Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-réfa
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
ge-reáfa, groefa, an;
- m. A prefect, steward, fiscal officer of the shire or county, judge, reeve or sheriff, count; præpŏsĭtus, villĭcus, jūdex, præfectus, cŏmes :-- Fóreset vel geréfa præpŏsĭtus, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Som. 74, 37; Wrt. Voc. 50, 19. Cwæþ se geréfa ait villĭcus, Lk. Bos. 16, 3. Gif man biscopes esne tihte oððe cyninges, cænne hine on geréfan hand, oððe hine geréfa clénsie, oððe selle to swinganne if any one accuse a bishop's servant or that of the king, he shall clear himself before the judge, either the judge shall clear him or give him up to be scourged, L. Wih. 22; Th. i. 42, 4. Ðæs cynges geréfa the king's reeve, L. Eth. i. 4; Th. i. 282, 31: L. C. S. 33; Th. i, 396, 14. Gif hit se geréfa ne amanige mid rihte if the reeve do not lawfully exact it [the fine], L. Ed. 5; Th. i. 162, 12. Ðæt ǽlc geréfa náme ðæt wedd on his ágenre scire, ðæt hí ealle ðæt friþ healdan woldan that each reeve should take a pledge in his own shire, that they would all hold the peace, L. Ath. that every reeve may help another for the common peace of us all, v. § 8, 4; Th. i. 286, 27. Ðæs landrícan and ðæs biscopes geréfa the landlord's and the bishop's reeve, L. Eth. ix. 8; Th. i. 342, 16: L. C. E. 8; Th. i. 366, 7. Iosep, se æðela geréfa, of Arimathia Ioseph ab Arimathæa, nŏbĭlis decŭrio, Mk. Bos. 15. 43. Sum wæs ǽhtwelig æðeles cynnes, ríce geréfa there was a wealthy man of noble race, a powerful count, Exon. 66 a; Th. 243, 31; Jul. 19. Se geréfa hét Iulianan the count commanded Juliana, 73 b; Th. 274, 9; Jul. 530. Geréfa mín my steward, Cd. 100; Th. 131, 25; Gen. 2181. Ealdorman oððe geréfa cŏmes, Wrt. Voc. 72, 61. Geréfa consul, Ælfc. Gl. 6; Som. 56, 49; Wrt. Voc. 18, 4. Nán man ne hwyrfe nánes yrfes bútan ðæs geréfan gewitnesse let no man exchange any property without the witness of the reeve, L. Ath. i. 10; Th. i. 204, 17, 18. On ǽlces geréfan manunge in every reeve's district, iv. 1; Th. i. 222, 9. Iohanna, Chuzan wíf, Herodes geréfan Ioana, uxor Chusae, procurātōris Herōdis, Lk. Bos. 8, 3. He cwæþ to his geréfan præcēpit dispensātōris dŏmus suæ dīcens, Gen. 43, 16. Gecýðe cyninges geréfan let them declare it to the king's reeve, L. Alf. pol. 34; Th. i. 82, 17: 22; Th. i. 76, 5. Swá hie geþingian mǽgen wið cyning and his geréfan as they can agree with the king and his reeve, L. In. 73; Th. i. 148, 12. Gif man ðone geréfan teó if any accuse the reeve, L. C. S. 8; Th. i. 380,19. On Lindcolene ceastre geréfan pertingens ad præfectum Lindocolinæ civitatis, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 20: Shrn.120, 12: 123, 24. He sende his geréfan mīsit præfectum suum, 4, 1; S. 564, 42. Míne ealdormen and míne geréfan my aldermen and my reeves, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 194, 10. Ic wille, ðæt bisceop and ða geréfan hit beódan I will that the bishop and the reeves command it, i. prm; Th. i. 194, 10. Ic wille, ðæt míne geréfan gedón, ðæt man agife da ciricsceattas and sáwlsceattas I will that my reeves cause that a man shall give the church-scots and the soul-scots, i. prm; Th. i. 196, 8. Ic Æðelstán cyningc cýðe [MS. cýð] ðám geréfan to hwilcere birig I, Æthelstan king, make known to the reeves at each town, i. prm; Th. i. 194, 3. Eádwerd cyning být ðám geréfum eallum, ðæt ge déman swá rihte dómas swá ge rihtoste cunnon, and hit on ðære dómbéc stande King Edward commands all the reeves, that ye pass the most righteous sentences you can, and as it stands in the doom book, L. Ed. prm; Th. i. 158, 3: L. Eth. ix. 32; Th. i. 346, 29. Se sette geréfan geond eall ðæt ríce qui constĭtuat præpŏsĭtos per cunctas regiones, Gen. 41, 34. He hét sécan síne geréfan he commanded to seek his officers, Cd. 176; Th. 220, 31; Dan. 79. We ðǽr settan and geendebyrdedon úre geréfan ordinarios proprætoresque nostros proposuimus, Nar. 3, 25. From ðen groefæ a præside, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 28, 14: Mk. Skt. Lind. 15, 5: Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 1, 4. See Stubbs' Const. Hist. and Schmid A. S. Gesetz. s. v; Kemble's Saxons in England, ii. c. 5; Grm. R. A. 752-4. ge-refa