309. IV.a collection of objects, throng, crowd (1) of persons :-- Berað linde forð in sceaðena gemong, Jud. 193. Hí herepað worhton þurh láðra gemong, 304. (l a) an assembly for business, a meeting :-- Hé wæs gód wer and ryhtwýs, and wæs nǽfre hys wylles þǽr man þone Hǽlend wrégdon onnánum gemange (cf. hic nan consenserat concilio (gisomnunge. R., somnung, L.) et actibus eorum, Lk. 23, 51), Nic. 6, 8. (2) of things :-- Þǽr þá wæterburnan swégdon and urnon onmiddan gehæge . . . eác þǽr wynwyrta weóxon and bleówon innon þám gemonge (among the streams) on ǽnlicum wonge (the passage seems to be based on: Inter fiorigeras fecundi cespitis herbas), Dóm. L. 6. ¶ on (in) gemange (following a dative) among (used still in poetry after the noun) :-- Wiht wæs nó werum on gemonge, Rá. 32, 4:11. Bið áweaxen wyrtum in gemonge fugel alitur mediis in odoribus ales, Ph. 265. Mágum in gemonge. Jul. 528. v. ág-, blód-, worms-, wyrt-gemang. ge-mang

Palabras relacionadas: l.)
